Any other Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes players out there?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, May 26, 2017.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yes I certainly have! It was about time that Jango appeared in the game, and I’m pleased that he’s such a good character too - better than Boba as well in several ways. I’m looking forward to powering him up to use with Bossk, IG-88, Greedo and Zam for a solid Bounty Hunter team, although currently I’m spending more time gearing and levelling up my Empire team at this point (Palpatine, Krennic, Tarkin, Shoretrooper and Death Trooper).
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    My current team I’m focusing on is my Imperial Trooper team (Veers, Starck, Magmatrooper, Stormtrooper and Snowtrooper). They seem absolutely nuts - I’ve completed almost all the Dark Side battles, Mods Battles and Cantina Battles with them - they also annihate far above their weight on Galactic War. I’d thoroughly recommend that squad for after you finish yours. One thing I am impressed by is your acquisition of Death Trooper and Shoretrooper - they’re hard to get hold of!
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’ve played against that squad several times in arena with my Rogue One team when other players have fielded them. As far as I can say that team is strong as long as Veers and Starck remain alive - it’s Starck’s buffs and Veers’ AoE that really make the team lethal and the first couple of times I play that squad I lost Jyn after I failed to dispel Starck’s buffs and Veers would then do his orbital bombardment. However I have learnt to deal with this squad with my Rogue One team by getting my priorities right - once Veers is down the team’s attack power goes down significantly, and when Starck dies I’ve all but won. Rogue One are probably the best counter to this team as Baze can use Unload to dispel all the buffs that Starck gives out and can use his other special to dispel Stormtrooper’s Taunt. Also it helps that Rogue One are specifically anti-Empire in their kit design. Nevertheless I can still say that that squad is strong and if I can’t take out Veers and Starck quick enough it’s often been game over for my brave Rogue One squad.

    Luckily my Rogue One team were able to 3-Star the Death Trooper node on Cantina Battles quite a while ago and were also able to 3-Star Light Side Hard 9-B with an allied Commander Luke Skywalker. I’ve also 3-starred Hard 9-C with the same team so that I’ve been able to farm Baze shards. Currently he and Jyn are the last two characters who need to be promoted to 7 stars - Cassian, K2 and Chirrut are already there. The only thing is that Death Trooper and Shoretrooper are taking quite a while to gather shards for as the yield of shards from farming is generally quite small, but I am pleased with how the team works. It seems the opposite to your team in that it can unleash a veritable storm of debuffs to render the enemy weaker and allow my characters to wreak havoc. Shoretrooper is a great tank - even at 3 stars he has a lot of health as I’ve got him to Gear Level 7 and his ability to heal and taunt is nice. Palps is just scary now that I’ve maxed several of his abilities, and Death Trooper is awesome in attack power, especially as he is able to prevent revives (cop that Nightsisters!)
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Anyway, what do you think of the most recent releases? I just knew that the devs would go back to releasing an OT character at some point (it was too much of a dream for them to continue releasing Clone Wars and Prequels characters), and I really couldn't care less about Revan because I've never played KoTOR - in fact the only reason I care about Bastilla and Jolee is because they make Jedi competitive again. I have been restructuring my Jedi team to have Bastilla, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Old Ben and Jolee to make a much stronger team, but it's pitiful to see how many Prequels Jedi have gone to pot. Barriss is decent because she has a lot of health and ignores healing immunity, Luminara is just terrible (she is an example of a character whose time really has passed - in healing she is eclipsed by Barriss and Jolee and in healing over time and attack damage she is eclipsed by Chirrut), Ima-Gun-Di, Plo and Mace are meh at best, Kit's only really good due to his counter chance and bonus attacks... it's really saddening.

    I think it's really stupid that they keep releasing these Old Republic toons, which only appear in a cult-favourite game that not all the Star Wars fanbase has played due to Steam's evil monopoly and operating systems going out of date, when so many of the Prequels characters (which practically everyone know) need to be improved (Grievous, Mace, e.t.c) and some haven't even been introduced yet (Ki-Adi-Mundi, Padme, Quinlan e.t.c.).

    Also I'm pretty annoyed that Revan gets a Hero's Journey before Obi-Wan or Anakin, who are both so much more significant not just in Star Wars but also among non-Star Wars fans (practically every man and his dog have some clue over who Obi-Wan and Anakin are, yet I imagine most casual viewers have never heard of Revan).
  5. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I’m also a bit annoyed at their choice of new characters- frankly I couldn’t care less about KoTOR. Chewbacca I guess they had to release at some point as we needed the proper version, and he’s persuaded me to start working on my Bounty Hunter squad, so I’d say that was justified. I honestly don’t see why we need a Revan’s heroes Journey. The problem with having an Anakin or Obi-Wan Heroes Journey is that the points in which the heroes journey would end up at (Jedi Knight/Master and Darth Vader/Old Ben) have already been released as normal characters. You wouldn’t really have an epic lead up to the Padawan versions. I definitely agree though with the lack of Prequel characters - it’s ridiculous Padme and Ki-Adi-Mundi aren’t in it yet (I’ve never cared much for Quinlan Vos). I also think some more Rebels characters are needed - while you may not be keen on the show, there are plenty of characters (especially villains) who would have plenty of fun and interesting abilities and are big enough that they definitely warrant including - definitely far more than this KoTOR nonsense. Despite all this though, I’m definitely still playing and looking forwards to what comes next
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Jokes aside, I am pleased that they've differentiated OT and Clone Wars Chewie at last because it was weird when they were from different eras but had the same kit.

    Only Obi-Wan from Clone Wars, i.e. General Kenobi, and Old Ben have been released. Obi-Wan from Episode III hasn't yet appeared yet he features on the main opening screen now (marked out by the fact he is wearing Jedi robes while Clone Wars General Kenobi wears Clone Armour). Certainly in the game I played prior to GoH, Star Wars: Galactic Defence, they released both Jedi Master Obi-Wan and, a lot later, Clone Wars General Kenobi as a separate character. Alternatively for Obi-Wan you could have Episode II Obi-Wan, i.e. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan as the Hero's Journey character.

    I've also thought that for Anakin you could have a Hero's Journey to unlock Dark Side Anakin (a little unorthodox but never mind - Star Wars Galactic Defence was a little unorthodox in that is had Dark Side Anakin and Darth Vader as playable characters but no Light Side Anakin, while Galaxy of Heroes got Anakin right at least). One thing about GoH that still annoys me is that Ahsoka has a Jedi starfighter yet Jedi Knight Anakin doesn't - seriously? Anakin is the best pilot in the galaxy, better even than Luke or Poe.

    Both these Hero's Journey events could then come alongside Padawan versions to be unlocked in perhaps Marquees or something else for use in the Hero's Journey. Certainly it would be great to see Padawan Obi-Wan team up with Qui-Gon - perhaps they could be given some synergy to represent their close bond.

    Agreed 110%. There's been too much Original Trilogy and Sequel Trilogy favouritism in this game.

    I disagree on any more Rebels heroes needing to be introduced - Phoenix squadron are already marketed too much for my liking - but certainly you could have Agent Kallus, the Grand Inquisitor (who was playable in Galactic Defence) and the lesser Inquisitors as Empire characters, along with Darth Maul resurrected.
  7. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    That’s what I mean. While I love the characters as characters, I find in the game you are so overloaded with Phoenix squads it’s incredibly wearying. Certainly I don’t think there should be any more characters with the Phoenix tag, although perhaps there might be room for Veteran Rex and some of the other lesser heroes. What’s definitely needed though is more of their villains. While granted Thrawn is arguably one of the best villains in Star Wars, Rebels has so many other interesting (at least in terms of gameplay and appearance) villains that it’s a waste, if not a disservice to leave them, much like with characters such as Padmé. And yes, Anakin definitely needs a starfighter, either his Jedi one or perhaps something like the Twilight. I also think Han Solo and the new OT Chewbacca needs the Millennium Falcon, perhaps as a “super heroes journey” ship.
  8. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I’ve had another idea for a potential update that factors in some of our agreed requirements - a new Territory Battle (or two) on Geonosis.

    It would allow for factoring in several of our ‘required’ characters, add something new to the territory battles and be a meaningful update. For how it would work, I think it would be easier to link them to what the current equivalents would be (This will likely be a work in progress, and as I come up with more ideas I’ll continue to post them)

    Geonosis Heroes - Light Side
    Commander Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight Obi-Wan
    Hoth Han Solo - Padawan Anakin
    Hoth Leia - Padmé Amidala
    Hoth Rebel Trooper - Clone Sergeant
    Hoth Rebel Scout - Clone Private

    Bonuses: Galactic Republic

    Geonosis Heroes - Dark Side:
    Darth Vader - Count Dooku
    General Veers - Poggle the Lesser
    Colonel Stark - Sun Fac
    Snowtrooper - Geonosian Soldier
    Probe Droid - Droideka

    Bonuses: Separatists

    I was thinking one possible ‘Platoon reward’, perhaps the equivalent of Orbital Bombardment, would be the ‘bubble turret lasers’ of the Republic Gunships.

    Be sure to let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for it!
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’ve just fought the Old Republic toons under Revan for the first time in Arena and I was expecting to get hammered, but I actually won pretty comfortably. Revan’s Mark Ability is scary - indeed they did kill Jyn in the first couple of minutes and then they kept going after Cassian and Chirrut - but the characters themselves are incredibly fragile. Killing Zaalbar and Mission was frightfully easy for my Rogue One team. Of course one main factor in this was that because they were operating under Revan lead they had none of the bonus protection given by Bastila lead. Bastila and Revan were both Exposed heavily and slain, which left Jolee on his own. I was a little worried about this as his That Looks Pretty Bad Ability would have been able to revive both Bastila and Revan if it had been maxed, but it evidently hadn’t as it just healed him a bit when it was used. That Saviour Ability did appear on him but it had no effect when I killed him, presumably because Revan was dead.

    I think Old Republic suffers greatly from being a mixed team of Jedi and Scoundrels, as Mission and Zaalbar don’t benefit much from Revan’s abilities at all compared to other Jedi who would benefit hugely, and also can’t be revived by Jolee, meaning that even if Jolee’s heal was maxed, an Old Republic team would only be able to cover 2 of its members with revives, which is pretty worrying in my view as I have found revives to quite literally be a life saver on battles against higher-level enemies. Also the only real damage dealer in the team is Mission - she has ridiculous levels of damage output for who she is, but luckily she is really squishy as well.

    All in all, Old Republic seems to be the very definition of a Glass Cannon team at the moment, and I’m considerably less afraid of Revan now than I was before as his damage output seems pretty mediocre.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You remember these profiles I made ages ago? Well, what with all these new team metas rising, I think it’s time they were updated and some new ones added! I’m updating them in the style they do on the GoH forum, with bold text being the new stuff given to each character I listed previously.

    Captain Tarpals (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Tank) - Heroic Gungan Tank who gets his revenge upon whoever kills him
    Basic: Determined thrust - Deals physical damage to target enemy with 30% chance to stun for 1 turn. On a critical Tarpals immediately dispels all debuffs on himself.
    Special 1: Challenge - Tarpals dispels all debuffs on himself and taunts for 2 turns. This Taunt cannot be dispelled or Ignored.
    Special 2: Cavalry Charge - Choose an ally. Tarpals gains defence up for 2 turns and calls both the target ally and a random Gungan ally to assist with their attacks dealing + 50% damage.
    Leader ability - Organised Resistance - (ZETA) Whenever Tarpals is damaged, there is 25% chance an ally is cleansed of all debuffs for 2 turns, which is doubled for Gungan allies.
    Passive: Not die, sacrifice - When Tarpals is defeated, the enemy character who defeated him immediately suffers damage equivalent to 25% of their maximum health. This damage cannot be Resisted, Dodged or Deflected.

    Gungan Soldier (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Attacker) - Gungan attacker who takes advantage of Stuns and is buffed by his allies
    Basic: Booma atlatl - Deal special damage to target enemy with 45% chance to Stun the target for 2 turns. On a critical the enemy is also exposed.
    Special: Booma Cesta - Deal special damage to all enemies. Stunned enemies automatically lose their stun but suffer triple the amount of damage. Droid enemies are also Staggered for 2 turns.
    Passive: Shieldwall - Gungan Solider receives + 15% Protection for each living Gungan ally and + 10% for each living Non-Gungan ally.

    Rish Loo (Dark Side, Gungan, Separatist, Support) - Treacherous Gungan Separatist who heals himself at the expense of others
    Basic: Knife in the Dark - Deals Physical damage to target enemy with 50% chance to inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns and gives a 30% chance to attack again.
    Special 1: Big Bad Voodoo - Deals special damage to all enemies. Rish Loo heals himself by 50% of the total damage dealt to each enemy. Enemies slain by this ability cannot be revived.
    Special 2: Cloak and Dagger - Rish Loo gains Stealth for 2 turns and the selected ally Taunts for 1 turn.
    Leader Ability: Droid Lieutenants: Whenever Rish Loo inflicts a critical hit, each Droid ally has 50% chance to gain Counter for 2 turns.
    Passive: Underhanded tactics - Whenever an enemy attacks Rish Loo, they have 30% chance to suffer Ability Block for 1 turn.

    Kleef* (Dark Side, Gungan, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Attacker) - Ferocious Bounty Hunter who inflicts Deathmark with increasing frequency
    Basic: Yousa Gonna Die - Deals special damage to target enemy. If the target is buffed, this attack is a guaranteed critical hit.
    Special 1: Decapitating Swing - Deals physical damage to target enemy with 35% chance to inflict Deathmark for 3 turns. This attack ignores Armour.Special 2: Meesa Prepared - Kleef gains Dodge Up, Defence Penetration Up and Health Steal Up for 3 turns and has a 50% chance to gain 70% bonus turn meter.
    Passive: Grizzled: (ZETA) Kleef is immune to Ability Block and cannot be stunned. In addition, for each enemy defeated, Kleef gains +20% Health Steal during each encounter.
    Leader Ability: Big Game Hunters - All Bounty Hunter allies receive 50% bonus turn meter whenever they attack an enemy with a greater Galactic Power than their own. In addition, if Kleef is in the leader slot but not the ally slot, the following Contract is active:
    Contract: Defeat the enemy with the most Galactic Power before all others in each encounter.
    Payout: All Bounty Hunter allies have Defence Penetration Up and Dodge Up for the rest of the battle and their Payouts are activated.
    Passive: Kleef’s Payout: Whenever Kleef receives Rewards from a Contract, he also gains the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader Abilities.) Payout: Decapitating Swing’s Deathmark chance is doubled, its Cooldown is reduced to 1 turn and cannot be Dodged or Deflected.

    * If you’re wondering who Kleef is, he appeared as a minor enemy in the Force Unleashed game and a playable skin in some of the games console versions. He looks pretty different from any of the Gungan characters we know, and quite creepy with his missing eye and damaged ears, so I felt he would make a great addition to the Bounty Hunter repertoire:

    Gungan City Guard (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Tank) - Selfless Gungan Tank who preserves the lives of others at his own expense
    Basic: Ward Away - Deals physical damage to target enemy with 30% chance to inflict Stagger for 1 turn.
    Special: Bodyguard - Gives the target ally the Bodyguard buff for 3 turns. This buff cannot be dispelled or prevented.
    Bodyguard: A character with this buff cannot be targeted and suffers no damage from AoE attacks. If Gungan City Guard is alive while this buff is active, he suffers all AoE damage that the character with this buff would normally suffer, in addition to the regular damage inflicted upon him.
    Passive: Resolute Defender - Gungan City Guard cannot be critically hit. In addition, whenever an ally is critically hit, Gungan City Guard gains +5% Counter Chance (Stacking) until the end of the encounter.

    Boss Nass (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Support) - Bombastic Gungan Support who gives out buffs and debuffs aplenty
    Basic: Ceremonial Staff - Deal physical damage to target enemy with 60% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn.
    Special 1: Pummel - Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Offence Down, Defence down, Dodge Down and Potency Down for 2 turns. Targets who are already debuffed are also Stunned for 1 turn.
    Special 2: Rebuke - All Gungan allies gain 50% turn meter and Retribution for 2 turns. If all Gungan allies receive these buffs, Boss Nass also gains 50% turn meter.
    Leader Ability: The Big Boss: (ZETA) All Gungan allies have a 50% chance to receive Offence Up and Potency Up whenever they inflict a critical hit. These buffs cannot be dispelled or prevented.
    Passive: Tough as Old Boots: Boss Nass is immune to Damage Over Time and takes reduced damage from Percent Health damage effects.

    Gungan Priest (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Healer) - Gungan Healer that raises the morale of his comrades
    Basic: Verdant Enchantments: Deal Special Damage to target enemy. Target ally is healed by 50% of the Damage dealt.
    Special: Blessings of the Gods: All allies are healed by 25% of their max health (doubled for Gungan allies) and gain Morale Up I for 2 turns. Gungan allies instead gain Morale Up II.
    Passive: Cultural Figure: Each Gungan ally receives 20% chance to gain 50% turn meter per living Gungan ally if they are healed by Blessings of the Gods.

    Droideka (Dark Side, Droid, Separatist, Tank) - Aggressive yet resilient Droid tank that inflicts Armour Shred
    Basic: Rapid Fire - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 60% chance to attack again.
    Special 1: Fusillade - Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Armour Shred for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be dispelled or avoided. Droideka taunts for 2 turns.
    Special 2: Adjust Shield Parameters - Droideka gains +100% Bonus Protection for 2 turns.
    Passive 1: Shield Generators: At the start of every encounter, Droideka receives additional Protection equivalent to 50% of its health, even if it would not normally have Protection.
    Passive 2: Predatory Programming: Droideka has 60% Counter Chance. In addition, Whenever Droideka resists a debuff, it has 30% chance to gain 100% turn meter.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2018
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  11. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Sounding great! Might I ask what Morale Up is?
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Morale Up is the buff you get when you topple a raid boss in the Rancor and AAT raids. Could be fun to bring it to mainstream battles as well!
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    A little update - I imagine you’ve noticed that Anakin has finally got his starfighter, which is great, but we’re once again being swamped with rubbishy KOTOR toons that we couldn’t give a damn about. There are even rumours of C-3PO being released soon - I just think that that would be completely ridiculous. C-3PO can’t fight, so he shouldn’t be in the game. This isn’t Force Collection where the aim of the game is to try to collect all the characters in the franchise, Galaxy of Heroes is an RPG, where only characters who can fight should be allowed. I thought it was ridiculous when they brought in Hermit Yoda, and it will be ridiculous again if they do C-3PO. Such a waste of potential. :mad:

    In fact the only reason I’m still playing the game is because Rogue One is still awesome despite the Devs’ attempts to market Phoenix scum over them.

    Now my rant is over, I’ve been working on both my Bounty Hunters and Empire now that Baze is finally 7 stars. I’ve been considering Krennic lead over Palpatine lead as Krennic gives out Protection regen like Jyn does (although with Krennic it’s whenever my imps score a critical hit rather than gain a buff) and he is fun to use against the squishiest enemies in Galactic War and helps keep their protection up for longer during wars, although Palpatine lead is still better in single battles I think, as my team inflicts so many debuffs that Palp lead makes them really fast.

    As for Bounty Hunters, Zam and Greedo are slightly less squishy now that they’re Gear Level VIII, but Jango and Bossk are becoming the stars of the team at the moment. My Jango and Bossk together managed to beat Rey Jedi Training in a final Galactic War Node, after my Rogue One team and Imperials had fallen, so that they won the Node. That enemy team was a horrible one to fight as it had Palp lead, Vader and then 3 of the most OP toons in the game - Thrawn, Commander Luke and Rey Jedi Training. I managed to kill Thrawn and Commander Luke with my Rogues before being overwhelmed by Vader and Palps (normally I can kill Vader and Palps easily but I just had to focus all my fire on Thrawn and Commander Luke first as they’re both ridiculous), and then finished off Palps with my Bastila lead Jedi team (I only use Bastila because she makes the team far stronger than they normally would be, not because I like her because I don’t care for her) before they were killed by Vader. Then my Bounty Hunters managed to stun and kill Vader but I lost Greedo, Zam and IG in the process, so it was just Jango and Bossk left to fight Rey. While her damage output is poor, she keeps gaining Foresight and inflict some permanent healing immunity, so I was still worried about fighting her, and I only managed to win thanks to Bossk stunning her so that she couldn’t gain Foresight anymore.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
  14. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I’ve been somewhat irritated by the large amounts of KOTOR characters too - 10% of the characters aren’t even canon anymore, let alone having an important role in the universe. But hey, while we don’t like them, they are the subject of many fond memories for many players - if Jar Jar Binks was added, you wouldn’t want people to be too upset as while he might not be everyone’s choice, you have many good memories associated with him and he certainly used to be your favourite character. As for non combat characters, while I think they shouldn’t have too many, it add an interesting dynamic to have characters that, while not being on the offensive at all, dish out some frightening buffs. Quite a lot of Star Wars characters are combat proficient anyway though, so I doubt it will be much of a problem.

    In terms of teams, I’m working on my Bounty Hunters too. My team consists of Boba Fett lead, Embo, Greedo, IG-88 and Dengar, who I’ve managed to level up pretty high. They now sit along my Jedi team of Ima-Gun Di, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Mace Windu and Jedi Consular, and my Imperial Trooper team of General Veers, Colonel Starck, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper and Magmatrooper as my ‘actually pretty decent’ teams, with my Bounty Hunter team and Imperial Trooper teams seeming to be able to carve through Galactic War pretty well between them
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Don’t know if you’ve heard but General Grievous, Magnaguard and Super Battle Droid are getting reworks and B1 and Droideka are coming to the game! :joyful:

    It’s about time!
  16. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I’ve just seen! Looking at the abilities, it seems to me that General Grievous has always been a great counter to my Jedi team, along with the other two Separatists droids, but the fact that I practically never see him used - or use him myself, suggests that doesn’t exactly make him useful, so it will be nice to see him improved. It’s also about time the B1 and Droideka were added!
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    When you say abilities, do you mean the new kit reveal or his existing abilities? I ask because I cannot see any kit reveal for him just yet anywhere
  18. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Existing abilities. Being unable to counter and having healing immunity kind of disables my Jedi squad, and the Super Battle Droid thoroughly punishes them whenever they do counter. However, clearly it is the exception rather than the rule, as they practically never show up. I do also think more droids and more obvious Droid squads are needed, as there seems to be more characters with anti Droid abilities than there are droids to use them on
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, the new rework's out for the B2 and he's going to be punishing Jedi a lot more for countering if there are other Separatist characters in the team with him as he has a chance to reduce his cooldown by 1 each time a Separatist ally is damaged I believe, meaning he'll be able to inflict Buff Immunity more often. He also inflicts Target Lock with his basic and Critical Damage Down if the target already had a Target Lock. The B1 Battle Droid will be on the way next week in a Marquee, with the Grievous and Magnaguard reworks and a Droideka marquee the week after that.

  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well I've been playing with the new B1 Battle Droid, both in the marquee and with my own version, and I have to say I love him to bits - even at a low level he is still able to be highly useful, in that his healing and protection regeneration abilities remain unchanged as he's levelled up. However, this still discourages a 'paper Battle Droid' tactic (i.e. it prevents players from profiting from leaving B1 very underdeveloped to focus on the other characters, like the original version of Nightsister Zombie encouraged) in that you still need to level and gear him up in order to max Droid Battalion so that you don't lose your last Battle Droid supplies. I also like how the B1 has effectively 2 Basic Abilities in that "Blast Them!" has no cooldown, meaning you can continually use it to heal allies and regenerate their protection. That certainly ticks two of the main checkboxes I have for selecting my favourite teams - Healing and Protection Regeneration (the former is an essential and the latter I like because it provides additional resilience in Galactic War - my Rogue One and Krennic lead Empire teams already benefit from this). The other check box I'm concerned about is Revives - will the Grievous rework give an ability that revives the other 4 Droids or something? B1 and B2 definitely don't have such abilities so I'm hoping that either Grievous or the Magnaguard in their reworked states provide some sort of revive ability or the Droideka does when it is released in next week's Marquee. Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing what's in store next!

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