Should I magnitize my skink and saurus weapons?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Animeprime, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Animeprime
    Jungle Swarm

    Animeprime New Member

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    Greetingsssss. Managed to snag one of the Starclaw Strikeforce battleforces for my first foray into the fantasy side of the game and could use some advice. I've got a whole bunch of skinks to assemble when it arrives, but was wondering if I should magnitize the weapon arms instead of gluing them so I can swap them out. Like if I wanted to have a shooty unit with blowpipes, or swap out javelins for spears. Or does the kit not come with spares and units have a set number for each weapon? I looked at their waracroll but it just said "Some are equipped with X and others with X." Do I need to plan on being able to swap out their weapons like I do in 40K? As a tau collector I learned the hard way about not gluing weapons onto models. I was already planning on magnitizing the weapons for some units like the weapons on the bastilodon but was hoping I wouldn't have to magnitize all those tiny arms.

    Edit: Old ones dammit, SKINKS not SKUNKS! Skaven messed with my autocorrect.
  2. King Dust

    King Dust Well-Known Member

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    As I understand it for AoS boltspitters and shields are the only competitive way to build skinks in the current meta. But I'm not a tactics guy, you should check out this thread and others in the Seraphon tactics forum.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
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  3. Saturas

    Saturas New Member

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    I am not a big fan of magnetizing alot of small units. I think it looks better if you glue and paint them in one piece.
    I have also bad experience with dropping magnetized units :p .
    Looking at the skink model i imagine its quite hard to magnetize them. For me it would be to much efforts at 24 skinks models (and possible more in the future) ^^.
    But if you really want to try different weapons (and you are not pleased with just using the other weapon on paper) you can magnetize them i guess. Its just alot of effort.
    I magnezited my Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur and now i got a second one so basicly the magnetizing was "unnecessary" because now i can build both anyways but ye it did not hurt since i can always glue the parts i magnetized together.
    Also i guess that argument doesnt count if you dont plan to buy a new unit of skinks in the near future.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I also pretty much only magnetize heroes.
  5. Animeprime
    Jungle Swarm

    Animeprime New Member

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    Thanks for the advice. My set came in and those arms are a lot smaller than I thought. Would be easier to just buy more skinks and paint them up with different weapons than magnitize thm all.

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