AoS IggyStarhost Batreps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by IggyStarhost, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Hi Guys,

    Here a thread for my next battle reports.

    Last weekend I visited an Alliance Armoury tournament for Age of Sigmar. First off all, the host a great event!
    Beautiful tables and painted terrain, and a really good organization.

    The tournament was a 16 persons swiss, with 2000 points. You tournament ranking would be based on your match points, and on your painting points. Your matchpoints would be calculated on your victory point differential. Which I think is a bummer for Seraphon, because we have a 'control' army and not an All out army.


    I only heard of this tournament 3 weeks on forehand, and with a young family at home, I would only have around 8 painting hours. I still had to build and paint the Seraphon Battleforce to bring my list to the tournament.

    To be able to play models, they needed to be based and painted at least 3 different colors. I really didn't want to paint whole my army ugly, just for a tournament, so I decided to just paint everything in the base colors which meet minimum requirements. Passing up on the painting points and on also on the final tournament standings.

    So my aim for the day was, to just have loads and loads of fun, play nice games. And win as much as I can.
    Hopefully 2 major wins, to give the Seraphon some honor.
    Because I was passing up on the tournament ranking, I didn't have to go all out with the list and could play for 'controled' wins with just few VP difference. But hey, a major victory is a major victory to me!

    Besides the regular VP, you could score extra vp each game:

    • 1vp - The player who kills the first unit
    • 1vp - Kill the opponent General
    • 1vp - Kill all opponent battleline
    • 1vp - have a unit wholy within enemy territory at the end of the game
    • 3vp - Tabeling opponent

    The list I was bringing:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Mortal Realm: Shyish

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    Engine of the Gods (220)
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    3 x Kroxigor (160)
    4 x Razordons (160)
    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)

    Bastiladon (280)
    Bastiladon (280)

    Thunderquake Starhost (120)

    Endless Spells
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 102
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  2. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Battle 1 Seraphon vs Stormcast Eternals

    My opponent:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    Realm: Ghur
    Points Total: 2000/2000
    Points Left Over: 0

    Lord-Celestant on Dracoth (220)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Staunch Defender
    - Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
    - Artefact : Shardfist Pelt
    - Mount Trait : Keen-clawed

    Lord-Castellant (100)

    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer : Translocation

    Knight-Heraldor (100)
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell : Azyrite Halo

    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Grandhammers
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Thunderbolt Crossbows
    5 x Protectors (200)
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Starsoul Maces
    5 x Decimators (200)
    - 1 x Prime, 1 x Starsoul Maces
    5 x Retributors (220)
    - 1 x Prime, 2 x Starsoul Maces

    Everblaze Comet (100)

    The Mission

    Sidenote: They used the wrong map in the tournament-pack, but we played on the normal map for Escalation.

    Pregame analysis
    The mission wasnt really in my favour. And I was really scared of the everblaze comet. If he would go second, the comet alone could do 3 dmg on the slann, and 3 again on the start of the next battleround, before I could move away. That threat combined with the extra damage he could do with the Dracoth breath, deepstrike shooting and knight heraldor. If I would lose my slann, that would be game for me. He has a lot of models for an stormcast army. My basti's could clear one unit a turn. And the 30 skinks I brought wouldnt survive long enough, so I would need some summoning.
    So going second would really be the best way to go, just take the hit of the comet, and move away. He would then need another turn to dispell it, and another turn to cast it again. My aim was to target the incantor with the Engine. With staunch defender, it would probably be a suicide to teleport some razordons in. My list outdrops him, but on this tournament you roll off anyway, with the ties going for the person who finished first.

    The setup

    I didn't have much options, razors, basti's and Eotg on the 24" line. Slann, astrolith in the middle to be surrounded my the TQ monsters next turn. Skinks divided over the objectives to keep pressure and zone out some backfield deepstrikes. Rippers pushed on the right, 23" away from the slann, so the everyblaze couldnt hit them both. The footprint on that comet is just ridiculous, 10" radius almost covers 1/3 to 1/2 of the field.

    He deployed most just out of threat range of the basti's and the EotG. With the heroes in the middle. Guarded by 2 units of liberators, judicators with bows and a unit of decimators. The rest was in the sky for some deepstriking.

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    I roll +1 to cast for the constellation. I win the roll of and let him go first. Brace your selfs!

    My opponent rolls a 3 on the everblaze comet. Praise the old ones! He than puts the lantern on the dracoth, giving it a 1+ save. He shuffels his whole army forward. I believe he takes out a skink in the shooting phase, but nothing special happens. The first turn you don't get any VP for the objectives.

    On my turn bank all my spells for CCP and get 1 from the astro. Not enough for a Warden. I failed to teleport the razordons. I teleported the stegadon within 25" range of the incantor, rolled a 9, blasted him for d6 dmg. Rolled a 1... I placed the toad just in front of his liberators, expecting where most battle would take place.

    I moved the (green) skinks and rippers to the objective, rippers 4" behind the skinks to be out of range of the crossbows if they come down. And the rest up the board. Also no VP for me.

    0-0 at end of T1.

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    He wins the roll, but takes the turn. Which surprised me, I would have giving it to me, so I wont have such a very good double turn, but he would het the next double turn initiative. He heals his incantor and then casts the comet, I fail to dispell it. And take some massive damage. Ofcourse 3 on the slann, 2 on the astro, 3 on the krox, basti's and EotG.

    He moves his army forward again with a screen of liberators, and running decimators. Backup by the Dracoth.
    He ran a bit to far with his decimators, to just be out of the staunch defender range. On the bottom left objective he drops some liberators to grab the objective. To my relieve, he drops nothing else. I guess he was uncertain where the fight would happen and where he would needed reinforcements.
    In the shooting phase he misses with the judicator prime, and the rest gets saved on the slann with LoS and rerolling saves in the shooting phase. He makes no charges and ends the turn with the middle and bottom left objective, scoring him 4 VP.

    In my turn I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and connected with the old ones. I rolled for the EotG, see the result below.


    Wahoo!!! Double the move and attack! Okay Okay, dont get to hyped. Stay focussed. This is nice, but keep calm, do your math an plan accordingly. I bank the spells and get another 1 for the Astro. Going up to 23. I teleport the razordons to the left objective to be behind the skinks but in range of the liberators. the TQ heal off all their wounds.

    I move everything away from the comet. I push the TQ monsters forward, to do as much damage in the shooting and combat phase. I bring the rippers close to the decimators, just in case I fumble on the basti. I put the krox in the backfield as screens and possible deepstrike retaliation. I summon summon a Warden next to my slann, just in case. And some skinks towards the main objective. having 5 CCP left.


    In the shooting phase, the right basti clears the decimators forces 11 saves rolls on, doing 24 dmg. the left basti clears the liberator unit with 18 dmg.

    The razordons dont do much and take out a liberator

    I fail the charges on the left (green) basti, I dont want to fly in the EOTG solo because of the Protectors and Retributors threat. I make the charge on the right basti for the Dacoth with the 1+ save. Just to lock him in combat. No damage gets done. I end the turn with all 3 objectives for 6, and 1 extra for clearing the first units.

    7-4 for Seraphon.

    I win the rolloff and of course select to have the double (sort of a triple) turn! The new summoned skinks take some mortal wounds from the comet. I blast the dracoth with the EotG, bringin it down to 2 wounds. I baited my opponent with a realmspell from the slann. He auto-unbinds. The I put another realmspell on the, same like the dracoth breath, but fail to roll a 4+ from any dmg on his heroes.

    I move everything up a bit, and hide my slann behind the building (forgot about the heraldor!)
    My razors clear the liberators. My left (green) basti kills 4 judicators, leaving the prime left. Blue basti ofcourse fails his shooting. I charge in the EotG and green basti to his liberators. Taking 3 of them out with just the EotG. pulling my Basti out of combat.


    I end my turn with another 6 VP going up to 13.

    On his turn de fails his healing storm on the dracoth. Next he brings down all his reserved units, with the protectors near my EotG. liberators, judicators and retributors on the bottom left objective and the heraldor backed up. With the heraldor he does some chip dmg on my slan and warden and also 3 on my EotG. Oh-oh. My Mistake. He kills a razordon in the shooting, does a mortal wound on the EotG with the dracothbreath. And then fails to charge my skinks with the retributors.
    He charges in the protectors on the EotG. He charges moves and charges with the 2 remaining retributors to my Astrolith (4 wounds left), 1 having the grandhammer. In combat he attacks the EotG first bringin it down to 2 wounds. I decide to pile in with the skinks infront of the Astrolith, to lock the grandhammer in, preventing him from piling in on the astro. He then kills a few skinks with the grandhammer and 1 Kill a liberator in return with the Astro. And also 3 protectors with the basti and engine. His dracoth and my basti trade blows, but none effective. I thank god did not heal him on a save of 7+. He ends his turn with no VP.

    Turn 4
    I get priority. I take the dracoth out for 2 mortal wounds with the engine. Another VP for me, going up to 14.
    clear his battleline units in shooting for another vp going up to 15. And push the rippers to his heroes. Also summoned some more skinks. I end my turn with another 6 vp, going up to 21. We call it right there, and 1 receive another VP for being wholy within his territory. Major win for Seraphon! And also so nice tournament points for VP difference, which means I would be playing top table next game....
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  3. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Battle 2

    My opponent:

    Allegiance: Gloomsite Gitz
    Realm: Ghur
    Points Total: 1990
    Points Left Over: 10

    Skragrott The Loonking – Spell: Hand of Gork – General – Leader – 220 pts.
    The Blue Fungroid Cave Shamen - Spell: The Great Green Spite – Leader – 90 pts.
    The Yellow Fungroid Cave Shamen – Spell: Itchy Nuisance – Leader - 90 pts.

    Troggoth Hag – Artifect: Gryph-Feather Charm – Behemoths - 380 pts.
    Loonboss on Mangler squig – Behemoth -Leader -300 pts.

    40 Stabbas – Spears and Shields – 1 Leader – 2 Gong basha’s – 6 netters – 1 moonclan Icon – 1 Moonclan Flag – Battleline – 260 pts.
    40 Stabbas – Spears and Shields – 1 Leader – 2 Gong basha’s – 6 netters – 1 moonclan Icon – 1 Moonclan Flag – Battleline – 260 pts.
    6 Squig Herd – 5 Squig – 1 Squig Herder – Battleline – 70 pts.
    5 Loonsmasha Fanatics – 140 pts.

    Mork’s Mighty Mushroom – Endless Spell - 80 pts.
    Geminds of Uhl-Gysh – Endless Spell – 40 pts.
    Chronomantic Cogs – Endless Spell – 60 pts.

    The Mission:

    Pregame analysis

    I have no experience with the Gloomspite, but I guessed they are squishy but can bump up their saves and the Bad moon could do some things. And they do get alot of Command points, to negate battleshock. And the Throg hag with gryph feather, that would be a pain. Wil just ignore her, and hopefully speed bump. Also the mangler squig is a beast in combat, hope it doenst reach my front lines and I can catch it with a basti. Also they have a nasty spell on the Loonking, which could destroy my artifact on the EotG. I was really worried about losing the EotG early game to the Mangle squig, if my artifect got shattered. Also fearing the fanatics would take out my Rippers.

    The Setup:

    He deployed a unit of 40 on each side backup by a Cave Shaman, hog in the middle, and the Mangler, Loonbos and some suigs on his objective. I was quite nervous playing to table, while this would be my second game with the TQ ever (although I have a lot of theoretical experience thanks to this forum!). I deployed as you can see below, but made the rooky mistake to not screen out my slann. My aim was to go heavy threw the right T1, and keep pressuring the left with first the razors, later helped out by the basti's. T0 I rolled a 5 for the constellation.


    My opponent won the rolloff and took the first turn, to exploit my bad setup. He uses hand of Gork (I totally forgot that!!!!!) on the Magler squig and places it near my slann. Cast cogs to speeds up time with his trog. He casts some mortal wounds on the enigine. And gets some extra command points from the heroes. He runs both units of stabbas up the board to claim the objectives. And ofcourse charges the mangler squig into the slann, but outside of 3 from the basti's. He just kills the slann.. I was so baffled about my rooky mistake that I forgot about Incandescent Retrices on my slann. But oh well, just make the best of it. It would be uphill from here, in terms of models on objectives, so I really needed to prevent my skinks from dying. Maybe,. just maybe I could summon some with the enige. He ends his turn with 5 VP and 2 extra for first blood and killing the general.

    On my turn I just try to get my focus back and focus on shifting the momentum. I decide to fully pressure my opponent. I dont see how I can take the left objective, so I let him have it. I teleport the razordons, but they weren't able to move. I put the toad near te right objective. The engine ofcourse rolls a 10.
    I move the skinks+krox+rippers up to his stabbas, other skinks move up and screen a bit. Bastis move towards the mangler. In the shooting phase the razors kill 4 squigs, the bastis both pump everything in the right flank of 40 stabbas, taking 15 out (no reroll wounds in the first shooting phase). The fanatics pump out the left stabbas, so I charge everything in on the right. The rippers eat up most of the rest of the stabbas in combat. I decide to only pile-in with the moonhammer a bit to do minimal dmg on the last stabbas. Hoping a few would survive, to maybe tempt my opponent to ignore battle shock with them. If I would clear the whole unit, he could bring half of it back on a 4+ in his turn. But my opponent is a seasoned player and didnt take the bait. The Mangle squig doenst scratch the bastiladons as expected, and the kill him in return.
    I manage to grab 3 VP bringing it to 7-3 in my opponents favor. At least the biggest threat was gone and I still got my Engine.



    I win the rolloff and could get the double turn. This could swing the momentum back in my favor. A double turn feels a bit cheesy, but that is the risk a taking an aggressive first turn, so I decide to take it!

    The engine rolls another 11, doing nothing. I decide to teleport nothing, could risk rolling a 1-2. I really need to exploit this turn. I move the razors 3" from his squigs en loonking. I move the krox to his right Fungoid shaman and screen a bit with the rightside skinks. I run the green middle skinks back to screen my home objective, just so a Hand of Gork couldnt throw same stabbas around it. I push the rippers towards his home objective to hopefully pick off the loonking, even without the blot toad. The basti's and engine shuffle a bit so the have Line of sight on the remaining unit of stabbas. In shooting the razordons take out the squig and herder. The Blue basti kills 4 of the fanatics. And the green one takes out 8 of the stabbas. Not a particulair good shooting phase. rolled 5 on both basti's for the attacks. The skinks shoot down the last fanatic.
    The kroxigors charge the fungoid, the razordons the loonking, and the Rippers also manage to reach the loonking. It was a bit risky to push the rippers, but I really needed to take the loonking out. The trogg could still smash the EotG if it lost the artifact. And the Hand of gork just put too much pressure on me. And I wanted him to chase the rippers with the throg.
    The rippers kill the loonking. The fungoid didnt scratch the kroxigor. The kroxigor finally rolled two 6's on the wound rolls of the bites, to deal 5 mortal wounds in the minigame :D. Hooray! I end the turn with 7 VP and 1 for the General, bringing me up to 10.

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    On my opponents turn he casts geminids on the razordons and rippers, taking one of each out. He shot with the throg on the razors and took 3 out. In combat he kills another ripper with the throg, leaving one left. He didnt do anything with the stabbas, just securing that objective. He ends his turn with just that objective for 2 point. His home one contested between my ripper and his Trog.

    We tie, so I get to go. My opponent says he forgot something in his last turn. He forgot to maybe summon half his stabbas back at the Moon scenery. Allowing this would throw away my clear win, because I could teleport and take his home objective again. But I intend to allow it. Since I think a pleasant game is more important than a win. I also allow he to take the point for his home objective, since it wont be contested anymore. So het takes 3 VP going op to 10-10!

    I roll a 13 with the Engine. but couldn't complain when getting an 18 in game one. Although without the slann the chance to just sit around doing nothing is what you get. I decide to retreat the ripper. I could do 2 things, move into his backfield to collect 1 vp for being in his territory at the end of the game, or try an roadblock the throg a bit. I decide to do the latter. Shoot some more stabbas but wiffing, only take out a few. Collect 3 more VP this turn for 13 in total.

    He kills 7 skinks in his turn, I retreat with them in the combat phase. The throgg spits on the ripper, taking it out.
    Het than charges the krox and skinks on the right objective, takes all of the out but one. Thank god for the ripper taking some spit. He also collects 3 VP for 13-13.



    I get priority. d6 dmg with the engine on the stabbas, for 1! I move the 3 remaining left skink towards the right objective. Kill all but 4 stabbas with the basti's. I forget to move the basti's up to help to claim the left objective. the EotG charges both the stabbas and Shaman. I decide not to risk it, and just put everything in the stabbas. So it would be harder for him to claim that objective. I end my turn with another 3 vp, going to 16.

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    On his turn he tries to make a run and charge to claim the left objective back, but fails. Rerolls it, fails again. He kills the remaining skinks on the right objective, now sitting on-top of the objective. Also claiming it. Going to 16-16. And he gets 20 stabbas back at the end of the turn

    This was a bit blurry, but he got the double turn. And was only able to collect another 3 VP going up 19-16.
    Then on my last turn I teleported 10 skinks to the right objective, to claim the objective for 3 VP this turn. And being in his territory for another and also one for killing all his battle line units. In the end I won by 1 or 2 VP for another Major victory!


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    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  4. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Trophy Points:
    Battle 3

    My Opponent:

    Allegiance: Flesh-Eater Courts
    Realm: Hysh
    Points Total: 1990 Points
    Left Over: 10

    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist ? Leader, Behemoth - 400 pts.
    Abhorrant Archregent - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch ? Leader - 200 pts.
    Vargulf Courtier ? Leader - 160 pts.
    Crypt Haunter Courtier ? Leader - 120 pts.
    Crypt Haunter Courtier ? Artefact: The Flayed Pennant ? Leader - 120 pts.
    6 Crypt Horrors ? 1 Crypt Haunter ? Battleline ? 320 pts.
    6 Crypt Horrors ? 1 Crypt Haunter ? Battleline ? 320 pts.
    20 Crypt Ghouls ? 1 Crypt Ghast ? Battleline ? 200 pts.
    1 Charnel Throne - Scenery - 0 pts.
    Warscroll Batallions:
    Abattior - 1 Crypt Haunter Courtier, 6 Crypt Horrors, 6 Crypt Horrors, 20 Crypt Ghouls - 120 pts.
    Endless Spells:
    Prismatic Palisade - 30 pts


    The Mission:
    (wrong map in de image)

    Pregame Analysis:

    I didnt know alot of the FEC. I knew they could be brutal in combat, and attack multiple times. And that the heroes have some summoning abilities. We started way too late with the setup, we had a nice chat about Bretonnia and the judges and other players came by to announce we where the final table, and chatted about that a bit. So I didnt took the trouble to thoroughly go threw his list, because for this mission I need to play as much turns as I can squeeze out.
    The tactic would be to take the middle objective with the TQ, and then support with shooting to remove their heroes from the objective, while I accumulate each turn. I played this objective in a finale before, and this tactic worked well then.

    The setup
    He had 4 drops, so would outdrop me by far. I decide to place my units one by one to see his game plan. I was afraid he would push to the two outer objectives with the 5 heroes he had. I quickly noticed he was setup op to take the middle and and the left objective. So I did the same with the TQ in the middle, skinks in front. 1 units of skinks in the back to zone out any deepstrike. Razors and rippers on the left to harras the Terrogheist.
    I didnt take much pictures, because of the timeschedule, and because I was crippling nervous for this mission.
    Be below you see the picture around the beginning of the game.


    I roll the great drake for the constellation. And lose the roll off to decide to go first. I really wanted to go first to claim the middle objective. If he would claim it T1, I first need to kills his hero, and than next turn make a move within 3" to claim it. He also opted he wanted to go first, but surprisingly he gave me first turn because he was a bit worries about walking in my shooting range. I guess also a smart move, to not give me the chance of a double turn.

    The engine rolls an 10 for nothing. I bank all my spells for CCP and get 1 from the Astro for 11. To bad, because I wanted to summon a Warden to place on an objective next turn. But skinks are always nice.
    I put the blot toad near the left objective for the rippers. I run the TQ forward to claim the objective. Slann and Astro right behind them, guarded by the building and Kroxigors. On the left I push the skinks forward to screen, razordons behind them, in such a way that they can be drawn in combat for the overwatch, but out of range from attacks. And also measured in a way that the Terrorgheist couldnt fly over. I shuffle the rippers forward a bit, out of range from the terrorgheist deathshriek. And of te movement I summon a unit of skinks in front so I would have a double screen of skinks. I end my turn for 1 VP.

    On his turn he summons a pallisade in front of my TQ. I fail to unbind, but dont bother that much, because he was blocking himself, and the TQ had still line of sight on left objective. He cast some spells, and I cant stop any. The left unit of Crypt horrors now have an extra 5+ save. The rest I don't remember quite well.
    He pushed everything forward, claiming the objective with the Terrorgheist. In his charge he activates the razordons, and they take a horror out. He fights twice with the units of horrors and clears the unit of skinks on the left, and takes 3 razordons out. In the middle I retreat my light blue skinks from combat, to die another day.
    He ends his turn for 1 VP. Also collecting one for killing the first unit.

    2-1 for FEC.

    We tie, and I get to choose, so I go first. The rolls for a summon, and I summon some extra rippers on the left.
    The slann casts the balewind, to get LoS on the terrorgeheist. I cast bestial spirit with the slann, but it gets negated. I decide to let the pallisade there, to conserve my spells for CCP and to keep the EotG out of range from the Horrors in the middle. I get 3 CCP from the Astro, and 4 from the slann to up to 12.

    I move my rippers into charge range, the bastiladon fly's op the building to have LoS on the Terrorgheist. The middle green skinks make a retreat to the right objective, to speeds his other hero into going to the right objective. End of the movement phase I summon warden near the slann, going to

    In the shooting the bastiladons take 6 wounds off from the Terrorgheist, one basti was blinded, and the other rolled bad. And he made some good saves after saves. In the charge phase, I charge with both rippers into the left Horrors. The left unit of rippers I put out of 3" range from the Therrorgheist, but just so that I could pile in and attack it if needed. In combat I clear 4 horrors with the one unit of rippers, he retaliates by taking the razor down and 2 rippers. Then I attack with the rippers bringing the Therrorgheist down to 3 wounds. He takes 1 out due to bad rolling and being in the lowest bracket. The EotG was in combat with the horrors, but had no line of sight. He did have range on them with the horns. I told the judge it just feels wrong to roll those attacks, play wise and fluff wise. But he told me I needed to do that. He took one out. And the horrors couldnt attack back to get in 1" range. Felt wrong, but was forced to do so. Apparently you dont need line of sight for combat, which feels wrong. I end my turn for another 2 VP, to a total of 3.


    In my opponents turn, he brings back all horrors. I didn't know their summoning was that good, or which hero did that. I should've cleared the unit of horrors on the left. Although on his turn he feels his Terrorgheist is threatned and wounded so bad, he retreats it. He casts another d3 attacks on the left horrors and just clears that whole side. On the right side, he shuffled his ghouls with a hero toward the right objective. With his Courtier he took the left objective. His middle horros were stuck in combat, and with pile-in took out a few skinks. He also dropped 2 units of 6 Crypt flayers in my backfield, but with the skinks he really had no immidiate threat. He failed all his charges with them. He ends his turn for another VP going 3-3 into turn 3.

    I didn't take any pictures from here, because time was running out... and fast. I really need to get to turn 4 for some nice accumulation points. Sorry for that!

    We roll off and I get a six. I decide to go first, but make it a quick turn. I bank all my spells to maybe get 12CCP this turn. I wanted to teleport the warden, but with his units to close, I couldnt get into range. I try for an 5-6, but roll a 3. So I keep him near the slann, to negate my opponent an extra VP for killing my general, if he somehow manages to reach him in CC. The enigine rolls for another summon and I put 20 skinks in my backfield to block off the Flayers. The astro gives me 2 CCP. Enough for a starpriest which I summon end of the movement. I kill the Coutrier on the objective with combined shooting of the basti's. The basti on the building try's to charge down, but fails. I reroll and manage to get down. In this tournament vertical distance did count for movement, even If you could fly. It confused me a bit, but okay the basti was down on the flank of the slann forming a wall. I end my turn for 3 VP. Going up to 6.

    On my opponents turn we had 20 minutes left. I blocked some spells, and he moved his hero on the left objective. On the right objective he charged the green skinks with the ghouls and a hero to claim that objective aswel. This way he could go to up to 5 against my 6. If he could kill all my battleline units in the combat he could collect another, and also 1 for being wholly within my territory with one unit making him win 6-7 if we didn't go to turn 4. But I have 2 units of skinks, who can retreat in the combat phase, so im not to worried about that. For time sake I just tell him to remove the 10 skinks he was attacking. We had 7 minutes left and I told him I wanted to play the 4th round, it would only take me one minute to shoot his hero and end my turn for another 4vp and taking the game and also teleport something within his territory (I really didnt plan it out well that T3 might be the last). But he of course didn't wanted to play T4, and I cant blame him. So I thought of another way to squeeze a VP out. On the right side objective, I saw an opportunity to retreat the green skinks from combat to be wholly within his territory at the end of the battle. And that is how the game ended in a 7-6 Major Victory for Seraphon!!!!

    It was a really intense game with a very nice opponent against a beautiful army. I made some really bad planning on the time, and we started way to late. T4 I would totally gain a big lead VP to secure the game. But the clock is important aswel.

    I ended the tournament with 3 major victories. But more important, at least to me, I had 3 really nice games and made some friends. And I won the Trophy for best sportmanship, which is really the best price you can collect. And don't ofter get if you win every game.

    Also I defended the honor of the Seraphon. Before the tournament, there was some smacktalk about BBQ some lizards tonight. They know differently now. Although with our current book, we dont have much trampling units. And winning with skinks sometimes feels 'cheesy' but as an counter argument, most opponents just want to get into the thick of it, and dont want to spread out their armies to fight skinks. Thats a choice they make, but will cost the some VP. Hope you enjoyed the battle report. Please let me know what you think!
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2019
  5. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Post Tournament Analysis
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  6. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    It was a really fun game. With a big threat potential from my opponent. I thinks he could have played it differently with putting all his melee units on the table t1. Protecting his heavy hitters with the protectors anti shooting ability, and screaning them with liberators the fend of rippers. I he would'd turtled them down with the dracoth right behind them, I dont know how I would have cracked that nut. If he would have gotten his protectors and other starsoul maces, I think he could have oneshotted my EotG maybe. Although I could, teleport him out. But rng always rolling a 1-2 when u most needed. Or het would just have gone for the 2 flank objectives, making it very hard for me to spread my bodies.
  7. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Here are some extra pictures of beautiful a I came across. Really inspiring paint jobs!

    p1.jpeg p2.jpeg p3.jpeg p4.jpeg p5.jpeg p6.jpeg p7.jpeg p8.jpeg p9.jpeg p10.jpeg
    LizardWizard and Aginor like this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Ok, that was huge.

    first of all, congrats for you victories! 3 matches won at a top tournament, against armies supported by new releases, is NOT a small achievement.

    Now, let's go a little more in depth...


    the first game is somehow hard to judge. The SCE list was good and with many bodies, able to contest more territory than our usual TQ castle... but that 18 eith the engine, followed by a double turn, would have crippled anyone.
    Is this enough to dismiss the victory?
    I'd say not (see 2nd game): you played it well, always with an eye on objectives, always trying to don't be caught out of guard. I believe the victory would have been yours, the favors of the Dice God only facilitated it.

    the second game is the demonstration why nothing is certain, even if you roll a 18 on the Engine. IN this case, you received a hard blow at the beginning of the match. Yeah, the mistake in the set-up was due to the poor knowledge of the Whole abilities available to gloomspites, but it's a thing that sometime happen.
    To lose the Slann in the first turn is almost surely a guaranteed loss... if you let yourself go mentally down. But in AoS nothing is certain, as you demonstrated here. Never surrender, climb your way to victory with a uphill comeback is possible, and you deserved it not only with your excellent play, but also with a marvelous sportmanship. Kudos to you.
    (on a related note, recently happened to me a very similar thing: due to a stupid mistake, I losed both the Slann and the EotG of the TQ in the second turn... but i still managed to win the game)

    the third game has been superb. A victory against an overpowered army as the new FEC? with that ruling about melee attacks that don't need LoS... which may be RAW but it's also stupid as hell?


    I like it, great pictures, easy to follow, sometime a little unclear on details but a great start. So, there's room for improvement.
    Well done, I'm going to add the link in the index of BatReps. :)
    Aginor, Schwaaah and IggyStarhost like this.
  9. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Thanks fot the elaborate response:D

    Auch! EotG and a slann, how did you claw your way out of that one? Losing the EotG would probably make me rage quit:p the slann was bad. But I still had my dmg output.
    Although without the slann I had some super fast hero phases xD
    Schwaaah likes this.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Here you are. ;)
    LizardWizard and IggyStarhost like this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Great reports, and congrats! :)
    LizardWizard and IggyStarhost like this.
  12. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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    Well done on all three wins. Really enjoyed reading these!
    LizardWizard and IggyStarhost like this.

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