Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((Since I used up my battle and skill points for the eye-dart shot I'll only have my 1 hidden stat to carry over.))

    Huaroc had been prowling not so far off from the group all day. Staying within the jungle's undergrowth and remaining silent and hidden as ever. They had been lucky not to come across any more predators this day.

    When there was only a few more hours of travel left Huaroc moved ahead of the party, scouting ahead and making sure there was a cleared path and a place to rest. When night fell, and it fell quickly in the jungles of Lustria, he patroled the parimeter to ensure nothing came across their way. He'd also set traps along likely avenues of approach. Huaroc had been out in the wild jungles his entire life, as the rest of his Chemelion brethren he didn't interact with other servants of the Old One's often.

    After Hexec spoke his tragedy of losing his beloved mount Huaroc hissed out his name just to the outside of the camp fire's light. When their heads turned his way in surprise he stepped just into the light. Skinned frogs and other jungle creatures adorned his body along side fresh flora and fauna of the jungle. The effect made him look savage.

    "I follow you to keep you safe. Such is the responsibility of my all my Spawnings before and after me. I scout your way and keep you safe." He said, nodding to llok as the eldest amoungst them. Then, without a sound he faded back into the heavy shadows of the jungle. His presence amoungst them now but a faint knowledge of his presence if not direct sight or scent.
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq had taken shelter in a small cave, where he would rest before continuing the long journey North to the Tomb of Gold. He had woven a collection of reeds and grasses together to form a basket for the stolen Carnosaur egg. A strong strap of hide secured the parcel to his waist, where he would keep the treasure until it hatched. Judging by the nest he had seen, Ax-rodriq guessed that the eggs were freshly lain, and it would be quite some time before the young Carnosaur wormed its way out of its protective shell.
    The scent of boar's blood and the sound of voices made their way to his rocky hideaway. Identifying them almost immediately as fellow Lizardmen, Ax-rodriq made his way towards them. He emerged from the shadows with swords sheathed so as to not appear as a threat. He called his greeting to the group and introduced himself.
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  3. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    After what felt like a very brief march compared to what he was used to, Hzutli sat down to enjoy the fresh boar meat. He was used to the bland rationed food of the patrols and so thoroughly enjoyed the taste of warm animal blood. After the meal, Ilok asked his name to which he stuttered: Hzutli. Even though he had been in existence for nearly three decades, Hzutli still had trouble speaking the saurian tongue. More used to the growling commands of his superior saurus, Hzutli tried his best to let everyone know what his specialty. He told everyone that he preferred to work as a team, like a patrol group. Usually the headstrong Hzutli charged in initially and tried to gain the attention of the enemy. When he had done this, the other saurus would move in and finish the job. With his darker skin tone, he preferred to stalk his prey, and than rush in and kill them.
    After that struggle of speech, Hzutli got up and examined the perimeter as custom of the jungle patrols, then satisfied with his knowledge of his surroundings, he found a central area of the camp with which to sit and remain alert. Knowing that Xa watched over like any normal Temple Guard would, he remained content to sit and sharpen the many hooks and edges of his favoured hand and a half sword.
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  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Great posts guys, I'm enjoying this. Now to answer some questions.

    Yes the your points just keep stacking you never lose them

    You get a fresh supply of points everyday's post so since you've used them all yesterday you get a fresh 4 skill/1 battle/1 blend but you can store either and extra 4 skill, or 1 Battle, or 1 Blend, because this days post had no skill point usage.
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  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    ((OOC: you add a point every time, instead of doubling it? So, 2 battle points turn into 3 the next day. Instead of (when doubling) 4.
    Then the day after, those 3 turn into 4. Instead of 8 (when doubling). I'm a little confused right now :p
    If you cannot double, it's pretty darn hard to actually DO something day in day out. I'd rather have some tea for about half a year :p.))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    No no you've been doing it right, every day if you haven't done anything you can add either 3 skill or 1 battle or 2 magic to your daily score. And today you got an extra one from tasty meat.

    PS I accidentally deleted the end part of your post when I hit edit instead of quote, and didn't realize till I posted, so sorry. Also want to let you know the group you have with you is yourself Skink priest, Xa temple guard, Tzuhil - a former Skink Stegadon rider, Hzutli is a saurus warrior, HEXEC the former theradon rider, Ax-rodriq the Saurus Warrior has just arrived and Huaroc the chameleon skink that came and left.
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  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC ((Ok, I got it completely now. NP about the post, although I was wondering: didn't I post something more than that? :p
    Stupid Moderators all the time :rolleyes: ;)))

    Ilok listened carefully to everybody. He was interested in everybodies story, hoping to find some form of pattern or clue. He didn't succeed in that just yet. Ilok didn't stand still by that too long though, other priests might do that; not Ilok.
    He started thinking again; why were they here? How did he get here? Why did he brought twosaurus warriors, a temple guard, a chameleon skink, a former terradon rider and a former stegadon rider...
    It made no sense to Ilok just yet. Perhaps later.

    Ilok felt safe in the camp, knowing that a chameleon brethern patroled the edges of camp and the temple guard stood at watch all the time. In addition, there were more saurus warriors to protect him, and the skinks that were also with him could use their great skill to protect him if need be. Ilok knew that he was prepared to to everything to protect his new friends, by magic, blowpipe, poison or: his life.
    Ilok stopped thinking. Realized something, and started thinking again:
    I do not know my fellow lizardmen for a long time, yet we have such a strong bond that I, Ilok, would give my life for one of them?

    Ilok felt a bit uneased. He had never felt that before. He was ready to die for a purpose. It chilled his cold blood even more.

    Ilok then listened to more stories.
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((LOL at Hunted))

    The party woke at first light and began on their way, the heat was lost somewhere in the morning hours. The colder air slowed their movements slightly and gave them a more sluggish feeling in their muscles. They began their march further in the Lustrain jungle, avoiding dangerous jungle flowers that lined a portion of the over grown path. The paths wound and curled in every direction however innate senses kept the lizard folk moving in their chosen direction.

    After many hours of travel the group reached a massive chasm with only one way to cross; an old rope bridge of questionable strength. The group eyed it carefully, looking for another way to cross and finding none. Looking below the bridge the ground was lost in a sea of fog. Making the decision to keep moving the group moves with little hindrance from the bridge, as it turns out the bridge was much stronger than it appeared, however they never released their caution.

    As the first member reached the end, a figure was spotted from one of the skinks at the opposite end of the rope bridge, even from the great distance it was clear to be a sneaky vile ratman.

    Quickly before any could react the creatures slashed the support ropes on the opposite end to the group, and the bridge begins to fall, supported only by the end you are nearest to.

    Initiative 3+ 2 skill points to grab hold and climb to safety
    Initiative 2...3 skill points to grab hold and climb to safety
    Initiative 1...4 skill points to grab hold and climb to safety

    However each of you can aid one other member taking off 1 skill point off his difficulty.
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  9. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok's brain works fast to capture the new situation. In a reflex Ilok grabs on to the bridge with on arm, and manages to grab the Temple Guard Xa in his other hand.
    Xa realizes what's happened after Ilok catched him, Xa grabs Ilok's leg for better grip.

    Ilok's eyes survey the action, everything is going fast. But his eyes can follow the action well. He now realizes that he has a big Temple Guard hanging from his leg, while he only has his own hands to keep hold.
    Stupid me, he thinks, why did I decide to grab a 200 pound saurus again?

    He realizes. But he doesn't want to. Atleast his leg won't.

    OOC(( -3 skill. Grabbed rope, grabbed Xa; if he wishes to grab me!)
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  10. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil instinctively felt that the bridge was going to collapse. He jumped to the cliff before him, cringing to the sharp rocks. Knowing there was no time to spare he ushered the slow saurus. holding his hand as far as he could towards them, he knew the first one of them to use his help would manage to reach safety.

    ((So, before that situation I had 12 skill/1 battle/2 beast because I saved the skill points from the two previous days and I used the fine meat for another point of beast. Please correct me if I'm wrong. So now I lost 3 skill points - 2 for climbing to safety and another one for helping the saurus. 9 skill/1 battle/2 beast))
  11. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing Ilok's dilemma, Hzutli decides to quickly grab him by the shoulder with one hand while reaching out towards Hexec with the other. Then using his powerful jaw muscles, he bites into one of the dangling floor boards and digs in with his toe claws for support. Although the weight is great, Hzutli flexes his large reptilian muscles and manages to counter the great force of the others falling. Using him as a ladder, Ilok and the others manage to climb to the top of the ravine safely.
    -2 skill (grabbed Ilok and Hexec while falling, turning into a -2 modifier right?)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc had crossed the bridge long before the party had come to it. His forward scouting clearing the path for the rest of the party and ensuring that nothing stood in their way. Huaroc, having patroled this part of the jungle often, knew that the bridge was the group's only way across the massively deep chasm.

    Once on the other side he set up a holding position in a tree which afforded him a clear line of sight in all directions. To his cold blooded relief he'd seen his charges reach the bridge and began to cross. Unfortunately the pestulent skaven had been following the group.

    Huaroc knew the mind of the rat man, having fought against them for nearly his entire life. He also knew that he'd only have one change to get this next series of events done without a loss to any of his companions. Pulling up his blow pipe he set the checked ridges of the mouthpiece to his scaly lips and blew hard. Two poisoned darts lanced from the tube and burned streight towards the treacherous rat.

    Huaroc then launched himself from the tree and landed on the ground in a tight roll. Sprinting to the bridge he skidded on his belly to the cliff's edge where he extended down his hand to help pull up the other Lizardmen strung down the rope bridge.

    ...all the while he'd never made a sound...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    ((Bringing beast-handling points over))

    Hexec is surprised to suddenly be grabbed by Hzutli. He sees that Ax-rodriq is in trouble, so he reaches down to give Ax-rodriq a hand. Ax-rodriq takes it, but Hexec realized that he cannot hold him for much longer, his strength is not enough.
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  14. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq's hands, strong as they were, scrabbled for a hold against the cliff wall. He finally found one, after falling farther down than the rest of the party. Slowly, but surely, he began climbing the rock face. His armor and shield, as well as the Carnosaur egg secured firmly to his waist, were weighing him down, but he refused to shed them. His arms were slowly tiring, and suddenly, he lost his hold and the piece of rock he was holding on to plummeted down. There was no sound of it hitting the earth. Fortunately, Hexec extended his arm at that moment. Ax-rodriq took it, and regained his hold. The Skink was strong, but he couldn't possibly manage to keep both himself and the mighty Saurus Warrior on the cliff by himself. Ax-rodriq allowed him to withdraw his arm, as he now had a better hold of the rocks. He continued his ascent.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    As he was caught by the fast thinking skink he threw the edge of his huge weaponover the top of the cliff like a huge ice axe and used it to haul himself and ilok upon to the cliff edge and once more to saftey. Xa thanked the small skink for saving his life.

    Xa surveid the area, everyone had survived but hauroc was on the otherside of the bridge and there where rat men too. Xa had to act fast or the skink would be overwhelmed. He saw a wide tree and bellowed for the other saurus to help him hack it down and make a bridge but before they had the chance, Ilok the priest used his skills to uproot the tree and layed the tree down across the reveen, quikly the saurus swarmed across the bridge to protect there small companion and after slaying the skaven the carried on with their quest.

    ((OOC @ Hunted, you dont have to use any magic points if you dont want to i just thought it would be a better twist to the story. i may have went off the topic abit so sorry. also im not going to be on for the next few days about 3 i think))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    ((Only wanted to announce I'll be missing for the next 3 days as I'm going on a trip))
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  17. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((Eh???? I thought I was on the same side as ya'll...? Oh well! Makes more more fun!!!))

    Huaroc knew that in this instance his only chance at survival, until the massive Saurus could reach him, was to use his Spawning's innate ability to blend. Though not usually nessisary Huaroc concentrated as he dove into the underbrush and squated down under some massive tree roots. His body blended into the background and undergrowth.

    Once the virulent rat men turned to the Saurus Huaroc loaded up his Blow Gun with single darts and began picking off the tail of the pack. His shots aimed for the base of the neck where the poison would act the fastest.

    ((I'm guessing a total loss between both posts to be 1 Blend point and 4 Skill points...maybe less?))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Take 1 blend and 1 skill, we'll be good :)
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  19. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(:) @speedygeko: I'd rather not. I'm trying to save for a comet once these days...:)! And no problem about saving your life :p. Maybe you could chop the tree down with your GW? and haul it across the gap..)

    Ilok felt dismembert. His right arm and left leg felt they were on the bottom of the ravin.
    Thankfully, they weren't.

    If did mean that Ilok was not concentrated enough to try and weave any magic. The only way he could be helpfull, and Ilok knew.
    He pledged to help everybody another time, but he simply couldn't this time.

    He watched in amazement as Huaroc dissapeared from view, yet the vile ratmen kept on dying.

    The Hunted
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  20. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hey sorry guys won't have a chance to post today, something came up, just thought I'd let you all know.
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