Skink Priest level 2 dispel scroll plaque of tepok EoTG Skink Priest level 2 Rod of Storm EoTG Skink Priest Level 2 Diadem Cloak of Feathers Skink Chief Stegadon Warspear Blowpipe Ancient Steg Skink Cohorts 28 Skinks 3 kroxigor 20 Skink Skirmishers 10 Skink Skirmishers jav/shield 10 Skink Skirmishers jav/shield 3 Salamanders +3 crew 2250 this is a list I thought would be fun to play, but not sure on its feasibility. Another idea is. Slann Mage Priest Focus Mystery Focused Rumination Higher State Diadem Skink Priest EoTG level 2 Rod of Storm Dispel Scroll Skink Cohorts 28 Skinks 3 kroxigor Skink Cohorts 28 Skinks 3 kroxigor 10 Skink Skirmishers jav/shield 10 Skink Skirmishers 10 Skink Skirmishers 16 Temple Guard fc 3 Salamanders +3 Crew 2247 What do you guys think then?
1st list: -The one wasted item I see is the cloak of feathers. I only find the useful for channeling, and without a slann, I can see that 25 points being used elsewhere. -You really have no combat resolution at all, so your army will be mainly run and gun. Unless you can get the ancient steg and skrox to combine a charge/flank maneuver you will probably be bogged down for most of the game, if not flanked and broken pretty quickly. 2nd list: -I would drop the diadem on Slann, as you will always use all his powerdice as he has the best spells. Put the Diadem on the skink, and move the scroll to the slann. -The big Slann/TG core with Skrox and Steg could make for a decent bubble, but since Skrox can't execute a turn, you need to really protect your flanks. Overall I find the lack of an at least 18 strong Saurus Spears unit to be a weakness. I always build my army around that unit. They are an amazing anvil, and a great partner to team up with a Slann/TG unit. Also, going without Terradons or Chameleons you are surely leaving a weakness to war machines. Hopefully your magic can counter this.
You'll find that the first list will invariably get decimated about 99% of the time. Don't be offended, it has nothing to do with your abilities as a general or dice rolls or anything of that nature. Skinks are meant to die. That is their purpose in the Lizardmen world. That's why they are spawned in droves. While it is a truely neat idea and facinating by all means I wouldn't trust it for anything but the occasional self destructive gratification process. Having said all that...I plan on building one your not alone in the thought haha!
The first list just lacks any staying power besides Stegadons. The second list looks good, but I would maybe drop the Skinks to 24 per unit rather than 28. Even I personally am interested in making a Skink only list, but you are going to need Terradons for sure if you expect to win with them.