Poll: Stranded on a deserted island, which do you choose? + wild card round (page 5)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, May 22, 2019.


As per the original post, stranded on a deserted island, which do you choose?

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

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  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah, even in Norway (less polluted than here) I wouldn't just drink from a river, there could be a swamp or some beaver-built pond upstream, which makes the water considerably less healthy.
    I have occasionally taken a sip or two from small creeks up in the mountains, or straight up from the source, but usually I avoid even that if there isn't a sign saying it is drinkable.

    EDIT: and even rain water is not necessarily clean. Probably the best option though.

    Also this: :D

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    How am I "making" it better? The original post states what is included in each group; it is clear as day. As per the original post there is a wrecked sailboat. I'm not assuming the sail boat has anything fancy on it beyond what it needs to function properly as a sail boat (although some of it is damaged but can be fixed using materials found on the island; a process which will take 12 years). As such, making the assumption that the sail boat has a sail is not a stretch.

    I think you're trying to alter the parameters to justify your position and then insinuating that I am doing the same!

    Most dog food is edible by humans. It's not recommended under normal circumstances, but will work nicely in an emergency situation. The food is not poisonous or toxic and contains caloric content that a human can digest. As I have laid out previously, this would be used as a backup when other sources of food run dry. It's not "apparently now human-edible", it's simply the way it normally is (at least in North America). I'm considering it as a backup only.

    I never said the shelter was perfect. But I am making the assumption that it fulfills its role as outlined in the original post. In fact, I am making the assumption that everything presented in the original post is in good working order unless otherwise stated. As such, the hunting rifle can safely fire rounds, the booze is not contaminated and can be consumed, the fishing gear is in good condition and functional, etc. In the case of the shelter, that means it protects against wind and rain (because that is what a shelter meant to house weed would do!). I don't get why this is so contentious?

    As for the temperature, there may be some cold nights, but it would likely be quite survivable since there is no wind getting in the shelter and it is dry. As per the original post "island is hot and sunny 3/4 of the year, the other 1/4 is rainy season. We're talking about a tropical island. People live and survive on the street in far colder climates without the benefit of a shelter. It won't always be perfectly comfortable, but it will still be more survivable than whatever shelter you or I could build using materials found on the island.

    The animals could wait for me outside of the shelter. Especially at the beginning before I have been able to set up primitive secondary traps/fences/defenses. But at least they won't get me in my sleep. I can then try to wait them out or fight them with any spears/weapons I have created with my knife (depending on what type of animal we are dealing with).

    Yes you could use any sail boat stuff which you could easily remove and reattach when ready to set sail. You would be a fool not to! I'm not talking about stripping it down and then assuming that it magically is fit to sail in 12 years; only things that are designed to be removable. The sail itself can easily be taken down and put back up. In fact, even if I didn't need it as a blanket, I would take it down and store it safely in my shelter. I wouldn't just leave it out there to get further damaged. Where in the original post does it say that you can't access the sailboat? Just as if you chose group A, I would assume that you have access to the hunting rifle and 300 rounds!

    The original post says there is a wrecked sailboat and not that a sailboat will get wrecked on the island after you spend some time there. The same can be said for any item from any of the groups. The hunting rifle, chest freezer, booze, mp3 are all available right from the onset. If the sailboat was to be wrecked at a later date, the original post would have had to have specified that. Otherwise, it is no different from any of the other items and is assumed to be there from the start.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Language barrier probably. To me that wasn't clear at all.
    I take that point of critique back.

    Oh come on, I was mostly joking. I even used an emote!
    It's OK to assume some things that make survival a tad more likely. Like the booze bottles/crates, the fact that the hot chick in B is actually hot because she is SurvivalLilly (a great YT channel I enjoy watching: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCS4LBgyn1WLSojiQI4aPjtg ), it is easy to find logs for a shelter, spear fishing for non-toxic fish is an option, water can be found relatively easily, the shelter is in a good position and we actually all know what to do instead of googling it all the time. :D

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Fair enough.

    You know what they say, all is fair in love and survival analysis! (okay nobody actually says that)

    The more I study and discuss the options, the more I gravitate towards option C. It seems stacked with options that the other groups can't compete with. At this point it almost seems unfair. Of course I am viewing it through the lens of survivablity. If one were to assume that there is 0% chance of survival in any group, then it would make sense to view it through the lens of which group offers you the best way to go out (i.e. least painful death, most enjoyment before you die, etc.).

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Aginor @The Red Devil

    I've seen much discussion on there being no chance of survival via any of the options. I disagree with that claim. I feel there is always a very small chance of survival. People have survived against seemingly insurmountable odds. If the various groups give you 0.0002%, 0.003% and 0.08% chance to survive, then I will always go with 0.08% chance because it is the best of a bad situation. The point of the exercise is to analyze which option gives you the best option to survive (no matter how remote), otherwise..

    If you genuinely feel that all the options give you a 0.00000% chance to survive, then pick the one which you feel would give you best way to enjoy your final days.

    We can all choose which way we would deal with the situation, I know my stance...

  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah the thing is you wouldn't know about the 20 years.

    If I knew about the 20 years then I'd probably try and leave a nice message and then just kill myself. Not worth it.

    So this case is just too unrealistic to really decide. I did so for laughs and I think I explained the reasons behind my decision pretty well. And so did a few others of y'all. All options certainly have their perks.

    After all the stuff I have read about survival then gear is only a very small part. People with perfect gear have failed to survive when alone. Not being only one person is the single most important factor, but three is probably just not enough.

    On a side note: I must say I like this little survival discussion we have here. Nice thread. :)
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Wild card round. Same basic scenario as described in the original post, but you get to choose 5 "items" (with an item being defined as everything associated with one picture) in any combination from any of the groups.

    For instance, the small shelter with 3 tons of marijuana and acoustic guitar is considered one item because they are all associated with one picture. Similarly the two lesbians are considered to be one item, the same is true for the 3 knives and sharpening stone, etc.

    All other described limitations remain in effect, i.e. dog food only lasts 5 years, etc.

    So which five do you choose?

    Mine are as follows (in no particular order).

  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That should involve the hot chick. :p
  9. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    I have not claimed there is no chance of survival, just that there is a small chance depending on the person, their skillset and the location.

    If we take a step back and look at this from a different standpoint, a random person living 200, 300, etc. years ago would have a higher chance of surviving in a scenario as discussed (with the tools switched to that time periods equivalent) than most persons living today would.
  10. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    In this scenario, my choices (with lots of assumptions) would be the following (not in order):

    1. The knife set (assuming it is actually good quality knives and not the random china / rambo junk).
    2. The booze (assuming a good part of it being high alcohol %, making it possible to use it for other purposes than drinking)
    3. Hunting rifle and rounds (assuming reasonable caliber that can kill the big game on the island, i.e. no 22lr, .223, etc.)
    4. Hot chick.
    5. Small shelter

    Assuming the person has at least some knowledge of survival, like hunting, preparing tools, traps, etc. and know how to prepare food for storage, this is what would I believe would provide the highest chance for survival.
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would take:
    Knife set
    Fishing gear

    I was originally intending to still have the fair lady with me, but having remembered how useful the freezer would be for keeping food for a time in which it was scarce and how the ready-built shelter would be far more comfortable than any scratch-built one, alas it was deemed necessary to abandon her. Of course you are all thinking ‘what are you going to do for fire?’ but I’ve thought of that too - the knife set comes with a sharpening stone, so I believe that it could be possible to strike sparks on the sharpening stone with the knife. If so, that’s my fire sorted.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    You know what?
    i could take:

    Knife set
    Lesbian with shitty personality

    We already know that knives and shelter are very good, and also the freezer.
    the girl is good for fishing (so she replaces the fishing gear) and you can talk with someone. 12 years is a long time, and I'm confident we will find a compromise between our personalities, to live an acceptable life.

    But the choices should be only 4...
    otherwise, i could simply take the wholeness of the "C" option, plus the freezer.
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Lizerd like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I can't disagree with any of that!
    Lizerd likes this.
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hmmmm that makes stuff interesting!
    My first thoughts:

    1. the girls from A
    2. the girl from B
    3. the fishing gear from B
    4. the knives from C
    5. the boat from C

    No drugs, no gun, but tools. No problem because four people will be able to keep predators at bay.
    The hot girl is basically a mix between SurvivalLilly and my wife. The lesbians can fish with the fishing gear while her and I build shelters and stuff if needed. The shitty Lesbian will not be such a big problem when she is the minority.

    We can use the stuff from the sail boat (or even the boat itself) as shelter. Kinda sensible because as soon as it floats you are safe from most predators on it.
    With four (later three) people you could actually use the boat once it is repaired.

    Food sources will be fish and small game which we will trap. If the boat has a somewhat intact deck it will catch rain water perfectly. Storage of said water will be a bit harder since we have no bottles, but there might be at least a few small containers in the fishing gear or the boat, and we can build cups from coconuts, wood or something like that in no time.

    Four people is still far from ideal but that might actually provide a small chance of survival.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    With the thread seemingly coming to an end, let's take a look at the wild card votes (cast by 5 members). Here are the number of people that voted for each item:

    Knife Set (C) → 5
    Shelter (C) → 4
    Sailboat (C) → 4
    Freezer (B) → 3
    Booze (A) → 2
    Hot Chick (B) → 2
    Fishing Gear (B) → 2
    Lesbians (A) → 2
    Rifle (A) → 1
    Gold (A) → 0
    MP3 (B) → 0
    Dogs (C) → 0

    Total number of votes per category:

    Group C → 13 (52% of all votes)
    Group B → 7 (28% of all votes)
    Group A → 5 (20% of all votes)
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Imrahil like this.
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I think option C would be the most logical, You have dog food to last 5 years for 2 dogs. I'm sure they can survive on less than that and also food that you have foraged. meaning you have backup food for a year. You get to leave 8 years early...Like, come on! thats the best obviously. Then you get the instant shelter and knives extra. More people = more food.

    (Edited it so that it makes sense :))
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Mhhh Do I see a plan?;):eek:
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    You're an evil person. :p

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You mean option C? The items you mentioned are from C.

    Option C is my favourite as well. For the record, you get to leave 8 years early, not 12.

    I guess now we know why he is called Killer Angel!
  20. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    In the original post I went "C"

    Kill one of the dogs straight away and cut it up, use it's skin to keep warm and eat the meat, the dog food will now last 10 years if I don't need to eat any.

    If the dog is still alive after all the food has gone and there is no way of keeping it full, kill it, a hungry dog has no loyalty to it's master.

    I don't do drugs but they could be useful and I can load the boat up and sell whats left but sell for medical use not recreational.

    Wild Card

    Gun > Easy food

    Knife > Easy skinning

    Boat > Leave early and use the boat as a shelter

    Dogs > Hunting and food, company

    Gold > We all need money in the real world
    Nazqua and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

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