KoW Tribal tournament cok 2019, 2000pts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Labarna, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Saturday, first tournament was hold in our town, it was small one day action with 8 players. Tourney is one of events of Mantica Wars – League of Czech republic. I was an organizer also.

    My list:

    2x ancient regiment (healing brew)

    3x corsairs

    1 x Ancient on rhinos horde (staying stone)

    1 x Kaisenor lancers (fire oil)

    1 x skyraiders horde (jar)

    1 mounted CL

    1 mage (shroud of saint)

    1 Firebrand

    1 x skylord (beast slayer blade)

    Formations: Inspiration of the Ancients, Crew of the Ember's Dance

    The biggest problem of my army is my head, I play this army first time at this tourney and as, I played last battle circa before half of year, I made some memory mistakes, which knocked me down to 6th. place.

    I wanted to play corsair formation, mainly because I like that idea, but also I was thinking (and still think) they can be very good. My first idea was simple – throw them all against the strongest unit, and shot it down at the start of game, and then use them as chaff, or flanking unit for second line killers (Ancient-Rhinos-Ancient), which are supported by priest and kainsenors. Cavalry also support shooty wing (skyraiders with skylord). CL hold the second, refused flank, kill heroes and machines. And help on the middle – corsairs nerve -/14 in ideal.

    Since I am not so great with quill as Itep, so I will by brief in report.

    I. Battle dominate

    Undead: mix of infantry hordes (2 x trolls, zombies, skeletons, werewolves) regiments (wraits, wights, soul reavers), 3 heroes with lot of shambling a one revenant cavalry regiment.

    At the beginning of the game corsair (only two units) units nearly kill reavers, but all pirates were killed in opponent round. Game was relatively balanced, I hold the middle for long time by killing his units in counterchages, but first memory false – flyers from my right wing in his shambling units rear (such a great opportunity :-/) – dead in one round, and his right wing, which was hold on the bay by those unhappy fliers, quickly came to middle to support his centre and take a day – 3:17.

    II. Battle loot

    Dwarves: 3 regiment of ironguards with dogs, 2 hordes of elementals, 1 greater elemental, 1 regiment of rangers, 2 organs, king on large beast and 3 support heroes for elementals and organs.

    After vanguard moves directly to greater elemental and organs, opponent win first round and organs started their work. But thanks Firebrand, forest and CL corsairs kept the line and in my turn they shoot down the greater elemental. Flyers and CL went warily around enemy line, and successfully destroyed organs and 2 heroes. Meanwhile Rhinos attack one of elementals and ancients with kaisenors take second. Nice situation – both earth hordes stayed without problem, mainly thanks my nerve dices. In countercharge elementals scored 12 and 10 wounds and opponent showed me as dices must be thrown: nerve 10 reroll 11 and, 11 reroll 11. Fast, sad end 2:18.

    III. Battle ransack

    Forces of Abyss: Bloodmasque, efreet, 2 dogs, 3 regiment of horsemen, regiment fleshling, 2 Archfields, Unleash the hounds formation

    The Corsairs vanguard and shoot down horsemen in the middle, heavy line sat between two forests on 3 point objective. The flyers moved on my right wing and kill dogs. In the second round corsairs kill efreet with help of mage and second horsemen with skyriders. Fields attacked rhinos and left ancients sides, both thanks to forests they were not successful. In countercharge I broke them both. In two following round I wipe all his units. 19:1.


    - Inspiration of the Ancients: really family gold! I every moment of tourney I had reroll for nerve dices for every unit. CL is multifunctional: hunter, supporter (thanks his mount he was able to return to main line, where he helped with rallying), or little tarpit (he could hold average cavalry troop, or infantry regiment and sometimes killed them).

    - Crew of the Ember's Dance: I see big potential in those guys. With average shooting and with support of Firebrand they can kill in one round nearly everything. Of course its a problem found a place for shooting of all 35 gun-shots, but also two units are enough for serious damage. It nice when opponent charge one, or two of them – you have still 20 flanking attacks with CS1 and fresh second heavy line behind corsairs. To the tournament, because I don’t play them before, was going with simple strategy, which I used here, but I want develop more ideas about them

    - Kaisenor lances: I don’t know, maybe I cant use them right, but I was very discontented with this unit. Its role was be a connecting link between middle and fast wing, situationally help where it was need. I'm thinking of a change maybe for GFE (with/or without surge), or FE horde (without surge – no point simply), or tyrants, points form little items and beast blade.

    Some photos from my battles and tourney is possible to find here:

    I was only salmander there and therefore all lizards on tables are mine :)
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Great write up! Thanks for sharing it.

    Sounds like a good day of Finland three good games that came to a very close end.

    First game was clearly lost letting your Skyriders get killed by the power of Surge. Those mistakes happen ,good thing is you won't probably make it again.

    Second game is just bad luck, 10 and 12 wounds are WAY above average and those Nerve rolls are just insane. In a dice game you sometimes cannot fight luck.

    Well done in game 3

    The Lancers are a hit or miss unit, I use them as a Distraction and bait, they usually die very fast, just after hitting a key unit of the enemy but the right amount of damage on the right unit can be key. That being said once they killed on their own a Horde of Goblin Rabble in a grind so not bad I guess.

    Keep the games coming !
  3. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    I, simply, need more playing, it all.I hope this year it will be.

    I am satisfied with this list, both formations are good and cooperate well together. Now I must make and a paint 18 corsairs:eek:.

    To Kaisenors - yes, maybe it want another point of view, more like yours. Thanks.
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  4. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Well, after reading some succesfull lists I think I need more muscles. Now, I change skycaptain and kaisenors for one more horde of AoR. I have flying unit, thanks to corsairs a lot distraction and two strong individuals which one is relatively fast (mounted CL). For the remaining point maybe buy flying to CL.
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  5. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yes, the trend now is to go double AoR, I get it, they are amazing.

    It's just not my style, there is also the fact that I REALLY don't want to paint another set of Monsters, but I'm sure it will work really well for you.
    Labarna likes this.
  6. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Man, where are you watching for the trends for salamander armies? I thougt study of all race lists, because I now only a few players of salies (in Czech republic were only two). Not so much for deeper statistic. You, BAE, and some men around. Look at this forum active players...
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  7. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    First places on this tournament take varangur, undead and dwarf, all lists had same idea - total focus on aggresive fast direct, cc army, without (or with minimal) shooting, nearly no chaff. And its similar acros all league. I dont want play a same, trying found a different way maybe with those corsairs and skyriders crossfire.

    One another point: Didnt you think about updating info about units in ARMY REVIEW? Times are changed...
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
  8. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Join the Salamanders Facebook group! Most people are there these days. That or the King of War Fanatics, but obviously Salamanders is more focused. BAE is a traitor (just joking) love the guy in fact I even made his wedding rings, but he almost exclusively plays Deadzone now. He is organising a MASSIVE 2 day event in March called Franticon in London that I'm attending with my Salamanders of course .

    Soon I will be posting the list and make a review of it.

    I think updating the army review is actually a FANTASTIC idea. Will be doing that very soon.

    It seems you meta is very skewed, that is VERY GOOD. It means you can build a list to counter them and be very effective. I would LOVE to play in you area, no chaff?, no shooting? Low US? Yes please!!

    You need the opposite, lots of chaff and shooting. I would go for Lekelidons as chaff ,best chaff in the game with a mounted Battle-Captain. Use those units as screens so the enemy CAN'T charge your good units, and then charge him first, those kind of armies rely solely on charging first and hard, if they can only kill chaff then job done.
    Labarna likes this.
  9. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Ah, well there is a problem, I havent FB for 3-4 years :). Its open site? Maybe I visit it cross my wife account spmetimes.

    Yes I know theory, but practice is little worse, In reality I have one, or two rounds of shoting. Last time winner had all units with movement 8-10 and a lot of flying. Elves similar - 3 hordes of drakon riders. Of course it playable, last battle against 2 fields and 3 horseman its a proof, destroying of middle thanks corsairs and then was easy to kill separate wings with heavy hitters. But always try to do it better:cool:
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
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  10. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    do you guys use enough terrain? youy NEED around 8-10 pieces on the middle of the table to be a fair balanced game. Also look at the tips I gave here:


    I have a lot of experience against fast flying armies. In my second league a was the only player not to get beaten by the Basilean player using a flyer heavy list, I got a draw due to bad luck, in the third league I was the only one that managed to win against the all flyer and fast units Abyssal player, dropping him of the top spot and I was also one of the very few to win against an elf army of Dragons and Drakons.

    Use the terrain to your advantage, be clever. Give them several options they don't want, for example:

    - Charge this crap chaff unit
    - Charge my good unit BUT Hindered

    Use your chaff to block multicharges, use Indivduals to re-rout charges into terrain etc. It's not easy but I actually think those armies are BAD, specially against experienced players and in objective based games. Those armies are only good against novice players, seeing as your meta is quite new I get why they've moved into that kind of army. I just wished you weren't so far away so I could kick their asses xD
    Labarna likes this.
  11. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Yes, we are using offical mantic map schemas.

    Thanks for advices, but I red that topic about fast armies, my list is very similar. As I said at start of this topic I need more games...
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
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  12. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    After all I will change skylord and kaisenirs for tyrant and lekelidon. Reason is support main heavy hitter line with tyrants. Lekelidon is able to support both lines; hh and corsairs chaff.
    For last 25 pts thinking two options: banner for one ancients, which will stay behing hh line as reserve, or caterpilar/haste for tyrants.
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  13. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Haste is way better than Pathfinder on the Tyrants. WAY better.

    Just keep us informed on your games !
    Labarna likes this.
  14. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Whatabout banner? With CL rallying its rout in hh line 19 and 20 (AR with staying stone are -/21). He is fast ebough to retreat to main combat in cca 4th round.

    Only the Old ones know when I will play the next game :-/
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  15. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    The banner is a good addition always. It useful in every army, go for it.
    Labarna likes this.

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