7th Ed. Skink Priest with a Carnosaur Pendant. Yeah thats right--

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by pinkskink, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. pinkskink

    pinkskink New Member

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    Well, I was looking through the book-as I always do when I'm on the john. I was trying to see good combos with Magic Items that may be different but might work. I came across the Carnosaur Pendent. Nice little bauble that I usually give a Saurus on foot, but I noticed it no restrictions to who I could give it to (besides Slann) and started thinking up different set-ups.

    The pendant states (I'm paraphrasing) that once the bearer inflicts a wound he is subject to frenzy the rest of the game. I doesn't how he inflicts the wound, just as long as he does. I also remember reading a post in the forum saying Frenzy chars. give Frenzy to the mount and vice-versa (that's why you don't give an Oldblood riding a Carnosaur the pendent) and then referred to the Rulebook to verify.

    So I started thinking about other ways to inflict wounds besides combat that would be beneficial. Here's what I came up with:

    Skink Priest w/ EotG. Should the Priest be lucky enough to get Forked Lightning or Uranon's Thunderbolt, I am usually lucky enough to get at least one wound from them. Or when I use Burning Alignment from the Engine, I almost always get a wound.

    So now the Priest and his Steggy are Frenzied (thinking of equipping the priest with Dagger of Sotek) making them a little less desirable to want to fight against, and our ancient Steggy has another attack, and a unit immune to psychology for an added bonus.

    Does this sound like it can work... legally?
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea I even checked it out In army builder
    (not that it's the most reliable source)
    and I looked in the book and it says
    (Saurus and Skink only) and yea you
    have points left over for the dagger...

    I don't see why it shouldn't work. :D
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah it looks legit. I don't think GW considered the possibility of a ranged attack or magic inflicting a wound, but it doesn't specify combat wounds only so it would work.

    Whether it would be worth it or not though... The priest is a mage not a warrior, I think I would rather him have magic boosting items rather than throwing him into a frenzy. Also if he has to charge, well one extra attack on him and the steg isn't really that good and any decent combat character can still challenge and kill him. I would rather he have the option of moving to the flank/rear rather than charging straight in.

    BTW, I hope you finished your crap off before running to post the idea here. :D
  4. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Very very interesting idea. I've not read this one before. I can tell you that making one of your most expensive and potentially delicate units subject to frenzy will most likely hand the points over to a smart opponent before the game is over.

    If faced with this combo, I'd be setting up a nasty trap to bait the EotG out to be charged by my hard hitters. Keep in mind that if you're frenzied, you may not flee as a charge reaction so, now you squishy priest and his mount are in the open, unprotected.

    You would have to be very careful how you priest was handled to make sure it wasn't just destroyed by this type of tactic.
  5. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    all our stegadons are ITP. frenzy only grants 1 attack to the steg, 1 to the priest and 1 to the crew. now your EotG has 4 attacks and another 6 from above but must charge anything in range. basically now your stegadon won't see any combat it wants to see and probably burning alignment will be neutralised if the bait flees in the right direction... not really worth it
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Why wouldn't it be +1 attack for each crew member ?
  7. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Ohh, this one gets awfuly deep into rules lawyering but I like it!

    I agree here, I think each skink, including the hero would have an extra attack given they are all riding the mount, and subject to the Monstrous Mount rules and sharing of frenzy. BUT, does the Steg alone with no hero on it still count as monstrous mount, and the key is if the crew are really subject to the monstrous mount rules or not.

    If memory severs me, when a steggy dies, the crew dies with it, but the hero lives and can move solo. If I am correct there then it seems they are not subject to the monstrous mount rules, or they are subject to i, but then are trumped by a Stegadon special rule. Oi, my mind is melting...

    I must say though, on the EoTG I could see this being a total liability, but on a standard steggy with a great bow, or ancient with the blowguns it could be useful, that is if you already chose the WarSpear on a diff character.
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    In a similar note ...

    How about usind the carne pendant with a Skink Chief on an Anchent Steg...
    give him a blowpipe and some nice cheap magic weapon under ... I think he had 30pts left,
  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Giving a Skink Chief with the pendant and blowpipe + some cheep magic weapon would be better than a Priest. But your talking about making a low level fighter and a nice mount subject to redirects by clever generals. Plus I think the only time a Chief is worth an Ancient/regular Steg is if you take the War Spear.
  10. pinkskink

    pinkskink New Member

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    Well I am going to try this idea a couple of times before I actually take it to some competitive atmosphere. It was just a "maybe-what if" kinda thing. If anyone wants to try it out and let us know how it works for them we may have stumbled on something that becomes scary... or something that's really pointless. o_O
  11. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    the crew on the steg is are not different models. they get +1 atack in total fore being 1 crew, much like the skaven plague furnace where there are 6 plague monks wich only get 1 attack in total, isntead of 6 attacks [ 7 instead of 12].

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