AoS Seraphon vs Phoenix Temple Elf

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by dinoSTARZ, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    The map was STARFALL (maybe starstrike? Same as AOS 1.0) and it mostly started off like this. He ran 30 phoenix guard, 3 frost phoenix (the fire looking one was still a frost), some sisters of the thorn a guy who casts hand of glory, some sort of ballista, 3 sets of ten spearmen, and some other spell hero- he makes the phoenixs impossible to kill and deal mortal wounds back to the attacker.

    I, the honorable seraphon, had (2010 points, he had 2020 so we said cool to go over a tiny bit):
    4 razordon
    2 salamanders
    5 knights
    5 knights
    5 knights
    40 skink
    40 warrior
    1 dread saurian
    1 slann
    1 skink starpreist
    1 knight incantor who i used primarily because I had just finished painting her and wanted to try it out (pictured below)
    I didn't exactly know what everything of his did, and if I would've things may have started differently but I DID know I probably couldn't win a fight so my whole plan was map mobility.

    First turn: The evil elf man hates my razordons, and chooses first turn simply to blow them off the table with his ballista, killing 3 of 4. He casts his spells, eats them for increases save on phoenixes and otherwise does not move. On my turn I move up with knights on each side the full run of 14" with drums to be ready for wherever the upcoming starfall objectives land (hopefully not the middle). I teleport the 40 skinks up to shoot the ballista and some of the spearmen. I kill the ballista crew and a couple spearmen. I also attempted to roll a 5-6 on the salamanders, but alas I rolled a one and they were stuck. I put skink spells on the dread saurian but I only brought him up a little; I couldn't figure out where I could use him.

    Second turn: The star falls right onto a set of my knights. He chooses for me to go first. I still don't know what to do but I build up more summoning points (and then spend them on 3 razordons to replace the 3 he killed- not in the same unit, as I assume you cannot do that). I figured I have plenty of bodies already and he hates razordons so I wanted him to be psychologically anxious about them >:) I engage both sets of spearmen with 5 knights and then on the left i shoot at em with skinks some more. It seems to be a waste to fight wussy old spearmen, but my thought was that I cannot fight the big blob anyway, and this will further reduce his ability to hold multiple objectives, as his army is best in a big group, whereas mine is not synergized much anyway.

    He sees this I think, and says aha I can ruin his big army of skinks and clear his chaff as well. So he brings the pheonix guard over to that group there, where I continuously wary fighter back and shoot at him. Not sure if I ever even killed one, but even if so, very few died. HOWEVER, they did their job well as they split his forces up and made the game actually interesting here. The only problem is both stars also landed on the right quadrants >:), closer to me. I took both and sat on all three. At this point I am up 11-0 or something (2 on turn 2, 3 each at the end of turn 3 I believe). Phoenixes completely wreck my dread saurian, and he did nothing to them at all. However, he lived long enough to keep the phoenixes away until turn 4.

    I can no longer remember what happened on what turn, but I prioritized keeping him split up and trying to play the numbers game on the objectives. I teleport the slann away from the ruckus and add to the bottom objective. I telport the remaining 20 or so skinks to that same objective to protect him. I summon in 30 skinks (3x10) to give me numbers on that objective. I know I will lose the middle objective as he has killed all my warriors, spellcasters etc (by the way, sad! I never got to even get a spell of on the knight incantor, and the dread saurian didn't do any damage- just killed himself on the phoenixes). So I reinforce the other two.
    Im guarding this objective with all my soul and it pays off. He could've won, taking all three it turns out. We did the math though I cannot remember what it was. He was able to take the middle objective by killing off those warriors and knights there and this was all I had left (minus the aforementioned casualties), while he had his entire army still minus some spearmen and the ballista crew (the phoenix that LOOKS dead wasn't, he just kept falling off his base so we just used the base to protect my beloved lizards from falling birds). HOWEVER, I won the roll off, took my points one more time, and that put the points out of reach for him to catch up! Victory for the mobility despite a far weaker list build! Certainly lucky as to where the stars fell as well.
    This is my warhammer room by the way. I recently designed (but not built this custom warhammer table to be tall so I don't have to bend over and hurt my back). If you ever find yourself in Idaho come get WRECKED! New terrain and hopefully reports coming soon!
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice report and nice room ;)
  3. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Nice report and amazing table indeed !
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Cool table, and thanks for the report!

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