I've noticed that the scales on the left (shield side) of the saurus models are fantastically detailed and have great depth, they really look good with some ink. On the other hand, the right side seems lazily sculpted, they are large and flat with not as much detail to pick out, especially behind the shoulder. Is this just a bad batch that I happened to get, or are the all strangely like that? Its making painting them a little frustrating.
Don't know, never owned any. I prefer reaper models for my lizards. Which means no tournamants for me
Maybe the detailed side is the "up" side in the plastic mold and the other is the "down" side. Or maybe visa versa, I'm not sure of the physics...
it's detailed side down, that's why i'm doing a mainly skink army. they haven't changed the saurus moulds for a while tbh. atleast Temple Guard are much better miniatures.
i gotta agree and at first i used cheap paints with no washes so they looked really really bad on that side
Its a bit annoying. Just had a look at the Temple Guard and I think they have it a little bit as well, though nowhere near as bad. I guess nothing short of remodelling the backs (which I am definitely not doing) will help though.
Temple guard scales are done in a different was overlapping rather than seperate scales, something gw doesn't do often if you check out the dragon kits, as the non overlapping scales are much easier to do.
It seems to me on the left (shield side) they are individual scales, while on the right they are overlapping like scale mail... I prefer the individual scales for LM.
Yep, you have to 'draw' them in the shoulder areas but it stills fits nice at the end and barely noticeable.
Yes, I have the same problem. I find it disappointing, because it seriously disrupts washes, and looks quite bad. personally, i use a hobby knife to cut in scales on the shoulder, perhaps that would work?
Ya i thought i just got a bad batch of saurus but when i picked up another box they were like that too =[ Thanks GW =p