idea for tactic board.

Discussion in 'Ideas, problems and feedback' started by Walgis, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: Army of the Month: Dark Elves

    Oh great humble JohnMavrick,

    That's about the idea that I wanted to get started in here too :). Over at bugmansbrewery there are 3 different tactics help-types.
    -True Beginner
    -ADT=Advanced Dwarven Tactics. (and for show-off: I was also part in 1 of them ;))

    Very good stuff, which is needed to get a forum rolling (IMHO). Good discussions improve LO at all times, and tactics provide great stuff for discussing.
    Also, beginning players often (like to) read through these tactics and learn.

    All in all, improvements. Now:

    Oooh Great Moderators, we, the humble forum members, have but one tiny request!
    Oooh Great Moderators, listen to our wise member JohnMavrick, although nothing compared to your true wisdom; only we think he's smart (well, some of us....), for JohnMavrick has a slight request. And, as a bonus, you get to punish him if you don't like it, instead of us :p.

    :rolleyes: Dreadful I know...

    The Hunted
  2. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Re: Army of the Month: Dark Elves

    :D Hunted your killing me :chicken:
  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: Army of the Month: Dark Elves

    I seem to be in that dreafull mood today :p.

    Seeing I almost tricked Craken in his color using...(the RPG).
    And well, pretty much sacrificed you to the mods ;)
    Things are running pret-ty smoothly!

    The Hunted
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Terrible idea, John you are now banned and there is a hitman on the way to you.

    j/k :)

    It is a good idea and works well, however, I think for now while everything is still in a very unfinished state it is better to just leave it as an index. Adding a front page website with tactics articles and such is something we can think about adding when the current indices are done.

    Just for my 2 cents on it though, I have seen other forums work without a front page and just keeping the couple of sticky indexes and it has also worked well. What it does is keep people on the forum rather than on just a website, and makes it much easier for new people to come along and add fresh ideas.

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