does any1 have any tips or advice on making scenery such as ruins using plaster.. im thinking about giving it a try... i found a web site explaining how to make a pyramid using plaster and silicone moulds... thats where i got the idea of making a temple or some ruins using plaster and 1 of those ice cube making trays to make the blocks... has any1 tried somthing like this before?
This is exactly what i mean Thanks for the link My only problem is it's impossible for me to buy the moulds where i live. So i'm going to attempt making my plaster blocks from ice cube trays or from small sectioned trays from make-up boxes or small tool boxes.... thinking about this a tackle box from a fishing shop will probably be perfect
I don't have much experience with plaster, but a potential problem I see with ice cube trays is getting the blocks out intact. I assume you can use some form of mold release with plaster (maybe just no-stick cooking spray), but another option may be to line the trays with clear plastic wrap. It should let you pop the blocks out easily. Model railroading uses plaster for terrain, so in addition to the web site n810 provided, you may be able to find some helpful railroading sites.
@MI_Tiger i thought about getting it out of the trays, but i remember reading somewhwere that some kind of jel can be used, i cant remember where i read this but searching on google should give me the answers for this problem and about the railroads great idea, ill check some out
you can purchase the hirstarts moulds from the UK they will ship to turkey they are definately worth it - i own about 12 of them and give a great finish if it cost to much why not get together with a few friends to buy them each mould can be used literaly 1000's of times - some of my moulds are 10 yrs old now and still going strong the UK agent will be listed on hirstarts links page
Thats a great idea, but unfortunatly in the area that i am in, i think i am the only warhammer fan They don't even know what it is, and trying to get hooked on warhammer is difficult as in many cases it is too expencive for some of them. Otherwise they are so upsessed with football it takes other thier lives but it seems buying the moulds my self is the best idea.
Wow that molds site looks awesome, and a very informative website too with good articles on using them. I'm definitely going to get myself a few. Any recommendations for good first pieces?
"Q I'm looking over all the molds and I'm not sure what to get. Which molds are the best ones to buy? A That depends on what project you want to build. My suggestion is to start out with a basic mold like the #50 wizard's tower or #51 dragon's inn. Once you build something small, you'll get a better idea how the blocks work. After that you'll start getting lots of ideas for stairways, multiple towers, etc. and be able to see how it all works together. From that point I think you can look over the list of molds and make a good choice depending on what your next project is. "
strewart re moulds moulds # 70 - 203 - 204 - 260 - 281 for lustria the pyramid moulds are not quite suitable but if u look at # 93 - 94 - 95 - 98 - 290 - 291 i use them to make ruined buildings and pillers for the jungle for casting i use dental plaster as it is harder than "plaster of paris" and takes acrylic paint easily it costs me from my builders yard £12 for 25kg which will last for ages on the site thay have plans for buldings and video tutorials very easy to follow if you go to the section marked "message board" then to "post your own pictures here" you will see what others have built - moulds will last you years and also great for letting kids build with the blocks glue together with ordinary white glue (P.V.A)