You have some very nice color choices on that slann but I think you could be a deal neater with your painting... the details like the slann's jewelry and the palanquin's vines/critters seem to get smudged a lot by the solid colors of the slann's body and the palanquin stone.
Yea I agree with Eternity_Warden, it could use some more details, even just the jewelery would be a big improvement.
I actually kinda like the horns as they are. They look like wood rather than bone, which is an interesting idea. Try watering down your paints a little more, it looks fairly thick in some places. Also, yeah, pick out the bling on him. The absolute best way to improve your painting is to push yourself hard. If you are not trying new things on every model, you are not learning anything new and expanding your skills. Get out your finest brush, get some gold or silver, and carefully and slowly pick out his bling. Yeah it will take a while, yeah you will probably make mistakes and get a bit onto the blue areas. I guarantee you even the pro painters slip and get paint where it shouldn't be sometimes, it is so easy to get the blue out again and patch it up. You must be patient when you paint. I really like the stone, you have done well there. The skink could probably use a little more colour and definition.
thnx for all the replies, yes i will pick out his bling when i buy some metallics(i ran out painting lotr stuff) also the skink is a work in progress so he will be better defined and his scales and his knife will be picked out. also i understand what u mean about fixing up some of the animals and vines on the palanquin, they didnt seem that sloppy, but pics have a way of brining out ur flaws. Thats good cuz now i know where to go back and improve. thanks again for all th replies and suggestions.
Like most others have said, take time with your painting, and if you don't have the paints to properly paint a mini, wait until you do. It will make your painting come out a lot better if you take your time and pick out the details. It looks like you painted this model with only 4 total paints. Flip through the codex or even look at the big frog at the top of this website for ideas on how to paint certain types of minis. Remember to always challenge yourself on every model. Try to do new things and master new techniques. You'll grow to be a better painter in no time
ya i totally agree with what u guys have said about taking time and using a wide range of paints, and although im too poor (im 15 and i still dont have a job and my mom isnt very fond of the 5$ paints) to buy the gw paints, my local gw lets u use theirs so im gonna go there more often and start adding more color to all my models.
They're up to 6 bucks a pop in Australia, screw paying for GW stuff. I'm finding a cheaper brand that gives more paint in the pot and just ordering from overseas, my supplier gives me free postage anyway. The only way I can justify giving my local any money is when I need more spray since it can't be posted internationally easily.
ya i know, its a huge rip off, i actually used non gw paints on this model, but they had no metallics so thats y i gotta use the metallics at gw.
ok here are some new pics i added some metal, i added the big top piece banner thingy, and i also painted the critters yellow.
Its already looking much Better Den. You picked out the details, there is color contrast, keep it up. I would advise painting the branches brown as well the next time you're at your local game shop paint the leaves green. Also, I know this sounds counter intuitive, but try not adding a pupil to him in his eyes. It makes him look really surprised , but ultimately I like your progress and I can see that you are a good beginner painter, its just that your pallet needs to be expanded. Its hard to paint minis with 4 colors of paint >_<. My vote is: Still a WIP, but a definite improvement. Good Work