I've just started putting the unit together and realized that if I glued the shield arm before painting the model, it would be very hard to paint some parts of the model with decent details. What have you guys done to prevent this? So far, I'm thinking of painting the model and the shield arm separatly and glue them together before the final touches. Any other ideas?
I usually paint the body and shield separately. Otherwise, it is really hard to get the details on the inside of the shield painted up. Right before I glue them off, I just scrape off a little bit of paint on the spot where they'll be glued, so that the glue can affect the plastic like it's supposed to.
I just built my temple guards and realized after I built them how stupid I was to attach the shield first. I would recommend if you haven't put the shields on yet, you wait until the end.
Thanks for the advice guys, I've finished putting together the TGs withtout the shield arm on and they are ready for their basecoat. Same goes for my Skinks Skirmishers and I'm just starting my Saurus Warriors. Things are going a lot faster then I expected and I'll have my models assembled by the end of the week or maybe next week. Painting will start soon then!
Yup, one thing I learned was to paint the separate chunks first (i.e. Shields, riders, cold ones, ect.) then glue the model together. If you're going to make pretty bases they should be done separately too.