few ideas to throw out here, i'm new to LM but not to the hobby i've painted and collected quite a variety of armies. Base Colour: Orange Scales: Red red/yellow in washes just for a good looking rather bright army as a bit of contrast for my other ones Base Colour: Light Gold Scales: Grey chesnut wash Brass Weapons an idea of a spawning pool being poluted with gold ore, and it has effected the spawnings. Base Colour: Light Blue Blue Wash Dark Blue stripes. this one was an idea to utilise my air brush to the fullest and i've just got some nail stencils to use and there's a nice small stripe one so thought it might be nice to get some use out of it.
they're all going to be airbrushed one way or another just gives such a nice coat, was thinking also of not doing all the scales red but do it as a large stripe over the back ot the model, well got a unit of saurus to mess about with. another idea was bleached bone look with a nice wash of most likely brown, or devlan mud, give it a ghostly almost albino look just got so many options open its quite hard to choose. also not sure what colour to paint the stegs and cold ones for the army as i'd like a contrast to the main theme but what would go well and not clash with orange and red, I was however thinking yellow and orange as it's not identical but it still matches the overall feel of the army.
Images are a little blurry as the camera isn't good but i've decided on the orange scheme, for the skinks i've airbrushed with an orange acrylic ink, then another darker wash in certain areas of the model. for saurus when i get around to doing them I will be brushing the scales with an acrylic red ink, then airbrushing on the orange ink as the red will stand out and give it a subtle but different shade of orange.