7th Ed. Suprising tactics

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Arli, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I don't think there can be such thing as a "surprise item" in any open list environment. Unless your opponent is ignorant of the item in your list, then an item in itself can never be a surprise.

    The same can really be said of tactics, play the same opponents enough and none of what you do will surprise them.

    That said, everything listed here will probably be surprising (to varying degrees) the first time you use it.
  2. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    given the fact that the conversation started with the mention of fanatics we can safely assume we're talking about close lists enviroments. in an open list enviroment only tactics can be surprising and that goes away in the 3rd game with the same player.
    and yes, i play in a close list enviroment [i'm totally against poen lists] and i announce the target of the bane head. the skaven assasin for example is hidden in a unit and you write that unit down on a piece of papper, and the army book tells you to do so, as long as it fails to tell you this in the LM army book, i consider it only fair to tell my opponent at the start of the game what the bane head target is.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    The blood statuette of spite was a nice surprise for the HE player. Almost killed his mage with it. Ended up losing to him, but had a blast playing. At one point, I had to roll snake eyes to hold the line, and I did. It was awesome.
  4. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    How did you lose to high elves? Would you be willing to post your list and his? It seems as though I can't lose to them even if I wanted to. My little scaly guys always score a massacre. By posting his list, it may give me some ideas to share with my buddy. Thanks.
  5. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    High elves aren't as weak as many make them to be. I play a friend that has mostly swordsmasters and archers, so its really hard to break 13 str 6 attacks even when you get the charge. They always hit on 3's, and wound on 2's. Then tooled up characters in the units just make life a pain. Then with good defensive magic, they can't really be blasted from a distance.
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Swordmasters strike at S5 AFAIK.

    And even in prolonged combat; Saurus spears can take them on. OFcourse, it will cost you your unit of saurii, but they are sure to kill heaps hof swordmasters. Who are pretty darn elite.
    However, it is advised that you do not get into CC with them. With only a 5+ AS to protect them; rain down javelins, blowpipes, magic missiles, salamanders and terradons upon them. Their numbers dwindle fast when not in CC.

    And High elves aren't THAT easy. But their infantry simply cannot match our awesome saurus warriors. The war machines are countered by skinks, chameleons, terradons, salamanders.
    Their heroes cannot be a combat beasts; because they do not have much protection. Sure they strike first, and hard. But in prolonged combat; they will falter.

    The Hunted
  7. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    My list was:

    lvl 2 priest with Plaque of topek and power stone

    lvl2 priest with blood statuette and diadem of power

    Scar vet with bboc and maiming shield

    17 saurus warriors (with scar vet)

    2x 10 skink skirmishers

    2x 5 chameleons

    3 terradons

    His list was
    one mage (do not know lvl or items
    bowmen x 10 in one rank
    swordsmen x 10
    spearmen x 15
    cavalry x 6
    scouts x 5
    balista with 2 crew

    He was able to charge my Saurus on the front and the flank.

    Also, I am new to the game and still trying to get my strategies in order.
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    This conversation is getting quite off-topic as we speak :p
    So, I suggest you simply make a new topic where you ask your questions. That means we will keep this topic 'clean' of stuff which has nothing to do with it.
    I will reply there.

    The Hunted

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