Hey in this painting log i'll post al conversions and painting of my army. my army will be painted white for the skin, and probably red for the scales. but i'm not 100% sure of that. i've already made some conversions. to start of with my skink priests: I'm converting 3 skink priests to make some unique models. these priests wil be joined by my tetto'eko conversion (also a priest) and a priest with cloak of feathers. i know that's a lot of priests but i just like the conversions you can make with them so and last for now i got some pictures of my WIP army standard: Rick
Yeah I always end up with too many character models in an army too. They are just so much cooler and more fun to make and paint than troops! Looking good, get some paint onto them. I really like the priest with the two skull bottles, pity skinks can't take death magic.
amen! and the one with the bottles is going to be my jungle potion mixer haha he spilled some over his head that's why he's wearing the mask haha Rick
Thosxe look pretty whicked. Though with the standard. I would suggest making thier heads pointing down, putting the legs closer together and making thier hands have fingers hanging down. Will give more of a dead look, as everything relaxes when you are dead.
as for the empire man's head, he's hanging from it so that holds it up, for the rest, i'm not that much of an artist to make that working i'm afraid so, i don't want to ruin them so i left them like this haha tnx for the responses do. Rick
I love the skinks. I am totally going to use the Light Wizard staff head for a staff. Looks so awesome and totally fits the fluff! Great work man! I love your conversions!
yea the empire battle wizards box is great for converting lizardmen. the book also comes from the same box as does my conversion for a BBoC for my scarvet tanks for the compliments. i'll post some pictures soon the skinks are almost finished. Rick
Those conversions look simply great, amazing job and inspiration!!! (Dont blame me if you see similar conversions on my videos from now on )
Nothing wrong here. I can't comment on the painting as it's still WiP. One piece of criticism though; I didn't know Lizardmen used books. I would have personally gone with a stone/gold/something tablet but that's just me. Cheers!
i will agree with the previous comment on the book...however, it definitely sets the model apart as a priest. what bit is that book from anyway? it looks familiar...
the book is from the empire battle wizards set. just like the staff of the other priest and about the use of a book, i had this in my bits box, and i also like the idea that he took it from some other wizard. he killed the wizard before he could use his dispel book and took the book from him. Rick