Contest End of Winter/Start of Spring 2019 Poetry Contest Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Scalenex, Mar 21, 2019.


Which Poem or Poem do you like best? (you may vote for up to two)

Poll closed Apr 6, 2019.
  1. Poem 1: "A Lord"

    2 vote(s)
  2. Poem 2: "Grieving Loss"

    4 vote(s)
  3. Poem 3: "Fangs of Sotek"

    3 vote(s)
  4. Poem 4: "War"

    7 vote(s)
  5. Poem 5: "Jungle Temple"

    5 vote(s)
  6. Poem 6: "Six Sneaky Skaven"

    10 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    We got six fine poems. You may vote for up to two.

    A Lord

    Aloof, a lump aloft
    A legend, already alight
    A list, a lord, always

    Grieving Loss

    The Bellowing, raging wind swayed the grasses
    Where a saurus thereupon crouched
    Emotionless and cold of the wind’s tout brass
    For she held a corpse’s dead slouch

    Indeed, the wind’s assault upon her scales felt too real
    With the unending time’s taunt to feel
    She wondered if she could’ve felt the heart’s faint zeal
    Or if that was just her tensed claws’ reeling

    The omnipresent clouds begun darkening above her
    Rats and lizards’ many blood spills hardening around her
    Seething muscles pulsating themselves aggressively within her
    Teeth clenching and trembling with urges to roar their rage for her

    A stegadon herd trotted across the horizon yonder
    Its pups trailing from behind with grand wonder
    Contradicting her and the corpse’s bloody tale
    Her roar reverberating throughout in its scale

    Memories fleeted and faded amidst the burning pain
    Her Stabbed gut perturbed with churning shame
    Surrounded by bloody carnage that was; now enshrouded by lonely silence
    The mangled corpses all strewn about violently; now in peace with nature’s patience

    Amidst it all; amidst all of the otherworldly torment, she somehow found its sense

    For the sauri never question purpose
    An omen to the Old Ones’ incessant will

    And so, she let go
    And let go

    The eyes beginning to warm and water up strangely enough, she thought...

    Fangs of Sotek

    Fire in the skies,
    raging among the stars
    Come to life as dragonflies
    traveled from afar.

    Slaying the forces of the dark.
    All evil that wears their mark
    will think: 'What the heck!?'
    Just before they face the 'Fangs of Sotek'

    - Zectoka


    Sharp teeth snap and meet cold steel
    The hiss of an arrow in the air
    Blood dried and cracked on hard scales
    Blank unblinking eyes stare

    Shrieks of pain blend with those of rage
    Bone is crushed in snapping jaws
    Arrows snap and poison flows
    The acrid stench from dripping maws

    Rippling strength a fatal blow
    The fasted hand the smallest slice
    Toppling to join the rest
    Half crushed skull the tilted knife

    Pools of poison, blood and gore
    Indiscriminate, no one left
    Drowning on the muddied floor
    All will taste the hand of death


    Roots run deep
    Reaching skyward, branches stretch
    Up up up
    Splitting the sky and hiding it from view through thick green
    Up up up
    A stronghold of shadows
    Cast by blue moonlight and fiery sunshine
    Up up up
    Wind tears branches snap
    Down down down

    Roots run deep
    An anchor in the ocean of rich soil
    Down down down
    Twisting and choking the life from the ground tracing rocks with gentleness
    Down down down
    Deeper still
    Buried beneath centuries of destruction, millennia of disintegration
    Floods rip limbs from the earth
    Torn apart, exposed and shattered
    Up up up

    Roots run deep
    Walls stretch into the sky
    Stones glisten underneath grit and grime
    The jungle protected
    Or claimed
    Vines cling to stone
    Soft leaves fall on harsh stone
    Roots run deep
    Claimed by the jungle
    The onslaught of the sky
    Water gouges stone
    Wind tears branches
    The earth cracks
    Stones vanish
    Trees topple
    Walls crumble
    Vines and ruin
    Roots run deep

    Six Sneaky Skaven

    Six sneaky Skaven creeping through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing and scratching fleas

    A whistle, a thunk, and then a cutoff cry

    Down fell a ratman, a dart in his eye

    Five furious Skaven glaring through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing now ignoring the fleas

    A creak, a snap, a squeal that was cut quick

    A grin on lizard lips at the pitfall’s trick

    Four frantic Skaven edging through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing with shaking knees

    A ripple, a whisper, a blade through vile heart

    Blood for Sotek as does another life depart

    Three terrified Skaven fleeing through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing as fear glands squeeze

    A crack, a rumble, as the ground opens yawning

    One too slow screams into chasm falling

    Two trapped Skaven staring through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing fear making them freeze

    Another whistle, thunk, and topple into dark

    From the shadows steps one of Chameleon mark

    One overcome Skaven slashing through the trees

    Squeaking and cursing as his foe weaves as a breeze

    Flittering into sight, and flittering out of sight

    Till a slash and a gurgle and end of the fight

    No Skaven creeping through the trees

    The hunter smiles again, seemingly pleased

    Throughout the jungle squeals and cries

    As the verminous invaders, one by one dies

    Constructive commentary and critiques is encouraged. Combined, these six poems are less than 900 words collectively so I ask that you read these slowly and carefully consider your votes.

    I randomized the order of the poems. It is a happy coincidence that poem 6 has the word "Six" in the title.

    Have fun and enjoy the first days of Spring. Voting will be open for two weeks and two days because that seems mildly poetic.

    Author Identies

    Poem 1: A Lord by @King Dust
    Poem 2: Grieving Loss by @Paradoxical Pacifism
    Poem 3: "Fangs of Sotek by @Imrahil
    Poem 4: "War" by @Infinity Turtle
    Poem 5: "Jungle Temple" by @Infinity Turtle
    Poem 6: "Six Sneaky Skaven" by @Y'ttar Scaletail
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    :D :joyful: :) :happy:
  3. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    I've been sitting here for about five minutes try to come up with some stupid haiku as a response, but "competition" is 4 syllables so I'm stuck on the first line. 'This competition' sound like a bit of a stretch...

    I'll get back to you guys when I'm feeling a bit more inspired :p
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    When writing a hauiku, an online thesaurus is your friend. You can probably find a synonym with the appropriate number of syllables.
  5. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    I think what you meant was

    When you write haikus
    The thesaurus is your friend
    You’ll find synonyms
  6. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    kewl poetic entrants guys and girls. They're all good and i have no idea what to vote for (or what poetry is anyway) as per usual :/
    LizardWizard likes this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    After a first reading i have a clear winner.
    But i need more readings to decide my second vote. :p
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Those are some great poem-things! :D
    Well done all!
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Awww... two poems are falling back.
    It's a pity, as i was almost going to give a vote to one of them.

    Unknown author, even if you are collecting few votes, i want you to know that your work has been appreciated!
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Let me try to do some poetry critiques. Maybe that will help me figure out what I should vote for.

    "A Lord": The first Poem was the shortest. I don't have a problem with this. My favorite poems from famous poets of yore are generally very short ones. This good aliteration and communicates the traits of a Slann conscisely with well chosen words. Well done.

    "Grieving Loss": Like you would expect with a poem named "Grieving Loss" the second poem had the most feels. This was sort of structured, sort of free-formed. Not sure I would have done that myself but I cannot deny the impact of this poem. Well done.

    "Fangs of Sotek": Of all the pieces in this contest, the third poem seemed to have the most structure. The piece had a formal rhyme and rhythm structure and much like the first poem communicated a single core character with concise well chosen words. Well done.

    "War": The fourth poem was mostly structured with a bit of free form. There was a lot of partial rhyme and slight deviations from the form, but it works. It certainly encompasses typical Lizardmen attitudes towards war evocatively. Well done.

    "Jungle": While a lot of poems here had elements of being a free form poem, the fifth poem was the only truly free-form poem. Highly appropriate for a poem about ancient wisdom encapuslated by savage wilderness. Well done.

    "Six Sneaky Skaven": Another highly structured poem. I'm not sure if a steady rhythm jumped out but the rhyme scheme was excellent and I like that it told a complete story in an entertaining fashion. Well done.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I am a sucker for structured and rhymy (is that a word?) poems.
    But all of them were entertaining to read, good job everyone!

    1. Short is hard, you have to find precise words and there isn't much space for structure (that's probably why Haiku are pretty formalized). Nice alliterations as well.

    2. A lot of feelings in there, a very emotional piece. Also very thematic with all the different stuff mentioned. That also makes it dynamic.

    3. I like how this one refers to a bataillion in AoS, it reminds me of my own piece from a time ago (the Shadowstrike song). It also has a nice structure and the rhymes look well done (not that I am not an expert for English rhymes as that isn't my native language. Often I think English rhymes look weird, but once spoken they sound OK, or vice versa.)

    4. War is hell, this poem isn't, though. Nice job on the rhymes, and it has the perfect length IMO. Quite brutal as well, as is war.

    5. I admit I am not a fan of free form, but I like how this piece is about the jungle and the structure mimics that seemingly chaotic, yet ordered undergrowth in a away. It also has the contrast between the temple and the jungle (one active, on passive), and the up and down. And that contrast is also in the words (like when "twisting and chocking" is in one sentence with the word "gentleness").

    6. This looks like it is meant to be sung around a campfire. It is entertaining and well structured. I like.

  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This is probably obvious, but I would recomend reading the poems outloud to yourself at least once. That helped me actually figure out what to vote for.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Voting has slowed down so I'm calling it. The winning poem is "Six Sneaky Skaven" by our own Y'ttar Scaletail. Infinity' Turtle's teen angst picked up second and third place.

    Author Identies

    Poem 1: A Lord by @King Dust
    Poem 2: Grieving Loss by @Paradoxical Pacifism
    Poem 3: "Fangs of Sotek by @Imrahil
    Poem 4: "War" by @Infinity Turtle
    Poem 5: "Jungle Temple" by @Infinity Turtle
    Poem 6: "Six Sneaky Skaven" by @Y'ttar Scaletail

    Thank you to all who participated. If interest remains, we will have a Poetry Contest every Equinox, so a two a year.

    The Solstices I guess have no contest at least for now.

    I'm sure the April 1st snafu and Y'ttar winning two contests in a row are completely unrelated.
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Very well deserved indeed! Congrats Y’ttar old bean! :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Ehem, sorry about that. :p

    As much of a last minute rush as it was, it was fun to write. I for one would like to see more such compys. :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    well done, ratty! :D
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Of course it's a deserved victory: it took one of my votes!

    It's me that thanks you for the pleasant reading.

    @Infinity Turtle
    I also voted for your poem ;)
    Infinity Turtle likes this.
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Well done all!

    Congratulations to Y’ttar

    Gr, Imrahil
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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