so i was planning on using this list basically for a tourney. Please help me point any weak points or good things or whatever. Thanks! Oldblood -carnosaur -sword of striking -malming shield -glyph necklace -bane head -light armour Scar-Vet -cold one -extra hand weapon -light armour -shield Priest -lv 2 -EotG -dispell scroll -diadiem Chief -stegadon -warspear 18 saurus warriors (scar vet goes here) -spears, musician, standard 18 saurus warriors -spears, musician, standard 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 12 skink skirmishers 17/2 skrox unit my plan is to have the 2 stegs and oldblood on one flank and try to rampage through from that flank across the board. i will have the unit of 12 skinks and the skrox unit on the other flank. and basically have the saurus block stay right in the middle of the board for anyone who wants to charge it. the vet in the saurus block will stay in there until i see something that i want to charge. so what do you think??
A pretty solid set up. Piranha Blade + Bane head is another great combo for killing characters, and also makes you effective against multi wound creatures such as hydras and flesh hounds. After crunching the numbers the Scimitar is slightly better than the SoS against WS5 and lower, but costs 20 pts extra so they're pretty equal. You can't have additional hand weapon if you're mounted, so a spear or Haleberd is a better option on the scar vet. You don't really need the lvl 2 upgrade on the priest as he won't get any spells off and he still generates 2 PDs for the diadem as a lvl 1 on the engine, but if you have pts to spare why not. Imo its much better to spend those pts on upgrading the baby steg to a Ancient Steg on for the Chief, when you do 2D6+1 impacts its worth to pay a little extra to get +1 S on them, as well as better protection for the chief. Looks very solid, might want to consider champ in the Scar Vet unit to protect him from hunters. Overall a pretty good Old Blood list, but with so many combat units you should take a BSB. Rerolling breaks is amazing combined with Cold Blood and it also gives some extra SCR.
that's a good idea. so i can take off the lv2 which saves about 35 pts and upgrade the baby steg. i do want a bsb but i don't believe i have the pts for it. i'll have to look around i guess but maybe i could drop the CO on the vet and drop some skinks and that should give me enough for a vet on foot to make him a bsb. let me calculate it up. thanks!
I personally hate skrox units and see them as a big point sink. If It were me, I'd end up dropping that unit and buying some terradons.
okay. so new revised list. if you still see something please let me know. Oldblood -carnosaur -sword of striking -malming shield -glyph necklace -bane head -light armour Scar-Vet -cold one -BSB -burning blade of chotec -light armour -shield Priest -EotG -dispell scroll -diadiem Chief -ancient stegadon -warspear 18 saurus warriors (scar vet goes here) -spears, FC 18 saurus warriors -spears, FC 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 16/2 skrox unit
well i find them useful in many occassions. and i do want to bring terradons but the only problem is that i don't have them YET so they are out of the scenrio for now.
I couldn't agree more. Don't forget, although he's not a large target anymore, your carnossaur will be the target of every warmachine and then some more. You already have two solid blocks of infantry anyway. On a purely personal note, I'm not very sure if the oldblood is the better choice for competitive play. Cheers!
so i tried this list out yesterday against dwarfs. the guy had 2 cannons and an organ gun with 20 thunderers and about 4 fighting blocks. i massacred him. at the end, he killed about 350 pts and he had about 9 thunderers left on the table. so i put the 2 ancients on the flank with the oldblood next to the stegs further to the left. i basically took out one of the cannons with the carno and then it flank charged a unit of hammerers because of frenzy but at the same time, my 2 stegs charged the front of the hammerers. with the impact hits and all attacks, i wiped out the general with my oldblood, and the stegs basically killed each and everyone of those hammerers. i was stunned to see how those hammerers died so quickly which means, yes, this is what i will do from now on. i'm just curious about which armies i will struggle with.
Well' there's an obvious answer: Daemons. But then again, everybody struggles with that . An army that is immune to psychology and unbreakeable and capable of raising it's ranks -VC. Your magic defense is rather easy to neutralize. Oh, an empire gunline - their cannons do d6 wounds. A goblin SAD (8 spear chukkas). Don't really know enough about the new skaven an DE to assess their threat level. Cheers!
as a lizardmen player aren't I suppose to be the one who causes fear and terror? why is it that I feel i need to take a fear check now?
It can be a dangerous world outside the blessed land of Lustria, but our faith in the Old Ones will carry the day... most of the time. But you really should get those terradons ASAP. Cheers!
okay. i'm officially in love with this list for my tourny. i just massacred a dark elf monster heavy list. he brought his dreadlord on dragon, master on manticore, and a hydra with his cold one riders and other core units. highlights of the game. turn 1. he moved his manticore directly in front of my EotG just asking for a charge. he moved his dragon in plain view of my oldblood and skink chief. so my turn i charged his manticore with my EotG, charged his dragon with my Chief w/ warspear and my oldblood on carno. killed his manticore and master fled directly into my skinks and died. warspear put 4 wounds on his dragon and one on his dreadlord. he challenged my oldblood and carno tore up the dragon into pieces and oldblood did another wound on lord. but he had some special armour that if he saves his ward save then i take a wound with no AS. that sucked. i ended up taking 1 wound out of the 2 he saved. he ran. i caught him. he called the game by turn 3 right after my spearmen killed his black guard unit. that was fun
Glad to hear the list is working so well. Sometimes it's nice to skip over the everlasting Slann magic phase and get right into serious combat, carnosaur style. Also, I know I'm the minority here, but I use skrox units all the time and have had some great success. They charge 12", glide through water, are immune to fear, and can stand and shoot- and, by and large, the enemy doesn't perceive them as a real threat until it's too late. Main point is, if you like a unit and it works for you, use it, have fun, and don't feel the need to justify it to anybody (but still try out some terradons)
After shopping around for a army list i finally decided to give this one a go. In short, it was awesome! Played a Ogre kingdom army as well as wood elves and pretty much destroyed everything like a boss. When i decided to start my LM army i didn't wanna go heavy magic (first army was Helfs) but almost every LM list 2k + has a slann theme. So this list definitely tickled my fancy. Thanks again!!
well i'm glad it worked so well for you. i'm not a big slann fan but more along the lines of a carno fan. but please let me know if there was anything that you think could change in this list.
Well the only slight thing i was worried about is magic defense, but considering the armies i played didn't heavily rely on magic it was no big deal. If i do face a magic heavy army ill probably trade the skrox unit for some terradons and a a scroll caddy. Thats the only thing i was semi concerned about.
true, but having 6DD + scroll, my defense is pretty good. and also what i usually do on my magic phase is take 3 PD and try for IF. if not then they still have to try and dispell right? especially when they still think there's 2 more PD.
Good point, good point. I guess i just get nervous and air on the side of caution when i have 3 bad ass big dinos on the field =D Either way i love this list!
I'm going to try this list against my roommate tomorrow (DE's). We will be playing a 2500 point game...would it be entirely stupid to equip the Blade of Realities on the OB instead of the other stuff?
well with the blade of realities, DE are all high leadership, the only thing that it would be useful for his against a hydra. but a scar vet with burning blade can take care of a hydra. my set up is mainly for an all comers list. and against DE, they are all T3 anyways so increasing the strength shouldn't be the priority. more attacks if the best thing for me against DE.