Hi, I just started my Lizardmen Army and wanted to get opinion on my color scheme and general overview of my Saurus. FYI I'm really begineer on this kind of activity (modelism - painting) http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=8&u=14835721 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=9&u=14835721 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=10&u=14835721 Thanks...
[*pic]http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/14/83/57/21/sg1s3410.jpg[/pic] [*pic]http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/14/83/57/21/sg1s3411.jpg[/pic] [*pic]http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/14/83/57/21/dsc03310.jpg[/pic] to OP remove the * from before the pic Yeah looks pretty nice I really like the hafts of the spear.
They look really good. The only thing I was going to critisize was the base on the third pic, but clearly that one isn't finished given the pics of the others so its all good. I like the way you have done the shields.
it's a pretty unique look. I like the color choices, reminds me of World of Warcraft Night Elves (I have seem some WE armies use these colors). I really like the spear hafts as well. I am looking forward to seeing other units in your army, like skinks and what-not, using this scheme. Keep it up!
I like the contrast of the purple saurus & the turquoise sheild aslo your highliginthing on the sheild very NICE. But I would improve them with a more definded skin colour (say much ligther or an off set purple/blue). BUT I LIKE THEM VERY MUCH.
Hi Thanks for your comments, I will post complete Unit when finish as well as other Unit when they will also been realized.