ive just started any easy paint sceme like a couple of coulers for skin then a wash i was thinking im not that godd so simple
Check out army painter merchandise for easy painting, just a base coat pic out some details and dip looks alright a little basic for more experienced players but if you're wanting something thats pretty simple to do it'll be your best way. http://www.thearmypainter.com/ Blue, Green, Red, or even Grey are pretty easy starter paint schemes they're pretty simple and look alright and have many different shades so 2 toning will become much easier.
I've seen some great things done with just a simple basecoat of a foundation and then a Devlun Mud Wash. If you wanted you could add a highlight of the foundation again to lighten up raised areas. For example you could paint your Lizardmen Mordian Blue, with Hormagaunt Purple, Mechrite Red, Knarloc Green, or any other color combo you like and then wash the whole model and pick out details afterwords, IE eyes, teeth, weapons, etc. Its quick, its easy, and you don't need to spend a bucket load on paint. Of course they're not gonna look "fantastic" persay, but they'll definitely pass as >Table Top if you paint them well. Just be careful to water down your Foundation paints very well as they are much thicker and tend to glob up on you if you're not careful. Good luck!
You can check the link to my paint log below. I use the Army Painter Strong Tone over just a basic layer of paint. For some larger units, like the Steg I do a bit of blending, but not much. Super simple, super effective. Just test your colors on a model before applying the quickshade as they darken them. Also, if you hate the shine the quickshade leaves, just use a matte finish, paint-on or spray afterward. Works a charm. I am super happy with the results.
also a little fun tip for scales that i think looks quite good is do them with a thin coat of satin varnish over them.