AoS Seraphon vs Skaventide and Nurgle

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by LordBaconBane, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. LordBaconBane

    LordBaconBane Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone,

    The local Games Workshop is doing a casual escalation event. Today was 1k, next months it will be 1.5k, than 2k. Today, I did a battle against both Skaventide and Nurgle. I used a different list for Skaventide & Nurgle.


    My Seraphon list:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Great Rememberer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices

    Skink Starpriest (80)

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 49

    We ended up playing one of the objective games from the 2018 rule book, Starstrike.

    Turn 1: Skaven

    I let my Skaven friend go first. He more or less moved his huge block of clan rats and ogres towards my middle point. He casted no spells and more or less death starred towards me.

    Turn 1: Seraphon

    This round was weird. I rolled a 1 for constellation (less than desirable for this list), which I didn't want. I failed to cast Chromatic COgs from my skink Starpriest. I then attempted to change my constellation aaaaand I rolled a 1, so no spells or summoning points. I didn't move my skinks much but tried to spread the field to cover the potential objective locations that would come later.

    My friend had exposed his rats in such a way where I could strike his center with no chance of countering with heroes or ogres. After a non-eventful shooting phase with skinks (slaying 2 models) I did a swoop with my ripperdactyls. In the combat phase, with all of the bonuses I had, my rippers wiped the unit entirely and I took no wounds in return.

    Turn 2: Seraphon

    I banked on this second Hero phase. The first objective landed near his second unit of clan rats. I tried to change my constellation... rolled a 1, no spells from Slann. Failed to cast chromatic cogs too. No magic or summoming points. Oops.

    The first objective appeared near his death star of rats. I got in some shots with my skinks whom slayed a few clan rats. I charged with my rippers towards his other clan rats (who unfortunately would draw in at least a hero). After one brutal combat round, I took 2 wounds and wiped the unit after battleshock was done. I was just out of range to score the objective.

    Turn 2: Skaven

    My Skaven friend tried to cast warp lightning but I unbinded it. His rat ogres & warlock missed their ranged attacks and charged at my rippers. During the combat he did some bad damage to my rippers, killing all but 1 of my models. I did however managed to bring one of his Clawlord down to 1 wound. He scored 2 points from the objective.

    Turn 3 Seraphon

    The second objective landed by my starpriest and the third objective landed by my friends second Clawlord. I decided at this point to not do anymore shenanigans with my constellation. My skink starpriest -finally- cast chromatic cogs and I got 13 conjuration points that turn. I teleported my last ripper behind my lines. Killed his clawlord with my skinks. I moved my skinks towards the center objective and scored 10 points.

    Turn 3 Skaven

    My friend attempted to cast Vermintide which succeeded. He placed his second Clawlord by the objective in the back and moved his rat ogres and warlock engineer to the center objective. He charged with his rat ogres and bullied my skinks hard but I still controlled the objective. He scored 3 points, bringing his total to 5.

    Turn 4 Skaven

    My friend got the double turn and, with his rat ogres, wiped a unit of skinks and his warlock engineer and vermintide reduced my other unit of skinks to 4. He scored 8 points this turn, bringing his score to to 13.

    Turn 4 Seraphon

    Spoiler alert: this is where I lose the game. I managed to dispel Vermintide. I get a bunch of conjuration points, suicide my ripperdactyl in, and summon not a million skinks but a carnosaur. Not much happens this turn but posturing, but I do score 4 points, bringing my total to 14.

    Turn 5 Skaven

    My friend does nothing but shoot at my remaining skinks, fails warp lightning, and kills the rest of my skinks in combat. He scored 10 points bringing his total to 23.

    Turn 5 Seraphon

    Like I mentioned, this is where I lose. My carnosaur was unable to get to his back objective (failed the charge by 1, even with chromatic cogs + constellation). I scored 5 points, bringing my total to 19.

    Lessons learned

    I lost for a few reasons. The biggest reason why is because in turn 3-4. I saved my points and summoned a Carnosaur instead of skinks over time, who would have overwhelmed the objective in turn 4-5, scoring me the points I needed. The second lesson is, not getting the right constellation sucks but most of my damage came from swooping rippers. Having the 5-6 roll constellation would have been great but redundant since my blot toad was always around. Also, I lost out on potentially 20 summoning points (30 more skinks) to take objectives.

    Regardless, it was a fun and close game. Ripperdactyls are brutal. Very brutal. Wiping out 40 clan rats in one combat round brutal. I will roll this list again.


    I battled against a Nurgle player in a First Blood battle. It was his first Age of Sigmar game so we didn't do artifacts or items, and no mortal realms. Played the rules simply. I won't go into great detail on this battle, but I'll give the highlights.

    My Seraphon list:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Mortal Realm: N/A

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: N/A
    - Artefact: N/A

    Skink Starpriest (80)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)

    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Spears & Star Bucklers
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Spears & Star Bucklers

    1 x Bastilidon (280)


    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 46

    The Highlights
    • I used my summoning much more effectively this game. I got my chromatic cogs right away and summomed in 3 rippers.
    • I kept my distance from my enemy, using my bastilidon's 3 damage vs chaos demons to add up.
    • I teleported my rippers behind him to get hit squshier targets.
    • I used mystic shield & summon starlight from my starpriest on different turns and used my Sun Blood's command ability to synergize big time with my saurus warriors.
    • Using the bottle neck and putting pressure on the back, I managed to do around 20 wounds in slaim foes to Nurgle while I only took 4.
    • I summoned a Carnosaur turn 3. He ate his general turn 4.
    • In the last battle round, I went full ham with spells and wrapped up the game around 35~ wounds to my 11.
    What I learned
    • Nurgle is super fun to play against. They have a really thematic style and I recommend you look into them.
    • Saurus warriors are meh on their own but synergize very well with buffs from star priest, Sun Blood, and eventually the Carnosaur.
    • Moving very fast units like RIppers around the field is a great way to get your opponent distracted. I managed to get him to move a unit of plaguebearers to my rippers, which allowed me to score some easy wounds.
    • Not messing with your celestial thing is so important. I rolled a 4 so adding 1 casting rolls was nice. I would have preferred to a 5-6. I was able to get a Carnosaur turn 3 and really put in the hurt later.

    I had a great time at the event. I can't wait for next month where it will be a 1.5k event.

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    Dr.Doom, Warden, Aginor and 1 other person like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and learned a few things, too! Well done!
    Dr.Doom and LordBaconBane like this.

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