Help Realistic Blood

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by LizardWizard, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I have been trying to find a satisfactory method of painting realistic and attractive blood splatter. I have done some experiments with the flicking and blow methods and find that the scale of the splotches is not quite correct. You lose a lot of the streaking affect and spread that would be present in actual battle.

    All the technical paints tend to look more like strawberry jam in my opinion.

    In terms of color there seems to be a nearly even mix or reds, browns, and purple with a touch of black in the dried zones.

    Anyone have a good technique outside of pure freehand. I don't want to be painting blood splatter for the next year:D

    Also, my google history is now full of searches for scabs, blood splatter, and brain matter. So that's a thing.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Which of the technical paints did you try?

    It is of course a question of taste but I am quite happy with the one by army painter.

    For the Khorne dudes from the Shadespire set (my wife painted them) I used the Army Painter blood stuff and the flicking method.
    I created smears by just using my finger on the not fully dried paint.

    ...I have to take some pics when I am at home.

    For my Wight King I dabbed the stuff on a bit to leave stains. Here is a pic. The blood is on the cloak and on the legs.
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  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    The best method is using the brush to splatter the blood around and then freehand streaks etc, also what size brush and type matters, you want stiff, long bristles.

    (I'm sure I've got a tutorial on it in a book somewhere by Angel Giraldez)

    The technical paints blood for the blood god etc etc are too red as you say, have you tried Tamiya clear red?

    If it's too red add a spot of khorne red if it's still not right add a tiny drop of black and I mean a spot from the end of a size1 brush.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hmpf now I cannot edit the post anymore....
    What I wanted to add is:

    I think the main error is using it too thickly. That's when it globs and starts looking like strawberry jam.
    Happened to my first Carnosaur. I think it looks mostly OK but on the teeth for example it is a bit too much.

    The other thing is the red itself.
    As @Crowsfoot said, it is a really bright red so the only thing it works for is really fresh blood. As soon as it starts drying blood becomes quite dark. So don't use it for dried blood, only if you want to make it look like it was splattered on mere seconds ago. (And that's why I rarely use it).
    LizardWizard and Crowsfoot like this.

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