Has anyone used a cheap way of making some terredons, i dont really wanna pay 30 bucks for a model that i dont really like all that much? is there something that can still look good and be cheap, or do i have to buy the actual model?
I use these guys http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/lizard/latest/06192 For my Terradons, I just say the weaker skink attack is thier bite, and the other attacks are their javelin attacks.
I've been thinking maybe with a little converting these guys would do the trick. Just find some claws for their arms instead of the gun, find a way to turn the arms into legs and stick a skink with a spear on top. Wallah.
You dont need to find arms instead of guns, just fill in the hole with greenstuff and say that the attacks are different, eg the terradons attacks are the tail, skink attacks are the bite. Dont even bother with a rider, just do a 'counts as'
In friendly games sure, but as far as Tournaments go I think a little more effort would have to go in the conversion before people would not feel cheesed out. At least a rider in my opinion. Which wouldn't be hard anyways, just grab any old skink and position him right.
http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/Reptus/latest/14459 Coatals would make a good substitute for Terradons too.
maybe not terradons, but certainly that feathered creature talked about in the armybook. Yes, i agree that the 'nids do need some more work, but i think skinks will be too big compared to the body of the 'nids to look right.
Hmm, I see your point.. Perhaps the Skinks that come in the Stegadon kit would look right. They are actually about 3/4 the size of a regular Skink
That feathered creature, the Quatl, actually has stats and a converted model in one of the Warhammer Annuals. I forget what year. When I get home I can check. It's actually pretty cool. They converted it from a forest dragon and Lord of Change.
Hey great idea to use the gargoyles! I might have to try that. Others are right that a rider probably wouldn't fit, in fact even the required square base may dwarf the poor gargoyles. I think adding enough spare LM bits to them will mean a rider isn't really required, I have seen an army using winged saurus as the terradons (no rider) that looked great and worked well.
i have used the plastic terradons from "toys-r-us" here in the uk 20 dino models [4 terradons] for £12- they are a little bigger than GW but not so you notice - pack also has 1 trex and i stegadon - look ok when repainted