KoW Salamanders vs Herd [PUSH - 3000 points]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Hellbender, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Hellbender

    Hellbender Member

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    A short report of my first outing with the Salamanders in a full-sized game. I went for a pretty even deployment with Tyrants / Ancients in the centre and a unit of AoRs on each flank. Chaff was sprinkled in front with the Skyraiders just out of shot on the left flank (bottom of the picture). The Lekelidons had two in the centre with one on the right.

    I adopted a somewhat defensive posture and allowed The Herd to advance on me, which they did only cautiously as they sought to find some weak spots to exploit. My tight deployment did nt give them many options so they threw their own chaff forward to tempt me.


    In the end the Herd launched a major assault across the line which had limited success but did enable them to steal the central marker making it 8-3 in their favour after 3 turns. Some Artakl and Lekelidon shooting forced their marker carrier to scurry-back across the half way-line but I was unable to catch him or cut through in time to win the game. It did however make it a more respectable 4-3.


    So a narrow loss and some mixed fortunes:
    1. I was likely too passive in the early moves. The Herd charges were not as deadly as I had feared so I could have been braver and attacked them more to get closer to the central objective maker.
    2. I had planned to keep both AoR together but split them as both Herd flanks were strong. Although it put them off attacking, it denied me a strong flanking attack forve. Next time perhaps less chaff to have an additional unit to guard my anchored flank as the Skyraiders were outnumbered.
    3. The Battle Captain tied-down the Stampede for 3 turns meaning it took no part in the game - a plus.
    4. Artakl and the Lekeidons caused his Shamans some discomfort and kept them hopping about the board - another plus. It did mean I got limited use out of the Lekeidons as chaff though.
    4. Inspiration of the Ancients plus a Griffon banner on the Clan Lord worked well. Rallying (2), lots of Inspiring, and the armies core being Fearless / Furious is pretty nasty but see comment 1!

    Itepixcauh likes this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Great report and sounds like a close great game. Well done despite loosing.

    I agree on all your points in the end. Testing out how your play style is best suited takes time, so keep on playing and adjusting!
  3. Hellbender

    Hellbender Member

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    I'm not sure I got the best from the Lekelidon though. I used them mostly for sniping at the Shamans behind his lines and then as chaff when the charge came in. I had considered using them as shooting chaff in front of my AoR's but that would mean only advancing 6 inches per turn. So do you use them as static shooting or in front of advancing units?

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