So, I finished most of this Slann model Tell me what you guys think about it ^^ Also, the base looks a bit empty, any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone!!!! I'm new in this site...yours Slann is wonderful...can i make a question? what colors did you use to paint the horns? Thanks
I would suggest some jungle swarm, or those snakes that come with the cold one riders. If you wanted to be adverturous venous fly traps that you get with warhammer catacan soilders. Other than that i like what you have done.
So, The belly and stuff was based with Kmehri Brown, then a layer of Bleached Bone. I then washed it with Devlan Mud. I then applied another layer of Bleached Bone. As the last layer I used a mix of Skull White and Bleach bone (+- 50/50) and kind of highlighted the higher regions of his belly. The skin was done with a layer of Lyanden Darksun, then washed with Devlan Mud and plenty of it. I then drybrushed Lyanden Darksun over it again. I did the horns with a bascoat of Khmeri Brown. Then I put ona layer of a mix of Khmeri Brown and Bleached Bone. I made sure some of the basecoat was visible. The next layer was the same as the other, but with some more Bleached Bone added. Make sure to keep the previous layer visible. I topped it off with a layer of pure Bleached Bone. Oh and dont forget to thin your paints. Thanks for the comments ^^ PS, i had the inspiration for the colors of the Slann from the Legion of Abraxas thread, made by Arsenal.
Woo-hoo! My posts have had some value to the board! I like the look alot, and I agree that dressing up the base a bit more could be nice, including tall grass, like he's hovering up out of a swamp or plains-land. Could be a unique look. Great work man!
on big bases i always cut a saurus banner top in half diagonaly paint it black then drybrush it gold before stiking it on the base it adds a cool ruined look Geko
Yeah I don't like them too. Not to mention the fact that they seem so fragile. I mean, one thin plastic rod holding that pretty heavy model. I wouldn't want it to fall I basically enveloped a different plastic rod with green stuff. Then put some grooves in it and added the plants. Im thinking of adding a hissing snake (which i would paint with a red hue, would fit with the Sotek fluff).
Not done yet, but I picked up some 3/16" acryllic rod from a local plastic store. Should be much sturdier than the standard rod, plus I cut it considerably longer. Going to use it for my Terradons as well, getting them 6-10" above the battlefield (I've always hated flying units that are mounted at head height). For the base, I stumbled across one of these in a game store while I was on vacation: Thought it would look pretty good under my Slann.