AoS 1500pt vs. Khorne

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Stega, Apr 8, 2019.

  1. Stega

    Stega Member

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    Hi all,

    I'm playing my first big(ish) game of 1500pts this Friday against a friend of mine who has Khorne. I've played a 750 game against beastmen but this is going to be the first big test for my tactics and army. We've agreed we can go slightly over the points limit (by 10 or 20) as we only have a certain number of models so 1500 is around the limit for what out armies can be. I'm combining some of his seraphon models with mine so don't judge the mix bag of a list I've created!

    Here goes:
    Saurus oldblood on carnosaur (blade of realities -1 extra to rend) 260pts
    Saurus scar-veteran on cold one 100pts
    Skink starpriest 80pts
    Slann starmaster (general - vast intellect) 260pts

    Skinks x20 w boltspitters and shields 120pts
    Skinks x10 w javelins and shields 60pts
    Saurus knights w lances x5 90pts
    Saurus warriors w spears x10 100pts

    Bastiladon w solar engine 280pts
    Troglodon 160pts


    I have another 10 skinks with javelins, 10 saurus warriors, a salamander and skink handlers that I can use to be summoned.

    What do you think? I've never played with a slann before (this is only my second game and it's his model), so I'm planning on using the summon starlight on his daemons (hence vast intellect) and maybe summoning the salamander. Also thinking that the bastiladon is going to be useful against his daemons so want to protect it using mystic shield. I've noticed khorne don't have very good saves either so I thought giving my oldblood a -2 rend would be a good shout. The skinks were a great help in my first game at holding up bestigors too. All criticism and help welcome!
    tfihsnz, Crowsfoot and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hmmmm... how much of a competitive player is your opponent?
    Reasoning behind the question is that probably any Khorne list with a reasonable amount of buffs will basically roll over your Seraphon.

    Your idea with starlight is good, and the Basti is also a good idea. I am a bit concerned about the Saurus units though. Make sure the Knights choose when and where to fight and not thr enemy, as they are glass cannons.
    tfihsnz and LizardWizard like this.
  3. Stega

    Stega Member

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    Thanks for replying. I don't think he's that competitive, it's more of a friendly match as he hasn't played for a while and I'm just getting into the playing side of things after hobbying for so long.

    And yes, I'm hoping to get the oldblood to buff the scar veteran who will also buff the knights on the charge.
    As for the warriors, do you think changing them for a salamander with skink handlers might be a better option?
    LizardWizard and tfihsnz like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    If you can protect him a bit that Salamander might actually be worth it.
    I prefer Razordons over Salamanders usually, but the rend on the Sally's attack means that many Khorne units can hardly make the save against its attacks.
    LizardWizard, tfihsnz and Stega like this.
  5. Stega

    Stega Member

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    Good shout! It's frustrating because I'm waiting for new models to come out. Don't fancy having 6 of the same razordon models.

    I've also realised he has 5 chameleon skinks and an oldblood on foot, and just noticed how effective the chameleons could potentially be at sniping some of his daemon heroes! Anyone got any experience using them effectively?
    tfihsnz and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    If it's a friendly game and your friend allows proxy models?, add 5 normal skinks to the Chamos for a unit of 10 Chamos, they will do ok against Deamons :D
    LizardWizard, tfihsnz and Stega like this.
  7. Stega

    Stega Member

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    That's a good idea! Thinking of taking out the Troglodon and replacing it with 5 chameleons extra. Would mean 20 attacks hitting on 3s and wounding on 4s, 6s to hit causing 3 damage each against daemons. Then they disappear if i get the roll on the next turn. I like it!.

    Suddenly his big daemon heroes costing 400pts aren't as immortal when you combine that with the solar engine and summon starlight. As well as some skink roadblocks to wind him up haha.

    The Troglodon doesn't seem that much of a big hitter, it would do well against low bravery enemies like the bloodreavers but anything a bit more solid it seems like a waste of points, especially as he won't have wizards.
    LizardWizard, tfihsnz and Crowsfoot like this.
  8. Stega

    Stega Member

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    He's got 1510 points and I've got 1490 so he's said I can choose who goes first. Tempted to sit my forces nice and far back and let him go first and hope for 2 turns in a row, or should I go for a tactical start and push out in the hope of holding him up? :D
    tfihsnz likes this.
  9. tfihsnz

    tfihsnz New Member

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    this sounds like a fun list. from the small amount of experience I have if you're going shooting heavy you probs want that double turn especially if you can use the double turn to position and then strike with the knights. also, I recommend dropping the trogladon and summoning it instead (if you can) because he can be fun to drop down on someone especially if you can drop him, shoot and then charge its fun

    but also getting the chance to potentially scar some of his armies before it can collide with you is helpful with korne being pretty heavy when they land
    LizardWizard and Stega like this.
  10. Stega

    Stega Member

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    Yeah I've dropped him for the chameleons. Planning on maybe making it look like I'm moving my knights and then my second turn use curse of fates, the scar veterans ability and serpent staff on them and teleport them behind him to character hunt or to pile into the back of some of his troops that my skinks have held up. On a 4+ I'll be able to teleport and charge that turn (CoF), I'll get re rolls to hit and 1 extra attack for the cold ones bites, as well as re rollable charge rolls. And 6s to wound with the lances extra MW, as well as 6s causing double damage with the bites of both the knights and cold ones. Plus the CoF effect on one dice in every phase. Very risky but if it works he'll be annoyed haha.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  11. Stega

    Stega Member

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    Worked pretty well! Just finished the game a short while ago. We drew in the end. The MVP was definitely the bastiladon. I gave him first go and got 2 turns in a row. The solar engine wiped a unit of bloodcrushers off the board and held up his general and a unit of skullcrushers for most of the game.

    Skinks were great at holding up his forces for my carnosaur to work on and i summoned a salamander which took his standard bearer out, quite fun. It was great with the slann and the starpriest together and having the extra different spells for the slann mixed things up a bit.

    Knights weren't that great and I actually forgot to make the chameleons ambush one of the turns so missed out on some extra attacks there.

    Best tactic vs khorne seems to be to soften them up and then move in for the kill. Thanks for all the advice everyone!
    Aginor and Wilhelm Stürmer like this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds like it worked. :)

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