I am going to make a themed Lizardman army and I was hoping to throw some Culchan birds into it. Does any one have a good pic of a Culchan bird or of some one using them for a reference? I want to use the feathers in my army but the only reference I've found was that they have blue and red feathers.
All I could find is a description.... http://www.madalfred.darcore.net/html_files/Lustria.html Here's a picture of the real animal they where inspired from...
Sigh.... Yes like Chocobos... But if you wan't to find something other than FF images, search for "Terror Birds".
There actually was a GW/Citadel giant bird miniature back from their early endeavors (before slotta bases). One was on eBay, I had bid on it, but it went for a crazy amount of money at the end and I wasn't going to shell out that kind of coin for one mini. I will see if I can find an image of it, but it's essentially just like the 'terror bird' image above.
Lol, sorry, my love for Final Fantasy got the best of me (FF I through IX that is Anything after IX can die!) Anyway, on topic. That seems like an interesting idea. I'm curious to see how you pull it off, but there isn't any rules for these beasts in the Codex, so is this just a sort of "Because I can" sort of thing to give your army a unique flavor or what? Do they even have a stat line?
arsenal:-- the old mini u thinking of was the cockatrice from around early 1980 ish - it was a marauder mini designed by aly morrison if my old memory serves me well
No, it's the Coatl. Here is the scan, sorry it took so long. It's from the Chronicles 2004. The same book has a list of an all dinosaur army.