KoW Salamanders vs Herd [DOMINATE - 3000 points]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Hellbender, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. Hellbender

    Hellbender Member

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    This weekend I had my second outing with the lizardmen themed Salamanders in my second campaign battle. The hook from the Vanguard game before it was being able to vanguard move any 2 units.

    The army was pretty similar to last time; 2 * Ancients + Clan Lord (inspiration of the ancients), 2*AORs, 2*Tyrants, Skyraiders, 3*Lekilidons, 2*Gekk Warriors, 1*Gekk Hunters, 2*Mage Priest, 1*Battle Captain, 1* Skylord, and finally Artakl . Having felt my key units were too passive in the last game I placed the AOR in the centre flanked by the Ancients and Tyrants with lots of chaff in front. The aim was to breach the centre and then move out, whilst holding the flanks.


    Initial signs were pretty good with me defeating the bulk of his trash and having the charges I wanted nicely lined-up. I also managed to delay the Stampede with my Battle Captain on my right flank. The left was not so good though with the Skyraiders in an uneven fight with his Eagle horde. So I was all set by turn 3 to charge.

    The gods were cruel though and instead of cutting through his central horde of Spirit Walkers I got the dreaded Double 1 enabling him to stand a further turn and so close the flank attacks. I also had a nice charge that would have taken me through 2 heroes and into the flank of his heavy infantry (on my AOR) stopped by a double 1 on the second hero. I ended the game occupying the centre but not in enough strength to win having lost too much on the flanks. Some analysis below.....


    So a few thoughts and reflections:
    1. Clearly two double 1's don't help but there were mistakes in the game to be learnt from.
    2. One flank was too weak only having the flying troops. He cleverly used Critter's Call to lock down their shooting for a crucial turn as well. I need something to beef-up my fast flank if I have one.
    3. I did nt use my characters especially well - Artakl is hard to get in the right spot as the Herd have plenty of fast heroes of their own to target her. Maybe she needs to try and target the Critters Call Shaman who is likely to be on the flank.
    4. The double AOR plus Clan Lord with banner is key - if this does nt come off I lack attack power in the rest of the army. The Tyrants especially disappoint me - with only 18 attacks they seem poor value compared to his Guardian Brutes who have 24. I wonder if the points can be better spent elsewhere?
    5. The Lekilidons did ok, this time mostly through fighting or holding off units for a couple of turns.
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  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Great report. Rolling two double ones will completely ruin any game that is harsh.

    On the subject of the Tyrants vs Guardian Brutes. Yes they have more attacks but they also only have Crushing (1) vs your Crushing (2) plus Vicious and Brutal, so in a going they should have the edge as your damage output is much more reliable, they are also 20 more points. Just for the love of Sotek don't let them charge you unhindered or they will obliterate you with that Thunderous (2)

    I have a similar problem with Artakl, she is very difficult to position well.

    All in all it seems like it was a very close game despite those two double ones, specially the first one, in the worst moment possible.

    Great job!
  3. Hellbender

    Hellbender Member

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    I'm thinking a second Skylord may pose more of a threat to the pesky Druids than Artakl does at the same cost. The greater range means that disordering charges are a real possibility.
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