Right.. so.., I've got these amazing cold ones.. but they're still just black.. because I have no idea what colors to make em! if anyone has an idea, I don't care what it is, please.. tell me cuz I'm stuck. Tristan.
Really your colour scheme is something you have to come up with yourself. Nothing wrong with searching around on the forum and maybe CMON for some inspiration on what other people have done though. I personally really like dark green ones, so that is what mine will look like.
I know, I was really thinkin about something dark, so the lizardmen on top of them won't drown in the colors of the cold ones, and I do still think I fel in love with the DE cold ones, since the new cold ones look like a bad mixup between a cow and an ostrich.. but they're still better than the previous version though
This is a pic of mine. For the colors i went with a dark green for the scales, whilst going for a pale skin. Looks pretty good in contrast to the blue saurus imo ^^
Yea tose Dark Elf Cold Ones definately look good in green. allthough I saw some pret awesome ones done in black brown and biege too.
Haemoglobin, that is exactly how I imagine COs should look. Mine will hopefully be like that when I get around to painting them, except not as good since I have the half cow models.
Meh the converting isnt that hard, just make sure u have plenty of GS And yeah I agree, I think they look pretty natural. Some of the colors were based on the Cold One Riders article on the GW site (Dark Elves).
I did mine in Beige and Red, but I carried that theme across all the 'beasts' in the army. I am pretty happy with the result, even it's pretty supernatural in color. I added some 'Lizardmanish' decorations to the reins, but I also used the Dark Elf spear heads like yourself as well, ha!
I didn't think I'd like a red color scheme, but it works. The bright red scale (and the blue highlights) give the Cold One a very "gila monster" feel. Good job.
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ This thread might help...
i looked around in the archive you linked me, but i found only helpful ideas for colouring, not for conversion...