Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Was thinking that we should have our own Lizardmen RPG going on here.

    My idea was once a day I will post events that have happened for that day, then you can chat in character, do what the character is doing unitl , the next day when a new event is posted.

    The idea would be more of a warband approach, so you start out a tad weaker then the standard stats in the book and improve over time.

    Players can choose to be Skinks, Saurus, or Kroxigor
    From there you have Jobs that you will aspire to.

    Skinks Jobs:
    Handler (Razordon/Salamander)
    Rider (Stegadon/Terradon)

    Saurus Jobs:
    Rider (Cold One)
    Beast Master (Carnosaur Rider)

    Kroxigor Job:
    Just Warrior for this Fella

    As for leadership roles, that will be decided when Everyone states what they want to be then a poll will be run, the person with most votes will lead the warband.

    So if your interested just post what you wanna be on this post.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Xlcontiqu is ready to go!

    I would like to be a Skink.
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Right on!, what "Job" is your skink training for? :)
  4. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Terradon Rider.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Right on, very cool. Hopefully we have more people posting here soon.
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    I might need some more information.
    Simply because I've never played a forum-based RPG before. I do play D&D and stuff, So i know
    somewhat what to expect.
    Basically the question is: How will it function?

    It seems to me that the game will progress very slowly, and feels 'distant'. If that makes any sense...

    However, if you do manage to convince me. I'm in! (that's what convincing is for, right? :p )

    The Hunted
  7. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    can i be a temple guard, if not i'll be a razordon handeler
    Geko ;)
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yes you can be a Saurus who is working towards temple guard status.

    I play D&D as well, essentially I will be the dm, posting once a day on what's going on, then you all respond to whats going on and you have till the next day to carry on conversations and preform actions. It will definatly be a lot slower than D&D and there will not be any dice rolls. So esentially it will be us writing sort of a book together. Hope your in the more the merrier :)
  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I'll 'bite' on this. Kroxigor 'Atl-Gar' or if I may be permitted to play a Chameleon 'Huaroc'
  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Hm. Sounds ok. Count me in! :)
    Let's give it a shot, if i don't like it. Well, I atleast tried!

    Now for the role....
    I'd like to go for the Skink Priest role...
    Gazing at the sky in a stoned way always appeals to me, somehow.

    The Hunted
  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya you can be a chameleon skink, or a krox, which ever you prefer.

    Hunted- Glad to have you on board.


    We'll start Monday, any new comers can join before then, after monday, please refer to rules.

    Okay now for some ground rules

    1) If you plan on quitting let me know, so we can have your character leave, or be killed in an interesting way.

    2) If you are going to be away let me know, so we can try and work it into the story. I will also let you know if I will be away here.

    3)No trying to kill each other, Infighting is okay but trying to off some one just won't fit.

    4) Try and only post what your character is doing. Don't make decisions for others.

    5) If you are new after we start this up email me, let me know you want in and I will try and fit you in.

    6) Please keep OOC chat to a minimum. Anything not in character must be done in the following format, "((out of character talk))"
    For example:
    I charge at the empire knight, sword drawn, leap over and cleave his head. ((Hey man, what's for dinner at your house?))

    For characters this is how its going to work

    Each Day you will gain skill, and battle successes. These will be how we deal with fighting battles, and also disarming traps ambushing ect. Just to get rid of roles, some things can be done in teams to make it easier, some must be done alone, others must be done in teams. When I make post I will say how difficult a task is; that will be how many points it will use to get the job done, if you don't have enough points you can't do it, but if the option is available you can aid someone. Unused points carry on to the next day.

    Points per day will be as follows for starting:

    Skinks - 4 Skill/1 Battle
    Saurus - 2 Skill/3 Battle
    Kroxigor - 1 Skill/4 Battle

    Example of how this will work:

    Empire soldiers are raiding a temple, there is a group of ten, and a Commander. They busy themselves stuffing loot into bags, unaware that they are on sacred ground.

    Ambushing them will take 2 skill points, to kill one
    To kill one in combat will take 1 battle point
    To kill the commander is 3 battle points/if two attack him at once reduce this by 2 points.

    So with the normal allotment in this situation a Saurus, could sneak on them and take one knight by surprise, and kill three more. A skink could kill two by sneaking and kill one more with a battle attack; the kroxigor could kill 4, but wouldn't be able to sneak to kill any.

    If any opponents or challenges haven't been dealt with by the days end post then there will be negative consequences on the next post. Obviously something will be more dependant on skill points and battle points depending on the situations.

    As you level up you will get more of these per day, all dependant on your class. Stats will factor in here as well. Monday with the first post I will, give you all your stating stats, and abilities.

    Any questions feel free to ask.

  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    *raises hand* Ooh, Ooh...question here!

    I assume magic will be integrated somehow..? I like the system, and while I bet it's a pretty standard system since I never play RPG's on a forum.
    I'm just very curious on how this thing works out...

    The Hunted
  13. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    May be write an openning post prior to Monday to sort of introduce our character and so that others can see how they interact with things?
  14. Kondoe

    Kondoe New Member

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    sounds very interesting but like The Hunter said 'how does it function'. i don't understand fully how it will work. Everyday you will give us a scenario i assume and do you give us otions of what we can do in the scenario or....? if you could give us a very short example i would much appreciate it :) just to help ppl like me understand :D
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Not sure if its a standard system or not, I just kinda made this up. I will have to integrate magic. What I will do is take away some of your skill points and put it into magic points.

    Still not sure what everyone is playing to be, so what I am going to ask is you all post your character Race, job, and a description of your character would be perfect.

    Yep I will do that, sometime before Monday, have company today. Basically I will be progressing the story, and there will be things to do as a character...but like I said I'll get to it by weeks end, not every day will you have to use you points up, some days will just be progression of the story.
  16. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    i am Xa
    I am a 2 year old saurus spawned in a group of 10 or so temple gaurd that are yet to prove there worth defending large temples so we just guard un needed ruins in the jungles from the ville ratmen
    although i am very young i have a few battels against looting dark elves and swarms of skaven under my belt
    If i may i will have a huge great weapon made of stone that is incrusted with loads of jewls or i could start off with a hand weapon and work towards better weapons and stuff
    just an idea cheers Geko
  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok, a skink of a rare spawn, a potent priest in development.
    Spawned during good stellar alignments, but has yet to make his first discovery. He tries to learn as much as he can, other priests help him.
    His prophesies aren't spectacular, but it's his castings that are! He has not got the insight, by far, of the legendary Tetto'Eko. But his way of weaving magic is astonishing...
    This naturally adept to the use of magic has amazed even the most experienced skink priests.

    In battle, Ilok remains in the backfield. Trying to understand the enemy movement, all while thwarting the enemy wizards' spells. His understanding of tactics has improved greatly, as does his combat experience.
    Only 2 moons ago, a small group of humans tried to capture him. But by his own attention and stealth he managed to get away. He then confused the small group of men, before he picked them of. One by one.
    His own castings in battle have been duly noted by the enemy wizards, which is probably why they wanted to take him. Ilok managed to attract a handfull of small comets to earth, let lightning strike out of a blue sky. And protect his fellow lizardmen with magical wards.

    In daily life, Ilok spends his day carving out small glyphs as a way to spend time. He also likes to cast spells. Although not always appreciated by his fellow skinks, the joy is great. Spending his time gazing at the stars isn't the way Ilok wants to spend his days.
    Only when he has to do, he makes a prediction. And only once was he right.

    Ilok alone saw a pattern, a pattern of danger. The other priests did not believe him, and did not send extra patrol parties on duty.
    So, be it foolish or not, Ilok went out on his own. Trusting on his magic and own stealth to conceal him. Then, he saw a raiding party of Druchii hacking their way through the jungle. If this party could catch the temple by surprise, the slaughter would be immense.
    Ilok knew what he had to do. He cast an own creation of his spell; A great flare that could be seen from everywhere. This amazing light blinded the druchii for long enough for Ilok to start his escape.
    Meanwhile, his tribe was warned and got ready for battle. The moment Ilok returned, the Druchii could be seen from the canopy. Saurus Warriors got ready, their instinct taking over. Ilok hasted to the temple for safety, happy to be alive and kicking.
    The battle was harsh and dirty. The invaders pulled out every trick they had, but it was not enough. Poison surged through their vains, powerfull attacks were being thrown at them relentlesly; all without any hope of stopping.
    Ilok did not recieve any compliments or the like. He knew enough. As did the rest.

    I hope that should to the trick. It should give you enough background info on Ilok.
    You're actually taking away my skill points :jawdrop: :jawdrop: ....
    Oh, right. I get magic points for them :meh:
    If you need any more info, just give a shout.

    The Hunted
  18. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    I will play too!

    My character is Tzuhil - a Skink Stegadon rider aiming to become a chief (It is possible, yes? And what about mounts?).
    Tzuhil is a 9 year old skink whose spawning has occurred shortly after the demise of a veteran crew of an ancient Stegadon riders. Tzuhil and four other members of his spawning were tasked to care for the great beast, as well as accompanying it to battle. Tzuhil is extremely agile, and in when the need arise he is known to hang from the beast protruding scales to fend off attackers.

    (Now, how does the steg fit into the game? does it have battle points of his own? does it give any bonuses?)
  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    You'd just be a regular skink to start, you'd have to work your way up to stegadon rider, sorry. But you can work it in that your stegadon died, now you have to find and train another maybe?

    Xlcontiqu are you still in as the skink (terradon rider)?
    Also JohnMavrick have you chosen Kroxigor 'Atl-Gar' or Chameleon 'Huaroc'
  20. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Here are your stats for those who posted

    Xa - Saurus (Temple Guard)............2 Skill/3 Battle/1 Guard
    Stats are M4 WS3 BS0 S3 T4 W1 I1 A2 Ld 7 You can Start with a gw if you would like
    The guard ability will be used when making psychology tests.

    Ilok - Skink (Priest).................3 Skill/1 Battle/2 Magic
    Stats are M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
    Magic will be used solely for magic checks, of course. Not going to restrict you to one spell as that would be kind of boring, bigger points will just need more points.

    Tzuhil - Skink (Stegadon Rider/chief).4 skill/1 Battle/1 Beast Handling
    Stats are M6 WS2 BS3 S2 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld5
    Beast handling skill will be used to calm animal, lure them, command them to do things and later on to ride them.

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