AoS 2k summon/skink

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by shuikage, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. shuikage
    Jungle Swarm

    shuikage New Member

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    hey so going all my old stuff i realized that i got lizard folk still. So thinkig of updating and getting a list together. Not 100% sure how well this may or may not do. Also unsure of command trait and artefacts or even possibly decent battalions. Still reading up and getting caught up on all the things.

    2k list

    Slann starmaster

    skink starpriest

    astrolith bearer

    engine of the gods

    2x40 skinks

    10 skinks

    2x10 warriors

    2x Stegadons

    balewind vortex

    Seraphage and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria.

    Your list looks like a solid start to a good summoning list.

    I have brief overview of a few list in my signature link.If you have any questions about them feel free to ask on the thread of through direct message.
  3. shuikage
    Jungle Swarm

    shuikage New Member

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    Good to know. Will take a look at them.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    This was especially strong couple of months ago that there weren't many tools vs hordes. Nowdays you should keep in mind that these 2 awesome 2 x 40 Skinks will be squishy in tournament set up are they are evil things like Thanquol *the most evil tbh* and many spells that roll "a dice for each model etc.."

    This comment is not to make you not play it. It is a solid list, just read the opponents rules to know what to expect !
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Scurvydog

    Scurvydog Active Member

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    In many ways it looks like a slightly worse thunderquake list. Unfortunately the warriors are no good, especially in 10 man units, so getting rid of them and reducing a skink unit to get a TQ battalion and the required Razordons/Salamanders/Kroxigors will probably give better results.

    Unless you are very confident you can protect your Slann, I'd recommend getting the incandecent retricies (spelling?), which heals d6 after the wearer dies on a 3+. If you go thunderquake and get another artifact from that as well, then using stuff like Etheral amulet, miasmic blade or ignax scales from maling sorceries is good, as it helps keeping the EotG alive.

    Command trait for the Slann is probably best with great rememberer from the generals handbook, so you can use lords of space and time twice per hero phase. This is a freebie and universally useful and never a bad choice.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. shuikage
    Jungle Swarm

    shuikage New Member

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    Thanks for all the information so far. I am not doing any tounaments or hardcore games unless someone is wanting one then id be playing by gobbos for that for the time being.

    @Scurvydog I was unsure about the warriors mostly because of how squishy they seem to be in smaller units. I currently dont have any razordons/salamanders/kroxigors as im not overly fond of the first 2 sculpts and just havent any kroxigors atm.

    The incandecent retricies makes perfect sense on keeping him around longer than opponent wants him to be there. and keeping the EotG alive longer makes sense also if i were to go thunderquake. I am not sure on the battalions at the moment due to not having much experience with them or if they are worth the points. But always up for some list suggestions on changes to utilize it and see how it works.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  7. Slikus Vaw
    Cold One

    Slikus Vaw Active Member

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    Ive been running TQ with a unit of 6 kroxigors nd they work out great agenst hordes. With 6 was able to handle a 20 chainrasp horde ezly. 30 prolly still be able to overcome(depends on moon hammer placement)
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. Scurvydog

    Scurvydog Active Member

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    I also like Kroxigors but not because they are all that good, they are not terrible though, but they need to fight hordes, unlike many other "big guys" with 4+ wounds, they are very bad at fighting other big stuff, while things like troggoths, bullgors and such often have hard hitting high rend attacks, Kroxigors got 0 rend and only -1 rend on the moonhammer, which is terrible against low model count units. As such, my opponents like to charge them with their fast monsters :( The moonhammer can do some serious damage though against big units, like grots, beast herds, skeletons etc.

    The thunderquake can give you rerolls to wound and saves (or hit/charge rolls), and the Kroxigors can be part of this battalion. Once I liked to use razordons, as their ranged attack could make it easier to be within 8" of the engine of the gods (otherwise they lose the rerolls), but I found the best way to lock down the battalion units: the engine, bastilladons/stegadons can be swarms of chaff, and the Kroxigors make for a decent hard hitting frontline.

    Beware if you play in a casual environment when you use the thunderquake and shadowstrike battalions, both can be very frustrating to an opponent and I have had friends grumble about it before, so maybe just be clear on what level of gaming you are doing and it should be fine.
    LizardWizard and Slikus Vaw like this.
  9. Slikus Vaw
    Cold One

    Slikus Vaw Active Member

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    Alot of ppl bring hordes to take objectives cause thats the game. If u can LoST them near an objective that is held by a horde unit it will turn out well but keeping them in 8" range of EotG is hard that way. In my army i have a astrolith also so i get for my TQ reroll hits,wounds nd saves. As long as those guys r wholly within 12" of astrolith nd 8" of EotG
    LizardWizard likes this.

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