hey guys, I'm working on an Easter present for a very good friend of mine, whom I'm visiting over Easter, and because he collects Lizardmen, I decided to make him a Terrain set. This is by the way my first project and i only have started this week-end and It'll have to be finished by next Sunday, plus i am still going to school so i basically have three days and two afternoons, which is why this set is not that big. The pics are uploading atm, but will take a while as there are loads (I love taking pictures xD). All of it is made of blue styrofoam and as I said this is my first time working on it. I opted to go for the old style hatchery instead of a spawning pool, because a. I dont have any water effects and b. these are supposed to be carnosaur/stegadon/cold one eggs as my friend loves these mounts Please comment and rate this piece, it is of course still WIP and I'm sorry I don't have photos of the first phases, but I'll keep you updated. pics are there: http://img440.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=img0325s.jpg
They are totally awesome. I would dearly like to be your friend, and just so you know, my birthday is in January.
Here are the pics of the almost finished set, unfortunately, I couldn't finish the second forest, but I noticed that I still have time till Thursday so I'll try and get that finished too. http://img59.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=076u.jpg *I'd love to post the images directly but somehow it says it can't determine the image size...
Wow you did an awesome job on the terrain man. That looks absolutely magnificient! Certainly gives me ideas and inspiration when I go to hopefully build terrain myself
thx a lot and good news, there's more on the way: two shrines and a barrio. Pics will be up tmrw I suppose