AoS 1.5K 1st Tournament

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by General Grivious, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. General Grivious

    General Grivious Member

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    Hello dinosaur lovers,

    Today I come to ask for your help because in a month, the store where we play will have its first tournament. The problem is that I have no idea how to play it knowing that artefacts from the mortal realm are NOT wallowed and neither ENDLES SPELLS ....
    Others players have Stormcast Eternals/ 2 Legion Of Nagash (one are going to play with Nagash D: )/Skavens/ Slave to darkness/ Iron Jaws and that all i know....

    This is what I have:

    Slann Starmaster
    Saurus Oldblood
    Saurus Sunblood
    Skink Starpriest

    40 Skinks
    6 Rippersdactyls
    40 Saurus Warriors (build xD)
    8 Saurus Knight
    4 Razordons
    1 Troglodon

    A Starting collector box not open :v an 10 more Saurus Warriors

    I was thinking of going with a list like this:

    Allegiance: Seraphon


    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    Engine of the Gods (220)
    Skink Starpriest (80)

    40 x Saurus Warriors (360)
    - Clubs
    20 x Skinks (120)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)
    4 x Razordons (160)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 108

    A large block of Saurus W to face whatever :D and make time while invocations arrive (rippers or more Saurus) ..

    Or maybe like this:

    Allegiance: Seraphon


    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices

    Engine of the Gods (220)
    - Artefact: Prism of Amyntok
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)

    30 x Skinks (180)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)
    4 x Razordons (160)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)

    Total: 1480 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 96

    A game more skinked and adapted to the situation: summon rippers for more attack, invoking saurus warriors to defend, or more skinks? Besides having enough snipe with the rippers, however every time I play shadowstrike my rippers end up dying after fulfilling their mission (killing a hero or unit that bothers me enough) - but is it really worth it? XD

    What do you think? What list would you advise me? Some advice?
    Should I build a Scar vet on Carnosaur or an Oldblood on Carnosaur ???
    I can buy skinks or rippers, what do you think i need?

    Thanks for your answers I love this community :B
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I prefer the second list.

    The reason being is it is 3 fewer drops. You get a second artifact. You are able to start with a floating Command point. And Shadowstrike Starhost is an extremely potent battalion for alpha strikes.

    I might consider taking Coronal Shield on the EotGs. Due to the size of the base on the EotGs you have a high likelihood of having multiple units in range for the debuff. Couple that with Summon Starlight and you might be able to debuff a key enemy unit to -2 to hit.

    A Scar-Veteran or Oldblood on Carno can be useful, but I would consider just using them for summoning if you find you have collected a decent amount of points.

    I hope my advice is helpful and I am glad you are enjoying Lustria.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree with the above. Shadowstrike should work well.

    Out of curiosity: any idea why endless spells and artefacts aren't allowed? Sounds weird to me, as most armies profit from them, especially the older ones that are in dire need for buffs.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. General Grivious

    General Grivious Member

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    Hi all,
    I tell you that the tournament now is no longer 1500 but 1250 points, in Vanguard format ...
    Thanks for your advice! I tried Shadowstrike Starhos list and I love it so much!
    I had planned this list:

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    - Artefact: Prism of Amyntok

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

    9 x Ripperdactyl Riders (420)
    4 x Razordons (160)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)

    Total: 1240 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 16
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 67

    But after winning a close match against Stormcast i started thinking: The Astrolith Bearer is necessary in this format?
    I ended up with this list:

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    - Artefact: Prism of Amyntok
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)
    4 x Razordons (160)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)

    Total: 1240 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 16
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 67

    Why? becauseeeeee -> In this tournament all types of figurines will be allowed .... That's right ... Hi Nagash, Hi Celestan Prime, Hi Vampirelord on Zombie dragon, Orruk maw Krusha .....
    So I thought, who can I kill them turn 1?
    This is a good strategy? Is the Slann necessary? 5 turns are 40 points of Celestial Conjuration points ....
    To me Slann is necesary becaus thats allows me to adapt of situation: Missing mass: skinks, need some damage: rippers, missing heroes: Skink priest / Starpriest ... but What do you think?
    how would you face FEC? Who kill first? kill units? kill heroes?

    I dont know why, but i think its because its the first tournament.... xD
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    The new list looks good.

    Going up to 4 drops means you are no longer at a high likelihood of dictating first turn at 1250MPP. Make sure you have a plan in mind for having to go second vs Ironjawz and FeC. Both of those armies are quite capable of turn one charges (especially on a 4' x 4' table).
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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