Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The party stood at the rope bridge on their intended side of the chasm looking down, they waited there for the Chameleon skink to cross and join them. As the last of the party arrived, the group became suddenly aware of the completed silence in the area, as well as the oddly colored ground that now surrounded them and more, and the foul smell within its soil.

    Just then the ground began to rumble, it was extremely hard to keep balance but he party managed to move back away from the chasm to avoid tumbling in it, however when they did this the ground beneath them collapsed and the entire party fell into the collapsing hole.

    With no where to go all you can do is try to slow your fall.

    Initive Under 3 - 3 skill points to slow fall with no injury
    Intitive 3+ - 2 skill points to slow fall with no injury
    Ilok can use magic to avoid damage from the fall from himself and others - 1 magic for every 2 people aided this way including Ilok himself

    When you land you look each other over for injury, as you are doing this you suddenly catch the foul smell of warm bloods, filthy and musky smelling it is the unmistakable stench of Skaven.
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  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    (OOC: Imma wait until after Iloc has posted, but I work late tonight, so it might be a while before I post.)
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  3. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    For Hexec, the feel of the wind rushing against his face was the best feeling ever. Falling was very similar to flying and he felt right in his element. Spreading his arms and legs he slowed his descent and rolled right when he hit the ground, receiving no injury. He brushed himself off and looked around, hoping everyone was okay.
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  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Not much comments here, so I'll hold off the next post till everyone gets a chance to post
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  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok was shocked to see the ground beneath him fall. How could the ground itself collapse?
    He had no control over his fall, untill he glanced towards the bottom. It was already to close for comfort, as far as Ilok was concerned.
    He saw Hexec having full control over his descent, but Ilok knew the saurii were not that agile.
    A saurus versus some rock would have a pretty predictable outcome, he thought, which wouldn't be in the saurus' favor!

    He quickly focused and looked around for good threads of magic in the air, they quickly passed him; but Ilok weaved it together skillfully.

    To Ilok, Ax-Rodiq and Xa it seemed that their fall was speeding up, the ground coming ever so close. To the rest of the party, it seemed that the priest and the two saurii were slowly falling down to earth, harmlessly.
    Ilok then found the time, now that he had it, to cast another spell.
    This time though, the strange lights appeared again. They were not confusing to anybody, but appeared to be co-operating to catch the 2 skinks who were still falling. Ilok saw it all happening and knew it was good.
    Those lights slowed the descent down for Tzuhil and Huaroc, so they could land safely. Then, the lights simply faded out; after everybody had a good look on the bottom of the pit.
    Ilok, Ax-rodiq and Xa were already safe, Ilok's magic protecting them from harm.

    The big, and slow, saurus warriors looked amazed when they touched down safe and sound. The skinks knew what happened, long before the saurii realized it.

    Ilok then did a cantrip; he made magical light in the darkness. Only a few of the former small lights appeared this time. Shedding a small dim light, enough for everybody to see where they were.

    OOC(:) To the rescue! :). -2 magic points. I think that Ilok can cast something small like 'light' for free (and I just hope you agree :p), hence only 2 magic points to save the whole party (bar Hexec who saved himself). ))

    The Hunted
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  6. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    ((OOC: what would happen to me? I only have 2 skill points left.))
    Hzutli saw the cliff collapse and knew that he was in trouble. He did everything he could to try and slow his fall, but struggled immensely. Grabbing everything that he could get a hold of, his hands worked furiously to slow his fall. Although he worked hard, the landing was harder still and it took him awhile to arise and brush the dust off of him.
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  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(:) Did I just screw up the names there? I was planning on helping everybody here...
    And that means everybody :). I'll substract another magic point to save Hzutli if necessary. And it seems to be quite necessary...))
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya Hunted just subtract 1 magic and you saved everyone but the agile skink who saved himself.

    New post in the AM
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  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc had been startled when the ground collapsed underneith him. It was a rare occurance for the Chameleon to be startled in such a way! Prepairing himself for the worst he spread his arms and legs wide and knew he'd have to allow his body to colapse and roll when he hit the ground.

    Yet to his complete relief the oldest and wisest of the party extended his own powers over magic and saved him along with most everyone else in the party. Huaroc knew that he would owe llok a life debt for what he'd done to feather his fall. The debt Huaroc would be glad to fullfill!

    Once he'd landed his scales and skin instantly turned dark and the night around him, his eyes scanning all around in the darkness for danger, his blowpipe at the ready.
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  10. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Surprised, but relieved to find himself and his Carnosaur egg safe and sound, Ax-rodriq sniffed the air cautiously. There was no denying the vile scent that plagued his nostrils - Ratmen. He growled a warning to the others and drawing his sword, he prepared for the inevitable battle.
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  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    After the Lizardmen had checked each other over and found no injury, the looked around on guard from the foul smells that assailed them. They looked forward towards a long passage, looking along the walls then can see the claw marks from the ratmen that dug this out.

    The party began to move forward cautiously when suddenly they heard squeaking and the subtle scratching of many feet coming towards them. They brace their selves for a Skaven assault but instead from the darkness, come a small swarm of large non-bipedal rats. As there was no where to run the group stood their guard, fighting the hungry swarm was the only option. All together there where ten rats that needed to become one with the earth.

    WS 3+ and 1 attack - 1 battle point to kill 2 rats
    WS 3+ and 2 attack - 1 battle point to kill 3 rats
    WS 2 or less - 1 battle point kill 1 rat
    Magic - 1 magic - Kill 2 rats

    After the swarm was defeated the party continued down the passage, they came to a fork in the passage, one left, one right, and the other continued on. Which way from there, that was a decision the group would have to make.
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  12. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    ((Sorry about the absence... As I have 2 attacks but weapon skill 2 I guess I can kill 2 rats?))

    Tzuhil unsheathed his blades, angered at the sudden assault of the vile rat swarm. He leaped forward and skewered one with his sword, than jumping sideways and slicing another with the tip of his dagger, spilling his guts and making it squeak in agony.
    When the swarm was defeated Tzuhil knew that the party must hurry and choose it's path. He also knew better than to interfere with the choosing which he knew Ilok - the wisest of them all, would have to take. However, he did sniff the stench of more ratmen to the left.
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  13. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa was confused by the magical forces keeping him from falling. But he was not confused by the aproaching rats, he quickly hefted his mighty blade and prepared for battle. as the rats closed in Xa leapt foward with explosive speed and swung his axe with deadyl effect intsantly slaying 2 rats and with the momentum he swung himself around and battered the nearest rat in the face with his spiked tail. he checked for enemys none more came

    Asthey reached a junction in the cave Xa pointed to go right because of a noise he heard from the other direction that was unmistakably a rat though he knew that wich every way they went, they would not be alone.......

    ((OOC shall i carry over points for the days that i was away? -1 battle point ))

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  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((sure only one day though I think))

    NP, sure everyone will be absent at some point. Ya only 2
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  15. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Surprised that the fall wasn't as hard as he initially thought, Hzutli then recognized the scent of the vile ratmen and flew into a rage. How could they possibly hope to win against the true rulers of the world? With a quick movement, Hzutli chopped downward through the skull of the rat leaping at him, than grabbed the next with his open hand crushing its neck. Finally with a leap, Hzutli severed a third rat in two with a great two-handed swing. Seeing everyone else handle the situation, Hzutli went back to the rest of the party.
    At the cross roads Hzutli was invigorated. He could smell the ratmen all around them and was anxious to come to grips with them. He didn't care which direction they took so long as they got to slay the chaotic-born mutants. The longer they waited the more headstrong he became.
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  16. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huoroc had been ready to for the swarm the instant it had come into contact with the expedition. Pulling his small dagger from it's protective slip he slashed one, then side stepped onto the wall and used the momentum from the jump off the wall to carry him past the final rat in the swarm. Slashing as he passed it, the small minion of the horned deamon was cut clean in two. Wipping the glad clean on the ground he replaced the small dagger.

    At the intersection Huoroc looked down both tunnels then turned to llok, speaking reverently but with urgency.

    "Allow me to scout the right tunnel and see what's ahead. I can report back quickly and it should help with our decision." Huoroc said to llok.

    ((2 battle points used))
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  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok surveyed the battle. His party handled these threats very well. Ilok just had to get them there safely.

    They soon came to the intersection, where Huaroc asked to scout ahead.
    Ilok thought, as there were no skies to read, and thought of it as a wise move.
    He granted Huaroc to scout ahead, not too far. And report back his immediately.

    The group simply had to wait and recover for those few moments.
    Ilok only hoped he had made the right decision. For the skies were dark, and he had nothing to fall back on.

    He spoke the words, and Huaroc moved on. Stealthily. Silently.

    The party kept their guard up, and their nose as well. Ilok sat down, he was in deep thoughts.

    The Hunted
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  18. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc focused on blending into the background of the tunnel's walls and floor. His skin changed instantly to adjust to the dark earth and the gravely textures mimiced in color by his skin. His footsteps were more quiet than a mouse and his breath was so regulated in force and flow that even if he snout was to the floor it would hardly have kicked up dirt particles.

    Using all the significant senses to detect anything about the tunnel he moved ahead. What he would find he did not know.

    ((I've sent a PM to you, Cracken, if you'd rather tell me what I find via that means, otherwise I'll await your information before posting furhter. Oh, and I'd also like to burn a blend point for this post))
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  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Huoroc disappears from your view the group stands in defense waiting in the eerie silence for his return.

    ((You can post on this everyone if you choose but I'm waiting on Huoroc's PM before I move the story forward.))
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  20. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc returned to the group, forcing his skin to change blue like the other skinks so that they could see him. He was clearly shaken from what he saw but there was an urgancy to his movements and attitude. He quickly waved his hands so that llok and the other Lizardmen could hear what he had to say.

    "Foul ratmen have created some abomination from a skink head and given it warpstone eyes. It smelled of foul magic, nothing like your pure essence-" he pointed to llok "-they approach behind me, four or five and they carry the head with them." He said.

    Huaroc pulled out his most potent of poisons he carried with him and dipped a second layer of this potent poison onto his already poisoned darts. He was ready for the fight, such was his dusgust of the rat things he wished for nothing more than to erradicate them from the planet of the Old Ones!!!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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