alright i am a pretty novice painter but i am very proud with what i did on my Slann. Tell me what u think, im open to criticism here is a link with four different angled looks at the slann¤t=IMAG0005.jpg
thank u, that was the effect i was going for. im painting his palanquin brown with light blue edges and purple vines to make it look like the vines aren't really natural plants but a dark magical plant.
the thing is my palanquin is missing the side with the skink on it, so i have to wait another week to get the piece from the local game store cuz that was the last slann they had in stock so im waiting for the next shipment. after that i will post some pics. and thank u for all the compliments.
alright as promised here comes the palanquin¤t=IMAG0023.jpg PS:the side with the skink on it still hasn't been replaced so im gonna add later on.