Hi guys, I'm new to Lustria Online and new to Warhammer in general. I'm really enjoying building and painting the miniatures but so far I haven't had an opportunity to test out my army yet. I've got my first batch of skinks and saurus warriors painted and I had a blast. I started in 40k painting Chaos Marines and I love the Lizardmen so much more! Anyways, here's what I have so far. The saurus warriors still need their eyes painted and I have temple ruin bases for them as well (match the skinks). Any comments and feedback are very welcome.
Pretty good job all up. I probably would make the 'teeth' on the saurus champs weapon gold like the others, they look a bit unnatural now. And the gold on the weapons looks slighlty less detailed and shinier than the shields, but that could be just the camera. Welcome to the board and the Lizards! You are off to a good start.
Standard color scheme, but done really well. I think you pulled off the Skink eyes really well too, most people falter on that. I would suggest getting the same look for the Saurus too. One question, where are the bases for your Skinks from? Thanks and keep posting!
Thanks for the feedback, still got some work to do on the saurus as you saw... those last bits of detail such as the eyes and scales drive me nuts I'm hoping to wrap them up this weekend so I can start my cold ones. The bases came from Micro Art Studios. I'm being stupid and basing my entire army in them. They're a bit pricey but I think they fit great with the Lizardmen. Oh forgot these are the Temple bases. http://www.thewarstore.com/MicroArtStudios.html
Alright I finally got my saurus warriors finished up and based. I could continue to spend hours tweaking them but I'm very happy with how they turned out and I am excited to dive in to my cold ones.
Everything looks fantastic man, great clean painting. Overall, well done. If you don't mind could you take a pic of your picture taking station and what lighting you use -- the images are very crisp and clear.
Not bad at all man. If you want to improve your painting you can always look up to some tutorials. Check my youtube channel for a skink tutorial that you will find most useful. Especially the gold bits... check it out.
Sorry about not posting this pic earlier Marsdreamer, you'll laugh at just how cheap the "photo studio" is. 2 $10 lights from Target, and a sheet of copy paper can work wonders, even with a cheap camera. I set the camera to macro mode and take my photo, then pop it in to Photoshop for some very minor level adjustments and cropping. Color usually comes out just fine. Below is a photo of my work in progress cold ones, still got a ways to go but so far so good.
I really like the green on the cold one - looks very natural. On the two photos posted there - great! Everyone who has trouble photographing miniatures should look at that for how to do it easily.
Wow, looks spectacular! Is that a brown wash you're using to bring out the details of the gold parts? Also, congrats for painting them before starting to play (it seemed to get a lot harder for me to keep going once I was playing games regularly).
Alright I finished painting all of the cold ones, and my first saurus is 99% complete. I need to touch up a few things on the banner and paint the eyes, but that's it. 1 down 7 to go. I used a white spray paint on my saurus, and I am really struggling with white spray paint. I bought white and black of the same paint, and the black goes on perfectly smooth, but white is gritty and really frustrating. Any ideas on a good primer for white? Because of that I'm not completely happy with the overall unit but I still think he looks okay.
White spray paint can be a bit trickier to work with than black, not sure why... If your paint is getting chalky or powerdery then your holding the spray nozzel to far away or it's too windy out when your spraying. If it's too runny you need to hold it a little further away from the model. I personally use Krylon white spray paint. It works out really well so far. I've been using it to prime my Reaver Titan and have been pretty satisfied.
Finally got my cold ones completed, took a while but I think they turned out well. Now on to my stegadon, very excited about him!