I'm going to start posting updates on my lizardmen army. I haven't been able to complete any yet (I've been working on some 40k orks), but I'm hoping this and the monthly pledges will keep me motivated. I also haven't completely decided on my color scheme yet. Here's some cold ones that I've started, and I'd like to keep using bright color schemes: I posted one like it a long time ago with some old school skinks in a leopard pattern. I'd like to keep the leopard pattern, on skinks or maybe even saurus. Heres a stegadon that I started also: I don't like the scales so im thinking I'll try another color, and possibly even redo the skin.
Re: begginings of a lizardmen army I think the steg's skin looks good but i agree with you on the scales, if your sticking to brighter colours maybe orange would look good. although that would make it almost exactly the same colour scheme as your cold ones. i light blue maybe?
I want to make my LM's a bright army as well. Looks like you used the spray gun on the Cold Ones? And for my 2 cents, I kinda like the steg.
I painted a test model for my saurus color scheme let me know what you think. In the background is some of the scenery I made to go along with my lizard army. I would like to make a lot of jungle foliage, and eventually some temple city walls or buildings. So far I just made a small ruined area of steps because I didn't have any more Styrofoam. Hopefully I'll have the rest of my saurus done by the end of the month, or maybe some riders complete for my cold ones, but I'm going to be busy with exams and moving so I'm not making any promises (other than the half of the saurus regiment I pledged for april).
I like it, the yellow and green go really well together. Good work! A full unit of them will look great.
Anticipating a busy next few weeks I got started on the rest of my saurus. The blending between the colors is not as good as the test because I did them assembly line style one color at a time, but I'll fix that when I go in to finish each one.