AoS Using seraphon against stormcast

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Lizerd, May 4, 2019.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    In the current meta, storm cast are very powerful and with more and more of them we have to try and find sneaky ways to deal with them. After some observation and chatting with a few guys at tournaments, I think I have a solution to help deal with them.

    So their biggest strength is their armor, as in battle line with a +4 save. So we have a few things we can do, as seraphon don’t have many high rend models this leaves us with a few options. Let me be flat here, rend is critical, it turns their +3 or +4 save into a +5 or +6. A good reroll still won’t save you if your save is really unlikely. This means that we want high rend models or ones that have atleast rend one. This means that sadly, skinks while effective as a screen, really cant do much damage due to lack of rend. Instead they are best really against storm cast as harassers, maybe picking a model or two off. Arguably the best stuff we have against this are weirdly enough salamanders. Their rend 2 and chance for mortal wounds is excellent at dealing with their armor. Other models that are useful are large monsters that deal rend but are hard to kill, things like bastiladons.

    The other thing I have learned is that they do not like mortal wounds. A guy at a tournament recounted how with few lucky rolls from Arkhan he destroyed an entire unit of sequitors. With no armor to stand in the way, they take it he on. Here again salamanders do well as they have a source of additional mortal wounds.
  2. Blitzkriyg
    Temple Guard

    Blitzkriyg Well-Known Member

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    I've honestly found the opposite, in Australia, stormcast are pretty much bottom of the barrel. A couple of razordons and 2 bastiladons can pretty much just wreck a stormcast players day
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  3. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Because everyone knows them :D it’s the underdogs or ‘rarely used’ armies that do best - because people don’t know what to expect or underestimate them, armies that rely on limited strength will be easily outmanoeuvred - luckily seraphon have a very adaptable army list, we can bring anything to out preform most other armies.
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  4. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    From what I do know, razordons do work well, it’s simply due to a lack of rend that against stormcast, makes them less optimal then salamanders. However most of the time razordons are better. I actually was pretty fortunate to see a bastiladon used on the stormcast and it did very well.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I killed two units of 20 Sequitors in one go with my DTSS list at a tournament last February. Razordon shots and Ripperdactyle deepstrikes went into one one unit. ScV Carno (had the doppelganger cloak), ScV CO (used betrayers crown), and one unit of 5x Saurus Knights went into the other group. The SCE player used his only Command Point to attempt to reroll a failed charge and didn't succeed. I killed over half of each unit and battleshocked the other half off the table.

    Now the local meta always floats Command Points for Inspiring Presence. In summation, rend and mortal wounds are valid ways to kill SCE. Just don't forget about volume of attacks either. Rippderdactyles can get a lot of work done vs SCE.
    Lizerd likes this.

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