Hey guys im looking for for help please, Im looking for a special head from the AOS Varanguard set for a chaos lord conversion im working on i've been looking for a Bitz site in the UK/EU but no one seems to have it so im wondering what sites do you guys use? and what can i do to get it? im not going to pay 80 euro for 3 models thanks guys
Ebay is your best bet, if your lucky you will find the part, if not buy some used swap the head then resell the models. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VARANGUA...573665?hash=item3d8652ba61:g:2pcAAOSwccdcfsDZ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chaos-Ev...574599?hash=item3b2d72e3c7:g:Xd4AAOSwNRJcjLoP