Hello everyone! I just recently found your site about a 3 weeks to a month ago and I absolutley love it! I have just started collecting a lizardmen army about 2 months or so ago. I have tried other armies in the past, but I think that lizardmen were my calling all along. I really like them and enjoy playing, modelling and painting them. I hope to eventually take part in the monthly painting/modelling pledges. I haven't gotten a chance, nor do I have enough models, to start playing some real games/leagues at my local hobby store but fully intent to do so in the near future. For now I have just been playing a few games with my older brother. I suppose I have ramlbed enough for now, but I hope to be an active member on the site
Welcome, I know whats its like being new to lizardmen, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself around here the community is very helpful.
Agreed. I should have started collecting Lizardmen a long time ago. I love everything about them! Finally found an army that I can actually enjoy playing and not let winning all the time get in the way of enjoying the game