Considering how reliant on summoning our army is in its current state, is there any reason to not take more than one Starmaster? Either for more CCP or to still be able to cast all of those glorious spells?
Only the General can create summoning points. So that's the reason why you would rarely play two Slanns. The spells aren't _that_ great right now.
Thank you! I don't usually play hardline summoning, so I wasn't *entirely* certain as to how it worked.
there is an argument for a Kroak slann combo... but it took a massive hit when they nerfed Kroak and didn't reduce his points.
Yeah I played such a list. It did work (I won) but it was way less impressive than it looked on paper.
Double slann, no. Slann + kroak is my bread and butter. People don't like kroak because he isn't worth the points because he has to sacrifice casting is spells for summoning points, but if you cover that with a slann and let kroak do what he does best he is amazing and well worth his points - he can almost solo a 2000 point nurgle daemon list in my experience.
That requires some insanely good rolls though, how do you get him to be that reliable? I have had matches in which Kroak struggled to do any wounds. The FAQ just nerfed him.
Plant him next to an astrolith, get the +1 to cast constellation (if you roll on on the first try even better). These 2 are more controllable variables which make its casting significantly easier, if you can get him next to arcane terrain too you should be getting off most casts. I run him next to a eotg that is either summoning or shooting its d6 laser most turns and waiting for them to be back in stock to run a second one. I've never not had him earn his points back and I've only used him after the nerf. I then run my slann on a balewind next to cogs churning out 17 conjuration points a turn minimum after turn 2, turn 1 is 14. I don't summon until turn 3 usually, but in occasion turn 2. Kroaks command ability is nice too, it doesn't always pay off, but if you can store up 6 or 7 by turn 3, summon in a old blood on carno and blow them all on his command ability, he will basically go through anything short of nagash, yes I tried it.
that's where my problems usually start. I never managed to get both off (often not even one of them) and not get at least one of them dispelled. Same for Kroak's spells. Except when playing against SCE as my usual opponents don't have any wizards.
That one's not really something I can help with lol with kroak, you aren't running a 1 drop army and I usually have 7 drops, so it's not a guarantee to go first, so I put kroak and my engines as far up as possible, my astrolith slightly behind and my slann and starpriest as far back as I can but make sure the Astro is still in range for the +1. I summon the cogs with the starpriest and balewind with slann, it's fairly reliable with +2/3, but dice are going to be dice.
Increased cast value is what killed Kroak singlehandly, IMO. Double Astroliths were also abused before FAQ, but they were nerfed alongside Kroak, so I see no reason why they increased cast value too. To make him reliable now, you need an Astro+Sage's Staff+Arcane Terrain+Curse of fates. Then he becomes a beast again. But stars need to align properly for this to happen.
that is an oxymoronic statement lol. "ive been lucky" + " you only need the +2" does not equal a consistent result for those of us that have normal luck lol. 450 points for his current ruleset is simply not worth it imo.
It's just a saying. Kroak has consistently earned his points back and more for me. +2/3 worth normal luck as in rolling average dice, you should have no issues.
I personally just cant justify 22.5% of my army in him (at 2k) post nerf. I am truly (legit no sarcasm) ecstatic that at least one of us has found him to be worth while.
As much as Kroak was absolutely disgusting (to the point they decided to nerf him), That was the point of him costing 450 POINTS! Spending half to a quarter of my army on ONE dude, who can relatively easily get shot to pieces, should mean I get something nasty. He is no longer nasty.