Hello all, Here are some photos from a recent tournament in New Zealand called Equinox. One guy brought a Daemons of Chaos army, but it was all converted using a Lizardman/Daemon combo with amazing results. Here are the shots of the army, which were taken by ibj-photography at the tournament. The entire lot of the all tourney photos (including other games like 40k and Flames of War) is in the link that follows. The whole lot can be found here. They are AMAZING mini photographers in my opinion. http://www.lbj-photography.com/Equinox_Web/index.htm Enjoy!
Just missing the tails, but I don't think anyone could complain. Could just be a defective spawning, lol. The other issue is the lack of great weapons as a selection choice, but man, they still look cool.
Wow that army looks awesome. Definitely love the saurus conversions, makes them look more dangerous and dynamic.
Those are some great conversions! I'm looking forward to seeing more! Maybe some Daemon-Skinks riding some Screamers of Tzeentch...
I think it would be sweet to make an entire army of bloodletter/saurus models. All you would need to do is sculpt a tale and give them shields. But they are definitely bada*s!
Because of this annoying thread i'm curruntly making lizardy beastmen, I tried to fight the urge will post pics in a week or 2