8th Ed. Triumph & Treachery List 2k

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by livewaaaaagh, May 15, 2019.

  1. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Need your help fellow Saurus. Playing a 2K pt game of Triumph & Treachery.

    Opponents will be High Elves & Warriors of Chaos. I've personally never played T&T, so it'll be a first for me.

    I have 3 lists in mind - please note: I enjoy thematic lists and don't usually field the most competitive list in the universe (read: no skink cloud).

    List 1: Slann, Scar Vet on CO and Skink Priest.
    block of Saurus,
    2 units of javelin skinks
    block of temple guard
    5 cold one knights

    In essence here, this is a mostly "normal" list. 1 block of saurus + COs OR Troglon on one "side", and Temple guard and the remaining CO/Trog on the other. This particular Chaos player doens't usually bring Hall cannon, so the Trog would be brought to essentially help the remaining blocks. Question is: What lore for the Slann? And should I dump something to make room for a Stegadon instead?

    List 2: Our friend Chakax joins the Temple Guard unit with Slann making them essentially unbreakable in case they need to hold the middle and he might be able to take out some heroes.

    High Elves are not usually a good opponent for this because the ASL he gives cancels out ASF, but they still strike at initiative. Not sure about Chaos though. The goal here is to have a very strong, unbreakable but unit of Temple Guard in the middle. 25~ strong.

    Slann lore in this case?

    List 3: Tetto List. Maybe an Old blood on Carnosaur as the general (no cannon to fear, but likely a few Eagle Eyes.
    Tetto in a block of skinks.
    2 skirmisher skinks
    block of saurus
    block of temple guard.

    Problem here: No Slaan. Carnosaur could mean a lot of tokens for someone that gets him. No Cold one bus, or Steg. No room, I don't think.

    Last question: Chameleons... leave them at home or bring them?
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Again I'm sceptical about the Skink units, as High Elves can easily outshoot them and if WoC can catch them, they'll be butchered in half a minute. Also their S3 weapons won't do much at all against T4 Chaos-armoured units. Otherwise that list largely makes sense, although I'd rather think a Carnosaur would be more useful than a Troglodon as there won't be any cannons to worry about.

    When you're playing Triumph and Treachery, you also need to think about whether you're going to take any mercenary units - I believe you have a quarter of your points limit to either spend on mercenary units or invest in extra victory coins, so you have 500 points. I'd say taking a Dwarf cannon with an engineer and some artillery runes would be a useful way to spend some of those points, as that'll force your enemies to keep a low profile with their monsters or else risk them getting blown apart. If you take a Thane to lead them and some Thunderers or Quarrrellers with the Cannon you'd have a nice little missile powerbase to give your Saurus some cover fire.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Please do a battle report, I've always been fascinated by Triumph and Treachery but I never had a chance to play it. It's hard enough to find one person to play 8th edition with let alone two at once.

    All three of your lists use a lot of Saurus in them. You are facing two armies that are brutally effective in melee (okay, HE Core is pretty mediocre but their Special Infantry is deadly). I humbly suggest you take the Lore of Light. Lore of Light is a great lore for Saurus heavy armies and good counter against enemy elite infantry.

    I mostly agree with Lord Agragax, but I think they have use as redirectors and they can dominate enemy chaff. High Elf Great Eagles and Chaos Hounds. Taking two units is not excessive. Though you can probably afford to drop them if you are hard up for points. If you opt to take a Skink priest, you'll probably want them.

    Does your Chaos opponent like taking big monsters? Does your HE opponent favor Phoenixes? Kroxigor are great at monster hunting, but they tend to do poorly against enemy infantry, so taking them is a calculated risk.

    Again, please put up a detailed battle report!
  4. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Thanks for the responses! Allow me to tackle a bit here and then provie a new idea also:

    Re: skinks: They've worked very well for me, even against this HE opponent several times. He has fielded the White Lion brick with BotWD in the past, so I need to have something to redirect, block, etc. Plus, they've always won the chaff battle. He does have a phoenix that he's never fielded in favor of big infantry blocks, but you never know!
    For Chaos, I've only played his Chaos army once, and it was Warriors, Chosen and the big monstrous cavalry whose names are escaping me.

    We're not palying the mercenary rule as it's our first T&T game, so we're just doign 2k points straight up.

    Over on FB, some suggested a Tetto list. It could be very fun to bribe one opponent to let me comet the other opponent in the face. The problem is that I'd need to assemble 20 Skinks before Saturday morning and today and tomorrow are heavy work days, And even then, they'll be unpainted, so I'm not entirely sure I want to do that, or if I even have time for that.

    If not, I was looking at "plan b" lists. One of the, using your idea of the Carnosaur would be:
    Slann lore of life
    Scar vet on Carnosaur
    Skink Priest Scroll caddy

    30x Saurus
    2x 10-Skinks

    24~ TempleGuard
    1 Baby Stegadon

    The diea is that I'm expecting likely a lot of infantry - and very good ifnantry at that. So the monsters and their Thumderstomp could be beneficial.

  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Sounds like you have White Lions handled. My redirection game is not great. My plan for White Lions is generally to fight them with Temple Guard and use magic to buff the TG or hex the Lions.

    Juggernauts of Khorne. We have no hard counter for that unit besides the Lore of Metal which is subpar against most other things you will be fighting. You need to redirect them. To fight them head on you need lots of magical buffs and lots of luck. Maybe give your Temple Guard the Razor Standard, but that's pretty expensive for a 2000 point game.

    A Carnosaur should be able to take on Juggernauts but even if victorious, the Carnosaur will walk away severely wounded.
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Triumph and Treachery is so much fun, i sadly only ever got to play 2 games of T and T, it is a great mix of people trying to be competitive and just having fun.

    I take it you play with the deck of cards? They have some really strong effects, do not underestimate them. Especially cards that force opponents to choose other enemies during phases are really strong. These cards also make you want to play more reactive, long ranged, so i would say Slann are really strong. Monsters are also pretty good usually, as they are hard to kill, so hard to get points from. You want to play reactive, if you charge in the center you will become the enemy of everyone, and be quickly killed, you have to play the diplomacy game. Also try to befriend at least one opponent during the game and be totally ready to stab them in the back for big points around turn 3-4, that generally works.

    Per lists, i would like a mix between 3 and 1. Cold one Knights and the Troglodon are pretty bad, especially the Troglodon, so i would take the basis of list 3 but get a Slann in it. Some large combat blocks with Stegadon support should be solid, i think the Bolt Throwers might surprise you, especially with Hand of Glory. Have fun!
    Scalenex and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

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