7th Ed. [2250] Sethaylizard?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Straylight, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Straylight

    Straylight New Member

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    So I've been wondering how a Sethayla-style list works with Lizardmen, and this was an interesting exercise to see come together. What's the forum's opinion on MSU Lizardmen? It looks like it would be effective enough, but it feels odd not playing on the natural resilience of a big block of Saurus or TG.

    Mostly I'm unsure about the Priests. They're magic defense more than anything else, and the thought is to give them the mobility necessary to make sure the comparatively short-ranged Heavens spells can get to where they need to go (they'll probably be hiding behind Saurus the rest of the time).

    Of course, the point of the list style is that any given units is expendable if need be, with the General the only unit worth more than 200 points. The BSB could theoretically surrender more than that in VPs if he gets taken down, but he's the center Saurus unit which should theoretically never be in a fight alone.

    Anyway, teh list:

    Lords & Heroes:

    Oldblood (General)
    -Spear, LA, Shield
    -Horned One, Glyph Necklace
    -Venom of the Firefly Frog

    -BSB, Warbanner
    -GW, LA, Shield

    Skink Priest
    -Lvl. 2
    -Cloak of Feathers, Scroll

    Skink Priest
    -Lvl. 2
    -Jag Charm, Diadem


    12 Saurus

    12 Saurus

    11 Saurus (BSB goes here)

    12 Skinks

    12 Skinks

    11 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers


    3 Terradon Riders

    3 Terradon Riders

    5 CoC

    5 CoC


    2 Salamanders
    -2 extra handlers

    2 Razordons
    -2 extra handlers

    Total Points: 2248
    Models: 108
    Units: 13+4
    PD: 6 (4)
    DD: 4 (6) +1 scroll
  2. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    From what I can see you have a good list. I like your idea of having a bunch of small expendable units. One thing you should note is that your Oldblood has 2 enchanted items (horned one and venom), and any character (special excepted) can only have 1 of each type of magic item.
    I personally don't think that razordons are worth their points cost. If I were you, I'd get rid of the razordon packs, the CoC musicians, 3 cohort skinks, 1 skirmisher, the venom, and one salamander you could get an EotG for one of your priests. The engine gives you that extra magic punch which is very useful for lizardmen. I know you are losing a salamander, but I find that they are best used to just cause panic tests and not for killing swathes of troops.
    It all depends on your style of play, but here's my input.

    Good Luck with your list!
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Just swap out the horned one with a cold one on the general,
    and you might consider swaping his spaer for a halbred...

    Razordons are fine if you aim them at the right targets,
  4. erians

    erians Active Member

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    I'm currently playing Wood elves, Dark elves and Lizardmen and have always been attracted to the shoot and avoidance style lists (which is why I play those armies). The Sethayla style Wood Elf list is very effective and revolves around 2 central elements:

    A ton of fast stuff, all armed with bows. 2x10 Waywatchers, 2-3 Glade rider units, 4 units of Warhawks and 1-2 alter Highborns and Nobles are the most common and effective set up. Everything is either flying, skirmishing or fast cav and everything carries a bow. It is the ultimate avoidance list.

    Close combat potential with amazing precision. The 4 units of warhawks dish out a ton of S4 attacks, and with Flying and US 2 per rider they get the CR bonuses for flank/rear charge as long as they have 3 guys alive. Charging a enemy unit in the flank and rear at the same time with 2 units of 4 Warhawks generates 16 S4 attacks, +3 Static CR from rear & flank charging and with a US of 16 they often have outnumber after the 16 attacks have landed. This way they can get a ton of pts from both their shooting as well as picking exactly what fights they want to fight in and when they do it, often going for the support units first then taking care of the unsupported main part of the army while giving up few pts as they can't be cought

    So how would a Lizardmen version of a Sethayla List look then? Well the first and obvious choice is 4x4 Terradons. Terradons are very similar to Warhawk riders in almost everyway. They don't fight as good (1S3 1S4 attack instead of 2S4) but drop rocks is awesome in that kind of list. Then several units of skinks are needed to take on the fast cav role, at least 5-6 units of 10 skinks. 2 single salamanders covers the rare choices and are a very mobile and shooty unit. The rest of the pts could go to an unkillable lone Party Slann (fully geared, Etheral, Regen, full lore and +1 PD), some diverting ranked skinks, a flying saurus, a flying skink priest or chief and maybe even e tarradon chief. This would just be to adopt the concept to 100%, which would be cheesy, boring to play with and against, and pretty suboptimal.

    If you don't want to adopt the concept to such lenghts but merely play a shoot and avoidance type list there are a couple of suggestions I have found cruical when playing such lists:

    1) Skink skirmishers are win in these types of lists, take 3 units at least, for diverting and shooting support.
    2) Slann is a huge help, you lack long range shooting so magic can be extremly effective, especially since shooting can't handle everything while magic is more versitlie as you can take any lore.
    3) Don't give your opponent a focus target, which is the entire point of MSU. Your goal is simple; except the lone slann and the stegs nothing should cost over 150-160 pts. Naked units of 12 saurus with spear are amazing in close combat and only costs 144, which is dirt cheap and very expandeble, but you will hardly find use for more than 2 of those.
    4) Terradons is the best of 2 worlds; Flyers and Fast cav. Not only can they bomb the **** out of stuff they don't even see but they are also unbelievably good harassers and diverters, being able to rally after taking flee as charge reactions is what makes fast cav so good. Optimum size is imo 4 but 3 is fine too.

    If you want to keep your list as it is there I strongly redommend to take a different caster set up. 6 PDs will never do any good and you will save a lot of pts by removeing 1 skink priest and you'll only lose 1 DD. Take ye olde lvl 2 with diadem and scroll and stick him in a corner or forest the entire game. Your cav seems a little out of place too, they are fairly fragile and costs 185 pts which is a pretty decent amount for a 5 wound unit, and with only M7 and stupidity they can often get into bad positions, and can't help thinking that a getting a unit of 4 terradons and beefing the other 2 terradon units to 4 would be far more competative.

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