KoW Abyssals vs Brotherhood [PUSH - 2000 Points]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Itepixcauh, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Hello Battle Brothers!

    Let me begin by adding a bit of context into the game we will be delving into very soon.

    This opponent and I are always neck and neck in the local league, he is probably te best KoW player in the region, and is always on the top of every tournament or league we make (He also plays Abyssals which are my nemesis, for some reason they are the army I struggle the most to beat) Last year I managed to win the league with my Salamanders because I managed to beat him for the first time (I still lost against him in a tournament coming second and again lost against Abyssals, different player, in the big tournament of the year. DAMN ABYSSALS)

    So we come to this point in time, both undefeated this league, he is currently top due to victory points and I'm second. So if I want to have any chance of taking this year's league for the Brotherhood I need to win this game, not going to be easy at all. This is the list I crafted for the PUSH scenario:

    - Horde of Spearmen with Strength
    - Horde of Martyrs with Fire Oil
    - Swain's Rangers
    - Regiment of Initiates
    - Regiment of Abyssal-Hunt
    - Troop of Reconnoiterers
    - 2 Forsaken Beasts
    - 2 Siege Artillery
    - Devoted with Martyr's Prayer and Weakness
    - Devoted with Weakness and Inspiring
    - Exemplar Hunter on Horse
    - Exemplar Adjutant with Lute on Horse


    Very similar to my lists of late, I added a nasty surprise with the Fire Oil, as I know for certain he is going to bring regen into the table. Plan is as usual, take the centre with the Infantry to secure the token there while the rest of my army delays him as much as possible.

    Let's take a look at his list:

    - Horde of Lower Abyssals with Courage
    - Horde of Mollochs with Sharpness
    - Horde of Larvae
    - Regiment of Abyssal Knights with Haste
    - Twisted Victims
    - 2 Troops of Gargoyles
    - Archfiend with Wings and Lightning Bolt and Elite
    - Abyssal Champion with Wings and Critters Call and Blade of Slashing
    - Abyssal Warlock with Spell Siphon and Veil of Shadows and Inspiring
    - Abyssal Harbinger mounted with Lute

    I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting about some equipment or spell somewhere but I have the important bits.

    I knew in advance he was going to tailor his list to me and he has, Siphon is there just for me, as it is Critters Call, and the Abyssal Champion he knows I'm going to take Martyr's Prayer and that I have quite a powerful shooting and plans to take advantage of it. I can't blame him, I did just the same thing.

    That Archfiend... That is scary as hell. You have to accept he is going to get 8-9 damage in every charge and there is nothing you can do about it. It's a beast. Let's see if I can trick him into charging my Abyssal-Hunt and then put a big dent into him.



    I won the roll to deploy and proceed to drop the central core, I made sure my Martyrs were placed just in front of the Mollochs, when he started deploying in the left flank his strong units I proceeded to place my cavalry there to act as a contention force so my infantry can take the centre.

    TURN 1

    He wins the roll to choose first turn and takes it, good call considering I outgun him completely.

    He moves up siding the Twisted Victims into the centre as that is his weakest part with some gargoyles for support. His Archfiend is kept behind the building so I cannot target him with my Siege Artillery.

    On my turn I move forwards HARD, I put my Reconnoiterers and Initiates into charge range of the Archfiend to try to lure him into combat. I take Kev to the left side so aid in holding that fank. I try to block the Abyssal Champion from charging the Artillery with my Hunter but I forget that Individuals never block line of sight, rookie mistake.

    I open fire with my Siege Artillery into the Twisted Victims, first Artillery hits! proceed to roll the second one into them, BOOM, another hit! I get them to 11 damage on turn 1, I want to secure their death now so I shoot the Rangers into them as well getting them into 13 damage, not bad. I shoot the Forsaken Beast into the Mollochs to start to soften them up a bit. I roll for Nerve on the Twisted Victims routing them, so I re-roll for Inspiring and get a 4, the damn things survive (that is going to be a theme of the game apparently)



    He starts charging his Champion into one of the Artillery, I guess I'm happy with that, better than breaking havoc into my lines I guess, My Hunter will try to make his name appropriate soon. His centre holds the line, he is not happy with the brutal pounding of the Victims, while the left flank advances HARD on me, trying to overwhelm me and taking the centre. The Gargoyles in the Centre charge the Reconnoiterers.

    The Archfiend shoots his Lightning bolt into the Abyssal-Hunt doing a massive 4 damage and in the combat the Gargoyles with again very good rolls kill the Reconns with ease and reform to face my cavalry.



    The left flank is looking terrible for me, he has two chaff units and plenty of combat power to obliterate me in one turn so I must take care of that chaff first, I charge one with my initiates and move Kev inot range to take care of the second. I don't want to put my Abyssa-Hunt in the hill because if I do they are going to get double-carged and killed.

    The centre is easier, I push even harder forwards, taking the centre token with my second Forsaken Beast. I purposely get into charge range of his units there as I can easily take a charge and I want to force the conflict as it benefits me. If he doesn't take the charge I will next turn, it's a win-win. My Hunter is outside of charge range of the champion so I move him to a spot where if he charges the other Artillery or any of my units I will be able to hunt him down.

    On the shooting phase I shoot the Rangers into the Victims once again, doing on point of damage hoping to finishing them off once and for all, the Beast breaths again into the Mollochs and Kev inot the Gargoyles, doing a fair bit of damage and routing them! A nice nerve roll seals the deal as there is no Inspiring nearby. The Victims though... well they are out of inspiring due to an error on my opponent part but I again roll a 4, no luck there.

    My initiates easily destroy the other Gargoyles and reform to face the Victims on the front.



    It's time to unleash the pain, this is I think a crucial point in my opponents game, he charges with EVERYTHING! if the left flank is obliterated then the game will be very hard for me. The only unit that can't make the charge is the Knights as they cannot see the Abyssal-Hunt.

    The Lower Abyssals and Victims charge the Initiates, the Archfiend the Abyssal-Hunt, Mollochs into the Martyrs, Larvae into the Forsaken Beast and the Champion turns to cast Critters Call into the Rangers causing two wounds and disordering them.

    The combats in the centre go well for me, both units are hindered and bounce off with ease, that was to be expected. The archfiend starts by getting the Abyssal-Hunt to 12 wounds (ouch) then he rolls a 4, so they get wavered! with FURY! YES! the multicharge against the Initiates goes more or less the same way, he again rolls a 4 in the Nerve and thanks to Valiant support they only get Wavered! I couldn't be any happier to be honest.



    I start with the centre as that is the easy stuff, My Martyrs charge the wounded Mollochs, the Forsaken Beast charge the Larvae ans my Ranger move up to allow space for my Spearmen to step sideways to get the Larvae on the flank next turn, I'm not committing to a front charge or else I'm not getting out of there ever. My Hunter finally gets to charge the Champion.

    On the left my Abyssal-Hunt counter the Archfiend aided with a successful Bane-Chant from the Adjutant, while Kev charges the Victims to hopefully killing them once and for all.

    The Larvae are unfazed by the poor efforts of the Forsaken Beast but the Martyrs, oh boy the Martyrs, Thanks to a good roll to wound they get 11 wounds on the Mollochs, taking them to 13 and routing them! in one go! Go Fire-Oil! They reform to face the flank and provide another wall to protect the Tokens.

    The combats on the left go well, The Abyssal-Hunt go to town, doing what they are supposed to do and put 10 WOUNDS! on the Arch-Fiend, and Kev gets the Victims into double one territory. On the Nerve rolls I only waver the Arch-fiend on the re-roll, so close! while on the Victims.... guess what? Yes, Snake Eyes.

    Still the game is going very, very well for me with the Mollochs dead the centre is currently secured and protected from his hard hitters by my almost fresh Martyrs on terrain, I'm liking that.



    I don't have a picture of this turn as is custom on my reports I forgot to get one turn, but it's quite simple to be honest. His Knights and Arch-Fiend multi-charge the Abyssal-Hunt, the Lower-Abyssals on the Initiates and the Victims corckscrew into the Martyrs. The Larvae can only go into the Forsaken Beast and the Champion chooses to counter my Hunter.

    The left flank collapses at last, that was to be expected, they have performed sublimely. The Initiates and Abyssal-Hunt die with honour, the Victims bounce off as do the Champion and Larvae. All his left flank turns to face the centre.


    We are quite tight in kill points right now, but if I kill the Larvae this turn and take their token then I will have the tokens in my possession and on almost untouched anvils in his half of the board.

    I move my Adjutant and Devoteds to stay behind the Martyrs, Healing them as much as possible and counter the Victims. Kev turns and Breaths on the Archfiend while on the centre the Spearmen get into the flank of the Larvae with the Beast on the front. A successful Bane-chant on the Spears means they will be wounding on 2s. Kev manages to wound the Archfiend, forcing a Nerve check, then I rolled a double one, second one. My Artillery hits again into the Lower-Abyssals, getting 7 very juicy wounds.

    Both combats go well, the Victims have finally run out of luck and perish under the Martyrs blades and the Larvae suffer an astonishing about of wounds even from the hindered charge of the Spearmen, getting them well into double ones and routing them. I pick their token with my Spears that now have two, I also turn the Forsaken Beast to face the Archfiend that can see over the forest.

    My Hunter keeps hunting his Champion, in a very tight duel if I'm honest.

  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    As I predicted the Arch-fiend jumps over the forest to charge the Forsaken Beast with a Token, he previously moved his Warlock to the edge of the forest to prevent him from getting hindered, he confessed me he learned that trick form me. I'm honoured. The Lower Abyssals can't get into the Martyrs as Kev is in the way so they multi-charge him with the Knights. The Champion decided to end the Artillery and charges it ignoring the Hunter.

    The Archfiend bounces off, only wavering the Beast, close but not enough! Kev in to that lucky and he gets routed, fleeing the field to lick his wounds and fight another day. The Artillery dies as expected.



    I again charge the Hunter into the Champion, take my Martyrs into the Lower Abyssals hoping for a good set of rolls but to be honest I'm just happy with them being in the way. My Spearmen can't get to charge the Archfiend due to the wavered Beast to I just stay put and let my Rangers take care of him, he is quite wounded so a couple wounds more can be enough.

    The Rangers, prove their worth, facing fear and fire incarnate they stay still, fire and banish the foul demon into the Abyss. Such a a good unit. The combat goes well but I'm not able to chew through the massive Nerve of the Horde, my Hunter though, he valiantly charges his foe, slaying the creature with his two-handed axe.


    TURN 6

    With only two unit on the field and one trapped into combat with the Martyrs there is not much he can do, so he charges the Knights into the Beast (he actually couldn't do it, as here is a forest in the way he realised after the turn was over but it didn't really affect the game).

    Both units bounce off.

    On my turn I counter his Lower Abyssals again and multi-charge the Knights with my Spears and Beast. The Lower Abyssals held again, but the Knights get destroyed, I back up with both units and the game ends with a few seconds on my clock and none on his.




    A very solid victory for the Brotherhood, with a 6-0 in the Scenario and a 17-3 total for the game. Everything performed brilliantly, with luck in the right moments and despite rolling two double ones I still got a very solid victory. My plan worked as Intended with once again my Infantry being the MVPs of the game.

    The disgusting Siphon spell meant I wasn't able to cast Martyrs Prayer for the whole game, except for one time, luckily as he is a servant of the abyss the spell failed spectacularly every time he tried to cast it. a size two caster with that spell is an amazing counter to my list, very clever on his part.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    So are you first now?
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Still the last game of the league is a bit special. It will be a doubles game, with the pairings done like this: First with Last, against the Second with the second from the bottom and so on, so we will see how that one goes. I'm guessing I will be seeing that Abyssal army once more.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Great game, it must have been a really satisfying victory, one that you will remember for a long time. :)
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  6. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yes it was actually. With this victory on hand I might even get a clean run of victories with the Brotherhood this year, we will see!

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