Hi Guys! didn't know if this was the right place to post it but here we go! Do you guys know of any alternative jungle swarm models? I'm thinking a little bit like the Forge World Rippers: As the GW ones seem rather outdated. Cheers, Bez
I think Reaper Mini has a few swarm type models... http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/swarm Mega Minitures looks to be making some lizard swarms sometime this year http://www.megaminis.com/ and they allready have a some snake swarms.
WOW!!! Those Reaper swarms are really nice! THX for the links, it'd be nice if Reaper would make some jungle swarms.
Oh check it out I found some more... http://www.exodus-road.com/xcart/home.php?cat=505 toad and spider swarms.
I use the snake 'swarm' bits from the CoC box set for my swarms. You can glue two to a swarm base and it looks pretty decent, you get two swarm bases in a single box.