Hey all, It's been a while since I last made a post so I thought I'd give an update on my army. I have it all completely painted now and just came from the Dallas Lonewolf GT where I finished 4th in overall painting score. I was disappointed with that but also honored at the same time. It helps me to see where my army ranks and lets me know what I need to work on. There was some awesome painted armies and miniatures throughout the weekend and the overall time was money well spent. I am going to go back through each of these units and touch up and fix areas where I feel I need improvement. One of the things I"m going to focus on is the metal areas. I want to go for the non metal metallic look on all of the metal parts (so any input on tips for this is MUCH appreciated) on my army and also fix up the bases a little bit more. After that, I am going to touch up scales and whatnot to make the overall appearance look cleaner. Please note that most of these models I've already posted before but there are a few new ones and I just wanted to get them all together to show my completely painted entire army. I plan on adding a unit of the new Temple Guard and will have that done within about a month so stay tuned for those. For now, please enjoy and let me know what you think. Thanks a lot! Iggy Koopa
Wow Excellently themed, painted and converted. Love the Kroxitrolls, the Swiming Skinks, Jungle Swarms in the Jungle, and the Tribal masked skink. The Carnasur and conveyed Old Blood are well done, and I love that you got Ticktacktoe.
Very cool, great looking army overall. And congratulations! If I were to make one criticism, the water is too bright and clean. I think it should be more swampy, or at least include some greens to give it a bit of a dirtier look. Painting water is a bit of a pain. I tried it on some WiP Seaguard with mixed success.
Very nice looking army! I like the bright and bold colors with the darker skin tones, really makes things pop. I really like the bold highlights throughout the entire army as well. Good work. I have to agree with Strewart on the water though. It definitely looks like water, its just very bright, water is difficult to paint anyway, so what you did was a good job. I especially like your Carno and Slann --Superb work
I really like the look, totally a top notch job. I especially love the Waaaghzag mask on the Skink Priest and your troll/krox conversion. Any chance you can post some solo images of the Troll/Krox conversion. I would love to see that model on it's own. Is it using the metal stone troll body?
Woha! amazing job mate! I would leave the army as it looks, trying NMM like that will be a total punishment. I would rather start another different army to apply that technique.
Iggy; those bases are the sh*t. Army looks sweet and man once again those bases are flatout sick. Great work! Wow Your Friendly Thunder Lizard
All, Thanks for the compliments on my army, it is much appreciated. I'm glad to hear that everybody likes it... and thanks for the suggestions as well, I always love to get constructive feedback. I'll take some close up pics of the Krox / Skink unit today when I get home. Thanks again for looking and giving me your feedback. Iggy Koopa