7th Ed. Lizardmen vs. Beasts (1500 pts)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Xlcontiqu, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec tasted the air, surveying the battlefield. His tongue flickered back into his mouth, and he recognized the scent, it was the vile Beastmen! He emitted a guttural roar and called his troops around him, it was time for battle!

    The Lizardmen

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Shield of the Mirrored Pool

    Skink Chief
    Light armour, shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head

    Skink Priest
    Dispel Scroll

    2 x 12 Saurus
    Spear, Musician

    2 x 10 Skinks

    3 Terradons

    3 Kroxigor

    1 Stegadon

    3 Salamander
    3 extra crew

    The Beastmen

    Wargor with Mangelder

    Level 2, Ravorgor Chariot, Stone of Spite, Power Stone

    Level 2, 2 Dispel Scrolls

    15 Bestigor
    Full Command

    4 x 5 Ungor (2 ambushing)

    2 x 6 Warhounds

    2 x 10 Gors
    Extra Hand Weapon, Musician, Champion

    1 Jabberslythe

    The beast army rushed forward at full pace, eager to meet the Lizardmen lines. Hexec could just barely make out the ambushers coming in way behind the main advance of the Beastmen, but could not tell where the other unit was. A shriek came up from the left flank, Hexec knew it well. It was the hunting call of the Terradons. Something told him that the other ambushers had been dealt with. As the Beastmen rushed forward the Lizardmen line shuffled a bit, to align up for good battles. The Skinks opened fire and knocked off half up a unit of Warhound, but they resolutely held. The Salamanders opened fire on some regular Gors, but all of their shots missed or failed to wound the hardy gors. The Stegadon released a giant bolt which soared through the air and took a chunk out of the Jabberslythe. Hexec was hoping it could be brought down before it reached their lines.

    The Beastmen continued to advance, their magic failing to appear as Chosi-Raz, the Skink Priest brought his magical prowess to bear. Their shooting was also failing to wound the Lizards whose strong hides saved them, except for Xlatac the Skink Chief, who was brought down by a unit of mere ambushers. The gors managed to get into a unit of Skinks and Hexed was suprised to see them hold, unlike their brethren who had just fled from the Warhounds they had nearly finished off with their javelins. The Stegadon looked very tempted to charge a unit of distracting Warhounds, but luckily the Terradons came to the rescue again, dropping their rocks on the Warhounds and causing them to flee. With the distraction gone, the Stegadon opened fire on the Jabberslythe again, who had been recently terrorizing the Lizardmen units. This bolt struck true also, burying itself deep in the Jabberslythes body, almost killing it. Luckily the Salamanders finished the job by toasting it and a couple gors who got in the way. Hexec roared and called the charge, his unit slamming into the Beastman general's unit and the Kroxigor hitting a gor unit, as the Warhounds fled from them. The Kroxigor quickly slew half their opponents, receiving no attacks in return and running the enemy down. The Beastman champion roared out a challenge to Hexec, who accepted cutting him down before the champion finished his challenge. His fellow Saurus killed a couple more of the Bestigor, but both sides held firm.

    The Beastman assault began anew, with the gors charging the Salamanders who prepared to meet their attacks. The rest of the Beastman army prepared to get into charges, though by this point the odds were heavily in the Lizardmen's favour. The Salamanders lost one of their number, but managed to hold strong, their nerve matched only by their opponents. Hexec looked around for another challenge. Roaring at the Beastmen general he lunged towards him, only to be cut down quickly by the general's blade. The Saurus, enraged by the death of their general, proceeded to slay half the unit, breaking them. They fled right into the Kroxigor, who proceeded to destroy the rest of the unit, shaking off the enemy mage's pitiful attempts to stop them.

    Chosi-Raz saw the death of their honoured leader, and leaping out of the forest, planned to take business into his own hands. He uttered the incantion, but only managed to injure himself in a botched magical attempt. Luckily, the Lizardmen forces, could handle the Beastmen without magical assistance. The Terradons, after finishing another unit of ambushers, charged more ambushers, and broke them. The Salamanders broke their opponents, and the Saurus and Kroxigor prepared to meet the chariot's charge. Unfortunately this proved too much, as they were both run down and killed. After seeing the death of their fellow, the other Saurus fled the chariot, but the Stegadon would have none of it. Even the haze of wrath that held chariot mage's brain could force him to charge the Stegadon, so the chariot ground to a halt.

    The Stegadon thundered towards the chariot, murder in his eyes, and the chariot fled in fear. The last unit of ambushers also fled from the fearsome Salamanders, though the last gor unit managed to find the nerve to rally, even as the fleeing chariot plowed through their ranks, leaving only one alive. The Beastmen launched one more assualt, the lone gor champion charging at the Terradons, who had just destroyed the chariot. Disdainfully, one of the riders launched a javelin at him, skewering him where he stood, the last Beastmen resistance killed.

    As the last ambushers fled, Chosi-Raz checked to see what the Lizardmen had left. The Salamanders, Stegadon, Terradons, one unit of Saurus, and a unit of Skinks remained. There was not a Beastman to be seen. The might of the Lizardmen had carried the day! Though, Chosi-Raz thought to himself, I need to start working on my magic.

    I hope some of you managed to get through the whole thing. Basically the Terradons were the most valuable unit in this game. They accounted for three units of ungors, a unit of warhounds, the last of one unit of gor, and the mage in his chariot. All of my characters either died or early, or did very little, so it was truly the units of the Lizardmen that won the battle. I hoped you could understand and enjoy the report!
  2. Avenger

    Avenger New Member

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    Nice report, you are a good narrator. GLORY TOTHE LIZARDS.
  3. Thunder Lizard

    Thunder Lizard New Member

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    Sweet report, almost made me feel like I was watching a movie. Keep it up! Congrats and best of luck in your next battles.

    Your Friendly Thunder Lizard
  4. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Love the way you narrate these battles- it makes me imagine an actual battlefield instead of just a bunch of models on a table. Keep it up!

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