8th Ed. 1k pts friendly game, need som help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ultrapate, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Ultrapate
    Jungle Swarm

    Ultrapate New Member

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    Hello! I am new t o lizardmen and need som help on how to best utilize my troops. Its the heroes that i have most trouble deploying. My list is as follows (this is more or less what i have painted so far):

    -Scar veteran, coldone, halberd, light armour, dragonhelm, luckstone
    - Skink priest, lvl 2, Dispel scroll (heavens)

    -24 Saurus, shield and spear, ful command
    - 10 skink skirmishers, javelin and shield
    - 10 skink skirmishers, javelin and shield

    - Bastiladon, Solar engine

    - Salamander, extra handler
    - Salamander, extra handler

    The things i am struggling with is how to place the scar vet, does he go with the saurus unit or does he go solo? And where do i put the priest?

    If someone has any good tactics on how to deal with Ogres it would be greatly apprieciated. One of my main opponents has ogres, his list is something like 8 ogres with the fire mage in it, 3 leadbelchers, 3 mournfang and the ironblaster. He has crushed me three times in a row now. Hoping this new list will do the trick! Any help is appreciated!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    A couple of quick points...
    • The Scar-vet should go on his own for the most part. The reasons for this is that the Saurus unit doesn't give him protection from artillery fire (because he is of a different unit type) and they reduce his effective movement to 4. I'm not saying there won't ever be a time where it might be useful to drop him in that unit, but usually I would advise against it.
    • The skink priest can bounce between the saurus unit or the skink skirmishers units. Just keep him out of harms way as best as you can
    • While I love Salamanders (one of my favourite units in the game), they are not particularly that effective against Ogres. Flame template attacks work best with lots of models grouped tightly together on small bases. Ogres are typically very few in number and have large bases.
    • I prefer SW with hand weapons and shields instead of spears. The parry save is always useful, while the spear bonus disappears as your unit size diminishes.
    • The Bastiladon is okay, but you might be better off with a Steg or a second Scar-Vet Cowboy. Just be aware that monsters and characters without the benefit of a lookout sir roll are highly susceptible to cannon fire. Take out that Ironblaster and use terrain to your advantage.
    Ultrapate likes this.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Ogres are the ideal army to use a Carnosaur in as Multiple Wounds (D3) will really wreck any unit other than Gnoblars which a Carnosaur would scare away anyway. I would say put your Scar Vet on a Carno instead of a Cold One and wait until one of the units exposes their flank before sending the Carnosaur in. Certainly putting him on his own without a Saurus Cavalry unit to back him up is a sure way to get him killed. I would also ditch the Salamanders as flame templates are going to be much less use against Ogres because they have fewer models in their units - use them to help pay for your Carnosaur.

    His Ogre list is actually pretty tame apart from the Ironblaster and Mournfangs. The former can be tied up quickly with a flying unit to stop it shooting until your Saurus get into it, while the latter can be killed with a Carnosaur if you charge them in the flank so that only one of them can fight your Carnosaur at a time. I would engage the Leadbelchers with your Saurus as there are only 3 of them, while you keep focussing your Solar Engine and priest’s spells on the Bull unit to keep killing them until they get to a number small enough to finish off with the Carnosaur or Saurus Warriors. Just make sure they don’t charge you as Ogre Charge makes it especially painful and short.

    Also I don’t think Skinks stand much of a chance against Ogres - certainly the Cohort I used died horribly in a single round of combat - apart from sheltering your priest. You really need to shelter your priest in a Cohort unit or else the Leadblchers could target and annihilate him. Poisoned attacks are fun but Ogres have 3 wounds each so it will take a long while to kill them all with blowpipes, so I would keep them in a slightly more survivable cohort of 20. The Solar Engine however is great fun - when I played against Ogres with my Lizards I rolled a 6 for the power and then a 12 for the number of hits so that 4 of his Ogres were killed in a single shot!

    Hope that helps.
    Ultrapate likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'd say that is a risky tactic. That's a lot of points invested in that one character + mount in such a small game. If I were the Ogre player I'd fire that Ironblaster at the Scar-Vet + Carno each and every turn until it is eliminated, at which point the game is basically over. Even if you try to engage the Ironblaster with some flyers, it still has the opportunity to take out the Carno before the flyers get there (let alone if he is successfully able to turn the leadbelchers on the flyers)
    Ultrapate likes this.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I still think it would do a lot more damage if it got into melee than a Scar Vet on a Cold One would without a unit of Saurus Cav to back it up. Perhaps replace the Salamanders with Saurus Cav instead.

    I also still think that those small units of Skirmishers aren’t going to do much unless Skirmisher units can shelter characters as easily as regular units.
    Ultrapate likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I've never been a big fan of the Carnosaur personally (too squishy for my liking), although I admit that some people can make it work. The classic Scar-vet Cowboy is always my go to choice... or a tooled up Stubborn Oldblood Cowboy with a 1+ 4++ save. However that might be too many points for such a small game.
    Ultrapate likes this.
  7. Ultrapate
    Jungle Swarm

    Ultrapate New Member

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    Thanks for the response! At the moment bringing a Carnosaur wont fit my 1k pts army list, but it will be included in a list in the future ofc :D. So I will stick with the scar-vet on a cold one for now and perhaps use some cold ones instead of the slamanders. Maybe I'll have to get started on a Stegadon.

    My other regular opponent has dark elves, high elves and wood elves. Thats why I have been trying to find a sort of all-comers list. But maybe that is to hard att this point level. I havent seen a 1k all-comers list on the forum, I could have missed it, maybe you guys have some 1 k lists up your sleavs? Thanks again for the advice!
  8. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I don’t think a Stegadon will be much use against Ogres, at least not a regular Stegadon, as the Great Bow’s only Strength 5 and will most likely kill a maximum of 2 Ogres a turn if you roll to wound successfully on both Strength 5 and Strength 4, he fails his saves and you roll a 5 or 6 for both multiple wounds(D3) rolls (I’m assuming it is Multiple Wounds D3, better check that in the army book). A Bastiladon on the other hand has the potential to roast up to 4 Ogres in a single turn with its Solar Engine as well as having a better armour save.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The Bastiladon has to get VERY LUCKY to kill 4 Ogres. With the same amount of luck the Steg could charge and cause 6 impact hits with each doing 3 wounds. Neither of those scenarios is likely.

    The Bastiladon does have the advantage in terms of armour, but the Steg is stubborn, has better toughness and more wounds. The Steg relies on getting the charge, but the Bastiladon sucks up powerdice that can be used elsewhere... plus it can be dispelled.

    In any event, I think both will be shot to pieces by the Ironblaster!
  10. Ultrapate
    Jungle Swarm

    Ultrapate New Member

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    How would you deal with an Ironblaster?
  11. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    I would use Skinks. Chameleon is best but regular will do. Ogres have so few models in their deployment you generally get free reign where you place the chameleon skinks. Regular skinks will work too but will take at least a turn longer to get into a position to shoot. Even if they don’t kill the cannon your opponent will be forced to deal with them instead of other targets.
    Ultrapate likes this.
  12. Ultrapate
    Jungle Swarm

    Ultrapate New Member

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    Thanks for the advice!

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